Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 391

Qianli's voice gradually decreased.

And it seemed that Qian Li thought of a suitable person to make Lin Ye make up his mind to come over.

"Shuijie will come here too, there is only one chance."

When I woke up, three people were on the same bed, and she was a man with strange thoughts, such as...

It was so late, she could only seduce Lin Ye.

Therefore, she can only pull the water knot over.

"This is not good!"

Lin Ye was very moved, but he still felt that he had to stick to it. Such things always felt bad, even though he had no image anymore.

"Obviously the senior wants to come, I count to three, if I don't agree, then I will hang up and rest."

"I'll be here right away. I will be there in ten minutes."

Calculated according to the distance, this time is enough to run by yourself, if it is a taxi, it will be faster.

However, based on his current bad mood, Lin Ye hopes to exercise, make himself sweat, and relieve this bad heart.

"Then I will wait for the senior to come over."

Qianli smiled, but after turning around on the bed for a while when the phone was hung up, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't contacted Shuijie at all, and hurriedly took out the phone and dialed the number.

"Qianli, it's so late, what's the matter?"

After the phone rang for three seconds, the call was connected.

"Study, senpai, he wants to...uuuu..."

To be honest, Shuijie will definitely not come over, so she can only take this method. Although she lied to Shuijie, Qianli believes that Shuijie will forgive herself.

The cry of mourning suddenly made Shuijie panic. Shuijie listened to Qianli's choking tone and suddenly took up from the bed.

"I'll come over right away. If he dares to bully you and do things you don't want to do, I will definitely not forgive him."

She was even worried that Qianli was being bullied on the way she was heading, and Shuijie barely hung up the phone.After getting dressed in a hurry, he rushed out.

Qianli smiled triumphantly when she heard the loud noise of the door closing.


Lin Ye looked at his room and felt that there was no more sound inside, he opened the door of the apartment carefully, and then took the elevator, except for the apartment building, rushing straight to Qianli's residence.

Bai Qi, who was lying on the bed of forest leaves, closed his eyes and grasped the quilt tightly with both hands, his heart full of sadness.

In my mind, I started to recall everything about getting along with Lin Ye, but it made her very uncomfortable.

Is Lin Ye's real side just now? She can understand that people have their own dark side. Even she has negative emotions such as jealousy, resentment, etc., but she only needs to be positive and upward.

But why, Lin Ye showed it to himself.Based on what she knows about him, she obviously shouldn't...

The expectation in his heart began to grow like a grass. Bai Qi stood up, put on his coat, then walked to the guest room next door, knocked on the door, but did not respond.

"Ye Jun, are you... in there?"

There is still no sound.

Are you hated?

Bai Qi also showed a bitterness.

Obviously it was Ye Jun's fault. He clearly wanted to give him another chance, but now he dare to do so.

Ignore him anymore.

Angrily, Bai Qi turned around and returned to the bed, covering his quilt and closing his eyes directly.

On the other side, Lin Ye ran towards Qianli at full speed, but unexpectedly encountered a rush of water on the road.

"Shuijie, why are you..."

No, Lin Ye knows the location of Shuijie’s apartment. Based on her current pace, she should have departed from the apartment five minutes ago, which means...

Qianli contacted Shuijie after contacting herself, and she still used a special method.

After all, the girl's clothes were not worn at all at this time.

"Ye... Jun..."

Hearing Lin Ye's voice, Shui Jie yelled out subconsciously, then heard the beep of the phone, and suddenly thought of something.

Chapter 410 I Have Proposed Marriage

"I'm going back!"

The thought of Qianli actually cheating herself over, Mizuki couldn't help feeling unhappy.Get up at night and rush over. This is the second thing. The most important thing is my deceived heart.She heard Qian Li's request for help, but she was very worried. If Lin Ye did something excessive to Qian Li, she would never agree to his confession, but it was all false.

On the road, I met Lin Ye going to Qianli's residence, Shui Jie wanted to understand everything for a moment.

Perhaps Lin Ye was deceived by Qianli's similar method.

Just, what did you do in the past.

Chat, communicate, or say...

A blush appeared on Shuijing's face, and when she thought of that possibility, Shuijing couldn't stop shaking and rejecting.

It's really shameless to have three people together or something.

Last time I just slept on a bed.

This time...

"and many more……"

Seeing Shuijie was about to leave, Lin Ye ran over and stood in front of her.

"Get out of the way, I'm going back."

Shui Jie glared at Lin Ye, thinking of that possibility, she felt that Lin Ye had urged Qian Li to let her go over.

Really, how is this!All thinking about strange things.

Lin Ye was very innocent and stopped.

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