Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 361

Is this a coincidence?Has your IQ dropped to this point?

"Eh, it's a coincidence, if you don't mind, let's walk together!"

The other party must have something, if I say something I will leave first, it will only embarrass the other party.

Thinking of the previous game of kings, Lin Ye felt somewhat apologetic to Ying Ting.

"Since you said so, let's walk together!"

Hearing Lin Ye's reply, Ying Ting's eyes flashed with joy. As expected in the divination book, today is her lucky day.

"Workplace trainee and Bai Qi went to the library, how do you feel?"

"Well, I actually feel a little boring! Except for helping sorting and placing books, the rest of the time is basically reading books and doing my own things. But, Lin Ye, what about you, what are you doing as a workplace apprentice."

"I went to the entertainment company under the Galaxy Group to do chores with Minister Xuexia and Dongma."

"It's that famous group in the world, it's great! I really want to go too!"

Although the family has power, it is not his own. Sakura Ting still hopes to prove his strength through his own efforts.

"As far as Sakura Ting is concerned, if you apply for a job in the future, there should be no problem. Perhaps in ten years, you will be the highest executive CEO in this country."

"This... shouldn't be very possible!"

Although the CEO is only a part-time worker, he still has considerable rights in the region, and he has the status and money.

If I could do that, my father should have nothing to say.

"Nothing is impossible. If you have an idea, you can try it. Anyway, if you fail, there is nothing. What's more, you are only sixteen years old. There are almost two years before graduation. If you graduate from university, it would be six years. It’s not a problem to make a career plan in two years, or is it that you can’t make your own decision because of your family relationship?”

A person's temperament and behavioral norms can completely make people feel the other's family background, and Sakura Court is obviously the kind of children from a big family.

Have a life that others envy, but also have the freedom that others have.

Chapter 381: We Can Change

"Actually, what I wanted to do was fine art!" As Lin Ye was a trustworthy person, Sakura Ting directly stated her wish. "I like painting since I was a kid, even now I like it. It’s just because my father knew that I was not a hobby but a future career, so I was explicitly asked not to contact me anymore."

This is something that even Bai Qi doesn't know, but now, Ying Ting wants to find someone to talk to.In his own life, this boy is different from others after all.

The touch at that time is still fresh in my memory even now.Even if he knew that the girls around him had strange feelings for him, and even knew that he liked Yukino Yukoshita, the luck in his heart still urged Sakuraba to not want to give up.

"So I have given up painting now!"

When did this feeling start!Obviously, it was very annoying for Bai Qi to seek justice for Bai Qi in the first time, but in the end...

The moment I gave myself an umbrella, or when I went to the art gallery together during the Golden Week, was calm and calm. These things changed my impression of him.

Even Sakura Ting didn't even think of hiding such a face by himself.The more I want to discover his unusual side, the more I feel attracted.

Just like the pair of glasses, it conceals all the dazzling things inside.

Ask Sakuraba to continue painting?But his position is there. It’s really simple to say that, but in fact the most important reason is still Sakura Ting’s obedience to his father and his father himself. As long as any one of the two problems is solved, Sakura Ting You can continue to work in art.

It is still somewhat difficult to find a suitable method.

"Sakuraba, I want to continue painting... right!"

After Sakuraba Yuzao glanced at Lin Ye, he lowered his head and did not answer Lin Ye.

Of course she wants to paint, but this can't be done!She can't be a rebellious father.


Lin Ye first apologized to Ying Ting, "Now you and I cannot give you any form of help, neither mentally nor materially..."

"No, it's okay, this was originally my own business."

But Ying Ting was also full of regret and loss.She confessed all this to Lin Ye, in fact she was also longing for someone to support herself in her heart.

"No, I haven't finished. At that time you decided to go this way. I will support you. Now you are still contradictory. If you make up your mind because of me, I think you will lose. For the original meaning, I hope you Sakuraba Yuzao will make a decision with your own will, and I will support you no matter what decision is made. Art, let me choose not to choose this profession, but the most important thing is my own thoughts, Sakura If you like it, then there is no problem."

I don’t have a stand to decide anything for Sakura Ting. It’s not enough to just be friends. If it’s a further relationship, Lin Ye will take her to face her father directly, because Lin Ye can see that Sakura is thinking. To continue art.

As far as she was concerned, she was just fine, but it was just a friendship, and she hadn't accepted the position of Ying Ting's father.

"Thank you……"

Ying Ting heard what Lin Ye wanted to express, and said with some gratitude.But the same loss of heart also occurred.

Is he a little worse after all?

Was it because of his own behavior that Lin Ye had no idea about him?

No, no, how could I think so.

"If you really encounter a problem that cannot be solved, please contact me! Basically, I can help. Moreover, sometimes relying on Bai Qi and other people in the Ministry of Service is no problem. I think they should also Willing to help."

Even Yukino would never give a helping hand to Sakuraba who offered to help.

"Yeah." Thinking of the people in the Ministry of Service, Sakura Court also flashed a hint of joy.In that place, it was indeed her happy time.

They have different personalities, but they live in harmony.

"Ye Jun, are you not going to come back?"

Ying Ting thought that the person in front of him was in the leave phase, and it was still a long time.

"Next... semester!"

The relationship with Yukino has improved, but it should be as long as it was said before.

"But next month, Bai Qi is going to hold a large-scale event, will it inevitably need manpower?"

The official name is Mizuno Festival, and it has already begun to publicize, and all the school clubs have also started to sign up. After all, on the stage of the Academy Festival at the end of the year, a large number of clubs are unable to appear. In addition to making the school lively at the end of the first semester, the holding of this event is also an opportunity for ordinary clubs.

"I will go to help then, don't worry."

That's about my own task, how can I let it go.

"Then, let's separate here!"

Seeing Ying Ting's apartment building, Lin Ye said.

During the conversation, the two of them felt that they had arrived here.

In fact, you should be separated from Sakura Ting at the first few intersections, but after seeing the girl like this, he decided to send her to the apartments.

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