Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 359

This kind of thing is completely in the hands of Xueno. If she doesn't get her personal recognition for a day, it will never succeed.

"Lin... Ye, do you understand, this woman just wants to hang you in this way, if you want a girlfriend, girlfriend, I..."

Dongma didn't know what to do.

"It's not Dongma classmate who is preparing to dedicate himself!"

Seeing the smile at the corner of Yukino's mouth, Dongma bit his lip, desperately holding back the suffocation in his heart.

"What is so good about this ice woman, she has a cold personality, doesn't know how to take care of people, and has a poisonous tongue. Apart from being more beautiful and fairer, she is completely useless, especially..."

Looking at the position of Xueno's chest deliberately, Dongma raised a smile as if he had found a winning factor, "If you have a child, you can't guarantee any milk..."

I remembered the moment when I was told this in Linye's room, even if everyone around me didn't think so, it was enough to think so.

"At least someone likes me. I don't want someone to pester someone with some special reason."

What is a special reason? We are brothers and sisters. That is a relationship that you, a woman, can destroy.

When I remembered that I had suggested this woman yesterday, Dong Ma felt that he had chosen the wrong person.As long as she bowed her head slightly to herself, she would allow them to be together, but now, it is impossible.

"Ye, I will find you a girlfriend, prettier than her, gentler than her, understanding, the most important thing is...huh..."

Suddenly the center of the topic touched him again, and Lin Ye was also desperate.

Also, girlfriend or something.

"I think I already have this. I don't want to introduce you to Sister Sa."

Of course Yukino knew who it was, Chiri, Eiri, and people she didn't know.But Dongma subconsciously regarded the person Lin Ye said as Xuexia.

"No, it is my responsibility to solve my brother's single problem. I will find you a girlfriend who will satisfy you. Therefore, give up this woman as soon as possible, so as not to let her cry by your girlfriend."

With one hand on his hips, Dongma was confident, but Lin Ye didn't have any expectations about it.Dongma and Sha, who are alone, will have friends, not at all.As for looking for it later?

impossible.Dongma's cold personality shows that she will not take the initiative to contact other people.Even if it comes into contact with her interpersonal skills, it is worrying.

Moreover, it is even more difficult to find a girl who fits what she said.

Being beautiful is an advantage, but that is also for the opposite sex.Unless the girl that Dongma is looking for is homosexual, but this one is in Zou Wu Gao...maybe!

There are tens of thousands of people, and there are always some abnormal people.

"Then I am looking forward to the Lin Ye girlfriend you found, Dongma, who can make me cry."

"Then you look forward to it!"

Neither of them admits defeat.Lin Ye went back to the room and put on his clothes.

But the glasses on the bridge of the nose are really easy to use.

The temperament of the whole person converged.

However, Nan Qinli should be able to recognize themselves!

It takes 40 minutes by tram to get from the hotel to Otimino Academy and then a 10-minute walk.

Along the way, two career-specific girls attracted the attention of men around, but unfortunately no man dared to face the cold breath of the two men who took the initiative to come forward and strike up a conversation.

"I will arrive after the front corner. You can go to the school's reception room to take a rest and then start working."

At this time, the phone rang the alert tone of receiving the mail. Seeing the sender, Lin Ye didn't want to reply directly to Tokyo.

Author's message:

PS: I started playing the Shepherd of the Great Library again to find the feeling, and the picture quality of the game is still good!!!

Chapter 379

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu should also be in the workplace, but I don't know where it is!According to her temperament, it should be in Chiba.

The phone didn't even have a chance to put it in his pocket, and the phone vibrated again, the sender-Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Um, this won't be in Tokyo, right?

Lin Ye saw the content of the email and became more and more certain, so he decided not to reply.Now the two girls here are enough for her to have a headache, and the black-bellied Shiyu Xiazhiqiu is about to explode!

The dean of Otonoki College is Nan Qinli's mother. Looking at this young woman dressed up in Li, Lin Ye saw the appearance of a grown-up version of Nan Qinli.

A mother must have a daughter.

This is genetic inheritance.

"Welcome a few to come, and the student union will come to receive three people and serve as the tour guide of this school. If you have any requirements, you can directly ask for it, and we will do our best to satisfy them."

I thought that Qinli and the others were just a little mess, and they haven't made any fame until now, but the Galaxy Music Company was sent a letter of intent for investment, which surprised her.

To know what the signing of this letter of intent means, she understands too well that not only those few will become the center of the island nation, but even the center of the world, and even this college will be known.The crisis of abandoned schools is more likely to be easily resolved.

The problem that has been bothering me can be solved so easily. This is really...

This is the gap.

"I hope we can start the negotiation of work content first. We hope to meet the nine people of Muse first. Later, if there is time, we will appreciate the scenery of this girls' school."

Work first, followed by the others. The nominal leader of this team is Xue Na, and Lin Ye is not interested. Even if Dong Ma is willing to compare with Xue Na, after all, he knows that he can't do well in this respect, which is acquiescence.

"Of course, Otonagi's student council president is also a member of the Muse..."

"Boom boom boom..." There was a knock on the office door, and then the door was opened, entering the student chairperson Eri Ayase, Nozomi Tojo, and Nan Korinari.

"Ye, Ye Jun..."

I didn't expect the staff to have Lin Ye at all, and the two people next to me... after a closer look, Nan Qinli also knew that they were girls of the same age.

"Hello Kotori! There are also Ayase-san and Tojo-san."

Xuenao and Dongma frowned. They didn't expect Lin Ye to know girls again in this girls' school, especially the enthusiasm and joy in the eyes of Nanqinli. This guy will not be liked by girls. Right.

"Student Lin Ye, hello!"

Tojo Nozomi and Ayase Eri were also surprised.

After that, it was very simple. The three accepted the job of the dean, and began to take Lin Ye to the Muse's office.

During the period, Nan Qinli wanted to say something, but because of the presence of people around, she did not say anything.

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