Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 385

Lin Ye spoke with some doubts, but after speaking, he thought, "Bai Qi, you don't think I have a tendency to be M, you like being stepped on by beautiful girls!"

"Ah, ah, of course not, I don't think Ye Jun is a pervert who likes to be stepped on by me!"

I am embarrassed to move his eyes away, Bai Qi's words are not credible.

"Uh, uh, I'm here, Ye Jun, if you feel heavy...No, no, I am not heavy, you, you...In short, you know Ye Jun."

Bai Qi raised his leg, carefully placed his white jade-like white and beautiful foot on Lin Ye's back, and then carefully raised the other foot, and then began to orderly Stepped on.

"Ye Jun, if you feel pain, just tell me."

It was the first time that Bai Qi stepped on a man's back, and Bai Qi also felt very strange about it.

Bai Qi could feel Lin Ye's solid body through the touch from the soles of his feet.

"No, this feels just right, thank you."

Lin Ye closed his eyes, ready to feel this rare comfort with heart.

Seeing the profile of Lin Ye's closed eyes, Bai Qi also smiled in his heart.If, if... that would be even better!

Three minutes later, Lin Ye felt that it was almost done. A girl had limited physical strength after all. Lin Ye didn't want Bai Qi to be too tired.

"Bai Qi, that's it! It's a bit late now, don't you have to go to Shayi tomorrow, and rest early tonight."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he felt Bai Qi leave his back, supported him with both hands, and prepared to stand up.


Because Lin Ye was too anxious, Bai Qi lost his balance and turned directly to the side, screaming in panic.

When Lin Ye heard this, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he turned around and grabbed Bai Qi, protecting the side that fell to the wall.

"Bai Qi, sorry!"

Fortunately, I protected my mind, otherwise, things would really get bigger.

Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but the attitude of the two of them at this time was...

The yukata on Bai Qi, who was protected in a panic, opened his mouth open, and a large swath of white snow was directly exposed in the air. Lin Ye clearly smelled the smell of Bai Qi mixed with shower gel.

"Sorry, I'll..."

Lin Yegang wanted to get up with his hands, but was surprised to find that his left hand was pressed against Bai Qi's back. There were some problems with wanting to get it back at once, especially when he realized that he was about to get up. Bai Qi even put her arms around herself with her hands.

The red face made Lin Ye couldn't help but want to kiss him.

Because it looks so delicious.

"Ye... Jun, me, can I spend the night here tonight?"

She really didn't have the courage to say anything directly, she could only choose a tactful tone.The thought of other girls lying on this bed and sharing the same bed with Lin Ye made Bai Qi feel indescribable.

Bitter, uncomfortable, and angry.

But, should you blame Lin Ye, you can't say it, or she doesn't have this position.

Overnight here, more accurately should refer to overnight in this room.

Lin Ye is not a dull man, he is a very normal carnivorous man, how could Bai Qi's subtext be inaudible.

"I go……"

In an instant, after understanding what Lin Ye was about to say, her beautiful eyes were covered with hazy tears, and her beautiful face was full of expressions of crying.

Lin Ye was filled with pity.

"Ye Jun, do you hate me? As a girl, I have achieved this point, or Ye Jun thinks I am the kind of casual girl, so I don't want to, I am obviously the first time..."

As if afraid of Lin Ye leaving like this, Bai Qi exhausted both arms. If Lin Ye left with this eye, she would really have no face to see Lin Ye again.

"If you were such a girl, there would be no pure girl in the world."

Lin Ye sighed.

Chapter 404 She Will Give Me A Reply

Although occasionally a little dazed, but gentle and virtuous, knows how to care for people, and people are beautiful, there is a girl like this who is willing to be with herself and put in the first world that she once had. That is basically a dream thing.

Such a beautiful girl would never have any intersection with herself.

But, the current self, after all, has an intersection with too many girls.

Lin Ye didn't want this gentle girl to show such a sad expression because of herself.

"Bai Qi, I already have a girl I like."

Lin Ye just kept the original shape, looked at Bai Qi quietly, and said slowly.

In fact, many boys are dominated by the second half of their lives, even Lin Ye has had them, but because they have, they don't want this to happen again.

Lin Ye doesn't mind having a super-friendship relationship with Bai Qi. Rather, this is what a man pursues. Only when he has the opportunity, he does not refuse to have a relationship with a beautiful woman.

But because the girl who was close at hand was so familiar, Lin Ye thought it would be better to keep it as it is.

The rabbit doesn't eat grass on the edge of the nest, Lin Ye doesn't want to see that one day in the future, this girl will have conflicts with other friends because of emotional matters.

When he did that to her when he was in Yingting's room, Lin Ye didn't have this idea, and prevented Bai Qi from approaching him through Yingting.

However, it seemed to have failed, at least not seeing the results now. Lin Ye didn't know if Ying Ting did not act as she expected, or did not intend to do so at all.

"But Xiaoxue refused you?"

Bai Qi clearly remembered Yukino's reply on the tennis court that day.

Although she knew that Lin Ye liked Xiaoxue at that time, she was uncomfortable, but she also knew that this kind of thing was definitely unavoidable, and she could not change Lin Ye's liking for Xiaoxue.

But when Xue Nai refused, Bai Qi was inexplicably happy.

As a sixteen-year-old girl, she also fantasized about her own love, and also wondered who her boyfriend would be in the future. Lin Ye once had a life-saving grace for her. From this, the first difference appeared in her life. Boys of the same age.

Although, for the first time, she refused her mercilessly, and there were still two beautiful girls invited by her and Xiaozao.

She was still a little confident in her charm, but the other party refused mercilessly, which made her somewhat resentful and also appreciated.

After the contact, she gradually learned about Lin Ye.

Nothing seems to be able to stump him.

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