Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 353

"Why do you only have one bed here..."

Facing Dongma's question, Lin Ye didn't know how to answer.

"Well, I think you should ask the hotel about the bed in this room, not me."

"What are you not going to do tonight?"

After not finding any foreign matter at all, Dong Ma jumped to the topic and directly stunned Lin Yewen.

What are you going to do?

What do I need to do?

Your question is easy to misunderstand me!

"No, no, I'm just going to sleep for a while, I'm a little tired these two days, if nothing happens..."

"I heard that people in the hotel are looking for some special services. You don't have this idea."

Seeing that Lin Yeyou wanted to let her go, she didn't want to.Besides, she didn't want to go back to another room, that iceberg woman, she hated.

She hates being in the same room with her.

"No." Just looking at Dongma's slightly contemptuous eyes, Lin Ye was really a little convulsed, Dongma, this guy will not stimulate him like the water knot!

"Moreover, even if I want to call out, I am not interested in whether you and Yukino are as beautiful."

"Sure enough, you have already called, otherwise, why would you make them less beautiful than me."

I'm not just making an analogy, why are you so serious?

"Then you have called it! Besides, the bed next to you was in a fight just now, so it's better to stay away, otherwise it will be bad if it gets you dirty."

After speaking, Lin Ye sat directly on the bed, ready to enter the bed to sleep.

"Go back earlier! Or if you don't want to share a room with Yukino, I'll go and open another room under you."

Coming to herself, she just didn't want to share a room with Xue Nao.

Lin Ye said the most likely conjecture.

Dongma was silent.

"I'll open a room for you!"

Although he didn't answer, Lin Ye knew that for girls with a personality like Dongma, when they admitted that it was difficult to go to the sky, Lin Ye was still going to go there.

Anyway, I brought all my bank cards, so I still have some money.

"Wait..." Seeing Lin Ye had started, Dongma didn't know why Lin Ye stopped.

"Just stay here. It would be too wasteful to open another one. Moreover, the price of this hotel is very high. Where did you get so much money."

His pocket money is relatively sufficient, but Dongmark is not willing to spend it in such a place.

Moreover, she was prepared accordingly when she chose to come over.

It's just that two beds have become one bed.

Dong Ma directly closed and waited, and then Lin Ye heard the sound of rustling, and then, by the light coming in from the window, Lin Ye saw that Dong Ma had gotten into the bed that should have belonged to him.

Well, don't want to sleep in bed tonight.

"Who are you in bed! I'll go to lie down on the sofa..."

"Who wants you to sleep on the sofa, this bed can sleep two people, or you don't want to sleep in the same bed with me."

It's really a novel feeling to share a bed with my brother.Although it was a bit inappropriate at this age, Dong Ma was also worried that the other party would use his hands, but when Lin Ye regretfully wanted to go to the sofa to sleep, Dong Ma's rebellious mentality exploded.

"If it's a man, don't dawdle, come in quickly."

If it weren't for that tone was too cold, Lin Ye would doubt if the other party was inviting him.

Thinking that it wasn't him who suffered, Lin Ye went straight in.

It just always feels like a betrayal to Yukino.After all, Xue Nai is next door, and she...

Uh, this thing seems to have happened.

The warm quilt had the unique sweetness of a girl, and Lin Ye could clearly hear the heartbeat of a girl lying not far from her.

It turns out that Dongma will be nervous too!

"Good night, Dongma!"

Lin Ye decisively chose to close his eyes and rest.As long as you fall asleep, everything will pass quickly.

But... how can I sleep.

There was a big beauty lying beside her, and she did nothing.

Being a beast is not as good as being a beast... and, after all, humans are creatures that can xx all year round.

I remembered He Qianli, the wonderful feeling when the water was knotted.I remembered the body touch of Dongma when he kissed and stroked Dongma.

It's a bit bad to think about it...

Taking a deep breath, removing the distracting thoughts from his mind, Lin Ye began to use some methods to get himself into deep sleep as soon as possible.

The previous experience allowed Lin Ye to master the method of deep sleep.

"Are you still awake?"

Lin Ye, who had just entered sleep mode again, was woken up by Dongma again.

"Miss, you let me go to bed first!"

Lin Ye changed his name to Dongma.And this name made Dongma's face a little difficult to look.

Although she closed her eyes, she never fell asleep, because how could a man fall asleep lying next to her, but, the man beside her closed his eyes and motionless, only the slight breathing proved that he was alive.

She felt her self-confidence was blown.

According to her estimation, Lin Ye would definitely use her hands and feet, and then she could teach Lin Ye a good lesson, but this guy actually went to sleep and called herself Missy.

Totally unacceptable.

Chapter 374: Let Me Be Your Relative

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