Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 366

After thinking about it for a while, she realized that there would only be one result, and the three would go on a date together.

Although, although, she doesn't mind, and it's good for three people to go on a date together, but occasionally, occasionally, she also wants to date with Lin Ye.

Lin Ye was surprised, and then continued, "Then, I will secretly make up for you in the future, Shuijie."

The forehead was against the watery forehead, and the tips of his nose touched together, Lin Ye could feel the breath of watery breathing.

"Shuijie, I like you. So..."

But when the forest leaf was about to speak again, Shuijing directly kissed it, and the soft touch stopped the forest leaf at once, and then slipped into it directly, allowing the forest leaf to hug the Shuijing tightly, and become passive .

I don't know how long it took before the two people separated. At this time, the water knot had lost all of its strength and fell softly in Lin Ye's arms.

"Ye Jun..."


"I can't promise you now, please give me some more time!"

A different beginning, but in the same way, Mizuki also hopes that the opportunity for the two to start dating is not so ordinary, there are too many girls around him.

Although Qian Li didn't say it explicitly, but the faint hints already made her understand a lot of things.

Having chosen this difficult road, she...can't get away anymore, and she doesn't want to get away anymore.

"No matter how long I will wait, my princess."

Although I don't know what Shuijie's purpose is, at this time I promised her that supporting her is the best choice.

"I, I'm going back!"

Some twisted water knots worked hard to support his body, wanting to get up.

She wanted to make up for Lin Ye, but she refused him, and he was sad.And, just now, she felt...

Seeing the shyness avoiding the water knot in his eyes, Lin Ye thought of many possibilities, but one of them was to let him open his mouth and spend the night at the water knot.

Not to mention the last time about Ying Ting, Lin Ye had an idea, and even the kiss just now made him feel passionate.

He wanted to feel more watery.

"Shuijie, can I spend the night on your side?"

Lin Ye's request made the blush on Shuijing's face even more obvious, and the red fluttering look made Lin Ye want to kiss him hard.


The standard of apartments provided to students, especially those specially recruited by Shuijie, is quite high.Of course, compared to Sakura Garden, it was a bit worse, but compared to the dormitory I used to live in, and the house rented by general staff in the island country was indeed much better.

"Ye Jun, you sit down for a while, I'll make tea and prepare dinner."

When I came back on the road, I went to the supermarket specially. Lin Ye accompanied Shuijie around the supermarket, and then saw that she had bought a lot of ingredients.

The girl did this, he didn't know what Shuijie wanted to do.

Lin Ye's culinary skills are very good, but this is not the time to show off his culinary skills, he should give this opportunity to water.

Seeing her somewhat satisfied and eager to try, Lin Ye raised a smile instead.

"If you need my help, just say it, and I will do it too."

"I don't need you! Ye Jun is a guest today, how can I let you do it!"

"I thought it was the male host, it was a little sad!"

Lin Ye said that a blushing water knot ran directly into the kitchen.

Author's message:

PS: I forgot the timing, sorry.

Chapter 386

"Ye Jun, the water has heated up."

When Shuijie finished cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, she went to the bathroom to feel the water temperature, and found that the temperature was right.

"Water knot, you wash it first!"

Lin Ye really wanted the two to be together. After all, this was an enjoyable event, but considering his own situation, he still thought it was forgotten.

The last time I got together with water, I didn't pay too much attention to myself when I was confused, but if I was bathing together, it would be different.

I don't know many things about watering. Once I see the scars on my body, I obviously need to explain it.

Lin Ye was afraid that the water knot could not be accepted at once.

The water knot that had already been prepared to agree to the forest leaf bathing request was directly surprised by Lin Ye's answer.When he proposed to spend the night here, Shuijie had already thought of a lot of things, and he also considered the things like bathing together, and he didn't plan to refuse.

Although they didn't agree to become Lin Ye's girlfriend, their relationship has already exceeded this limit, and the rest is just a name.

However, Lin Ye actually asked her to wash it first!

Obviously Lin Ye is not a herbivorous man.

Thinking of the desire for herself that night, Shui Kie unconsciously felt a strange feeling.

"Today, after hearing my long contact today, you must be very tired. I will help you rub your back."

After saying this, the water knot had already lowered his head, and his face had begun to flush. I didn't know if it was because of the water temperature or because of shyness.

"This, water knot, I am actually very willing to share baths, but I'm afraid you will be scared when you see something."

My peers suddenly became people with blood on their hands, and it was impossible to accept them all at once.

Xue Nai is able to accept, and more is to know the identity of his own soldier, so he can accept the scars left on his body due to injuries from this profession.

After blinking the water knot, he looked at the forest leaf, as if he wanted to see the inside of the forest leaf through his clothes.

"Ye Jun, do you still have a hobby of tattooing, but you really didn't find it last time. It's okay. No matter what you get tattooed on, I won't hate it."

Not annoying, but afraid to scare you!

"Then I won't refuse."

Sooner or later you have to know too, or confession tonight is not bad.

Such a relationship will continue, and the water knot will know sooner or later.

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