Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 371

Lin Ye has good daily habits, but if someone helps, Ying Lili is sure he will agree.

"Cohabitation, how come! No one will agree, don't worry."

Even if he wanted to live together, Lin Ye didn't dare to agree, because many things in his room involved secrets.If the hidden files on the laptop are discovered, it will be very troublesome.

If you live alone, there is no problem with security. Once you live together, there are things you can’t hide.

Ying Lili had an expression of disbelief, but Lin Ye said that, she couldn't say anything.

But this does not mean that Ying Lili gave up the plan to go to Lin Ye.

"Since no one is here, we can go there without any problems. I also want to see what you are up to."

Ying Lili announced a plan that she must go, Lin Ye smiled helplessly and could only agree.

The back of the hand was suddenly covered by the little hand that had been gentle, feeling the power from above. This was not to let myself go, but to stop myself from going too far.

You know, Lin Ye is habitually one step closer at this time.

Withdrawing his hand calmly, Lin Ye got up and walked to the cash register.

"Then let's go! I'm going to check out, but Shiba, and Kato-san, are you going to go back or say we will go together?"

Lin Ye gave the choice directly.The three came together, it would be inappropriate not to invite them.

After all, the two girls did not choose to go home separately, but followed Lin Ye and Ying Lili to Lin Ye's apartment.

He skillfully opened the door of his apartment, and his apartment welcomed new guests.

Lin Ye also couldn't imagine.

It seems that after I took some steps, my apartment became lively and became popular.

This is also a good thing!

The uneasy lord ushered in, and before ushered in to propose anything, Lin Ye directly opened her mouth and let her stroll around by herself.On the contrary, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sat on the sofa, with an elegant posture as if she was a noble lady.

Of course, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can also take care of it, as long as a little training in certain aspects is all right.

"Well, Ying Lili, sit down and rest. You can't find anything for ten minutes, so don't look for it anymore."

"You must have hidden things. What is going on in that safe? There must be some shameful things hidden in it."

I searched all the places, but still couldn't find what she was looking for, Ying Lili couldn't believe it.If this guy dares to open the harem, he is completely not interested in the relationship between men and women.

What's more, there is a girl he likes on the opposite side.

Although Ying Lili didn't think Xuexia would give herself to Lin Ye so quickly, but if Lin Ye begged repeatedly, or the atmosphere dictated it, it was entirely possible!

If she faced Lin Ye, she would not refuse Lin Ye.

"It contains important information, involving some secrets, the consequences of leaks, you know, Yinglili."

The main reason is that the related materials of Dongma and Yau were locked in by myself, but I thought that the intelligence personnel were investigating in depth before, this information also needs to be updated, and there is a photo of the family under the snow ten years ago. .

It is also impossible to see people.

At least for now, it cannot be seen by others.

It seems that it is not very suitable to put the safe, or it should be clamped in the book, and no one will read the books on the shelf.

"Then believe you once."

When it comes to this kind of thing, Ying Lili would not unwisely ask Lin Ye to open it to her.

Seeing this, Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but this movement was noticed by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Facing the sly smile on the corner of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mouth, he seemed to have encountered something that might happen.

After chatting about the situation of Ying Lili, Shiha and Kato Ke in the club, Lin Ye can only encourage and support it when he sees that An Yilun is already doing his best for the beautiful girl game of his dream.

It is obviously inappropriate to let yourself be the male lead. Moreover, Lin Ye has had a lot of things recently!

"Yinglili, you..."

When I left, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, which was obviously very late.

Moreover, Ying Lili lived far away, and Lin Ye thought after thinking about it, and it seemed that he still had someone send her back.

"My driver will be here soon. You can send Kato and...Kasumigaoka home."

At this point, even if Ying Lili is reluctant to think about the safety of the two girls, the island country has good security, but it does not mean that there is no public security problem.

"Oh, then I'll take them back first. If you get home, send me an email."

Kato Megumi's home is relatively close, it can be reached within ten minutes, while Kasumigaoka Shiba's home is by tram.

Lin Ye prepared to send the three of them to Kato Kee's house first, and then send Kasumigaoka Shiyu back.

Chapter 391

However, Lin Ye's accident happened. Kasumigaoka Shiwa said that she was waiting at the coffee shop for Kato Kee to return before leaving.

Is it because of tiredness and too lazy to leave or do you want him to be alone with Kato?

Lin Ye was a little confused, but accepted it.

Seeing Kasumigaoka Shiwa walking into the coffee shop, Lin Ye strolled in the direction Kato Kei pointed out.



When the silence lasted for five minutes, the atmosphere was very weird. Lin Ye wanted to break the silence, but could not find the right words.

After thinking about it, I can only apologize for what I did to Kato Megumi before.

No matter what, I took advantage of other girls.

But after he spoke, Kato Megumi also apologized to herself?

What did she do wrong?

"Senior, sorry, if I didn't say much before, the next thing won't happen!"

The flat voice didn't seem to mean the slightest apology, but Lin Ye, who was already familiar with the girl's character, knew that this was normal.

"That's just a fact. In fact, I thought what I did was hidden, but you found it."

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