Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 383

But, can I really do this!

Bai Qi couldn't give what Bai Qi wanted.

"Bai Qi, you can go to wash and take a bath. I will rest early and I will prepare the bed for you."

Carrying the hands on Bai Qi's shoulders with a slight force, pressing Bai Qi's tiptoe height back, Lin Ye spoke lightly.


This made Bai Qi very shocked and mixed with shyness and unhappiness.

She did this, but Lin Ye actually refused, what should she do if she is reserved for girls!

"Well, Ye Jun is troublesome!"

Since she refused, she didn't have the courage to do such a thing.

Bai Qi walked into the bathroom with his back against the door and sighed deeply.

After disarming each piece of clothing on her body, she quickly opened the bathroom door and prepared to put it in the storage box outside, but the contents inside made her look shocked.

Women's unique underwear, and this style really made her think.

There were girls living in Lin Yezhu's apartment, and it is very likely...

After all, even the underwear is left, there should be no other possibility except that.


I remembered that Xuexia Xuena lived on the opposite side, and Lin Ye once said bluntly that he liked Xuenao, so it is entirely possible to live together and spend the night together.

Bai Qi clutched her chest, only felt that her precious things were lost, making her feel a little uncomfortable and want to cry.

Even if I knew that Lin Ye liked Yukino under Yukino, but the two hadn't formally communicated, then she could fight for it, but now, the name of the relationship may just be an underground love based on confidentiality. Perhaps the relationship between the two has reached an intimate level now.

He is already too far behind.

Many make her feel desperate.

Letting the graceful and feminine body immersed in the hot water, Bai Qi only felt that his body was suddenly surrounded by warmth, and his low mood improved slightly.

But the melancholy still exists, and he heads forward blankly, thinking about what he should do afterwards.

It's really irritating!

Chapter 402

Choosing to come here has gathered courage, and even some psychological preparations have been made.

I was a fake boyfriend before, so as long as I become a real boyfriend, it's fine.Bai Qi had some expectations for this protection, but Lin Ye's reaction just now was ruthlessly defeated.

"Really, really, ah..." Bai Qi was extremely depressed and irritated, slapped his hands on the water surface, splashing into the water.

Where is the gap between himself and Xiaoxue?

Leaning over and looking down, Bai Qi only felt as if he knew something.

It's not that Lin Ye doesn't like it because his own is a little big!Obviously I heard that boys like older ones.

The more I watched, the more Bai Qi felt wrong, and slowly put his right hand up, and rubbed it vigorously, feeling the feeling.

Well, it feels good!No, no, what am I thinking.

I feel better, but Ye Jun doesn't know, and it's too shame to be known to do such a thing by myself.

After finally feeling that it was almost the same, Bai Qi stood up, took the bath towel prepared by Lin Ye, and ended this bath.

"Ye Jun, I'm fine, you can go next."

The towel wiped his long chestnut hair, the hair dryer made a "huhuhu" sound, and Bai Qi signaled that Lin Ye could go in for a bath.

Although the thought of Lin Ye taking a bath with the hot water he had soaked in, Bai Qi only felt that the roots of his ears were hot, and his unimaginable shyness overflowed in his heart.

"Ok, the room is ready, let's rest early! Don't wait for me."

After Bai Qi dried his hair, the ghost came to Lin Ye’s room, struggling with what he should do. If he was discovered that he entered his room, he would definitely be regarded as a bad woman, but like She was somewhat unable to give up like this.

"Well, I'm just going to confirm it. If Ye Jun is found to be upset, I, I must find a way to make him happy and forgive me."

Putting his hand on the doorknob, Bai Qi wrapped in a bath towel walked directly in.

It's very neat and tidy as expected.Bai Qi couldn't believe it was a boy's room.

Especially the neatly folded quilt on the bed surprised Bai Qi.

It is square, like dried tofu, and there is no trace of unevenness at all.

It is completely impossible for her to do this.

Looking at the whole room at a glance, there is no abnormal thing at all. Although Bai Qi thinks that there must be some magazines that belong to the puberty of boys in this room, but now, what Bai Qi wants to do most is... …

Slowly approaching the bed, the whole person sat on it first, concentrated on listening to the sound of running water in the bathroom, and judged that Lin Ye was still in the bathroom, and Bai Qi was lying on the bed as if looking backward.

"this is……"

After feeling up close, Bai Qi smelled the smell of forest leaves that he had smelled before.

"The smell of Ye Jun."

Turning around, Bai Qi sniffed vigorously.

But there was a flash in her mind. Her current behavior was definitely at the level of a slut, making her a little afraid to continue.

However, her inner desire is constantly urging her not to take advantage of this opportunity to do more, she may never have the opportunity in the future.

Wait, this is...

Two pillows, but Bai Qi smelled the smell of a girl on one of the pillows, and it was not just one.

Smell it vigorously, and began to search through memory, Bai Qi found that it was completely different from Xuenai, so who was it?

The owner of that ladies underwear?

To spend the night in this room instead of the guest room, Bai Qi can think of only one possibility.

It turned out that Ye Jun, he already...

"Ahhhhh...Ming Mingye saved me, and the one I met first, so why..."

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