Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 348

Words that are very similar to once Xue Nai.

"How many women have you...have had relationships with."

Whether she loves her, whether she will marry her, Serizawa Mizuki is very concerned about this, but what she wants to know most is how many women Lin Ye had once.

Although only seventeen years old, who knows how many women this experienced man will have.

"Ten...less than ten..."

Serizawa Mizuki can't believe that this guy has so many women...No, it won't be...

You must know that it is not necessarily a woman, maybe just for demand, so spend money...

"From now on, don't go to those women in the future, it's not good for you..."

Serizawa Mizuki, who turned his head, added a little tremblingly.

"Not good? It won't be..."

"Who knows if you will pass on any disease to me and Qianli, so you are not allowed to go anymore, there is a need, me, me and Qianli..."

It turned out that without knowing it, he gained the heart of a young girl.

"Shuijie..." Lin Ye was gentle as she stroked Serizawa's cheeks with her hands.

If the pink hair at first made him care, at this moment, the girl's innocent love for him made him happy.

"Come with me!"

Hobbies may not be complete, but for the rest, Lin Ye will definitely give her happiness.

"Well, gentle... be gentle..."


Ruan Tada lying on the sofa and didn't want to move at all, watching Lin Ye hugged him, as if exhausting all his energy, he said, "Ye, after sending me back, you should rest early!"

She is really exhausted.

"Of course, just one bed for the three of us..."

"This, wait... I shouldn't..."

"You thought Qianli would not see anything. It would be better to say that a bed would be better, so it was so pleasant to decide."

"It's unpleasant, obviously to satisfy your evil desires..."

Chapter 369 I'll Teach You Guitar

Early in the morning, when the first rays of sunlight poured into Qianli’s face through screens and curtains, her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and after a sob, she changed to a sleeping position.

The tip of her nose is full of a masculine scent. Qianli knows that it is just the smell of Senior Lin Ye. Last night, they...

Hey, why do you have pink hair? Remember pink hair is...

Thinking of something, Qianli's mind suddenly woke up, keeping her body moving slightly and looking to the other side of Lin Ye.There is a satisfying flush on the delicate face, and some messy hair is scattered on the head of the bed.

It's water knot, yes, it's water knot.

Moreover, like that... his squinted face was tightly pressed against Lin Ye, and his hands clung to Lin Ye's left hand. Of course, the most important thing was that there was no wisp of the whole body.

Qian Li was a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Although he was mentally prepared for a long time, it came too suddenly.

He stared at Lin Ye with his eyes and thoughts in his mind, but in the end it turned into a long sigh. After that, he leaned his little head against Lin Ye’s right shoulder, and hugged Lin Ye with his hands, closed his eyes, and prepared to go again. rest for a bit.

Lin Ye, who had already woke up, opened his eyes at this time, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

It was great that Qian Li could accept this.

Moreover, there will be no problems in the relationship between the two people.

After all, they are already lying on the same bed with themselves.

"Senior, it's too much!"

Qianli who was close to her ear had a slight resentment.She didn't know that Lin Ye was already awake at this time, but wanted to take this opportunity to vent her inner dissatisfaction.

"I've dealt with the water so soon, or say I'm alone..."

Lin Ye took the opportunity to hug Qianli's small waist and hugged it tightly.

"Qianli, I..."

Qian Li pressed an index finger to Lin Ye's lips."Senior, don't say anything, I understand."


Perhaps I remembered that I was going to school. Even though Shuijie was exhausted, I got up when it was time.

Although Lin Ye dissuaded him, Shui Jie smiled and shook his head and refused.

You don’t have to go to class, but today’s noon broadcast is her turn, and she must be responsible for it.

Therefore, Lin Ye didn't care about hugging left and right, and got up as quickly as possible. Qianli, who got up after the water knot, prepared breakfast.

Very ordinary Western breakfast, there are really no other suitable ingredients in the refrigerator.

Lin Ye looked forward to the future, and it seemed that this place would become more and more lively, and all kinds of ingredients also needed to be stocked.


After renting out to the school, Lin Ye wanted to invite Xue Na, but he didn't run into it.Moreover, what happened yesterday, um, Lin Ye feels somewhat sorry for Xue Na up to now.

I just explained that I don’t have much to do with water knots, but at night...

As usual, Lin Ye belonged to the last group to enter the classroom and greeted the class leader Fuji Lin Yu, Lin Ye moved to his original position, and in order to avoid the misunderstanding of others in the class, Lin Ye just smiled at Xue Nao , And did not say hello.

After all, Xue Nao's temperament was relatively cold, and Lin Ye knew that the other party did not like this nominal greeting.

And since just now, the Dongma who glanced over to him from time to time made Lin Ye a little concerned.He guessed that Dongma had something to tell himself, but in the end he gave up because of the environment.

Lin Ye can basically conclude that it was the previous thing, but what to do, words and deeds must be said and done, so what should be done.

It is the beginning and the end, Lin Ye is not just talking about it.

"Go with me..."

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