Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 403

He opened his eyes and met Lin Ye's gaze, and directly denied that it was Lin Ye's cause, but suddenly thought that he should pretend to be asleep and should not answer the conversation. As a result, Bai Qi didn't know what to do.

"Sorry, is it still painful!"

Lin Ye's tone was a little low as he stroked the darkest trace.

Such white and beautiful skin has left such marks on it, and it will not subside for at least three days.

"Now, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Now that it's all like this, it's no use pretending to sleep.

"Ye Jun, in the future, if there is a drug addiction, please contact me, I will be by your side and help you through it. One day, you will give up, never use drugs again, promise me... okay !"

Lin Ye didn't have a glimpse of his body after grabbing Lin Ye's supporting arm with both hands.

Although she was shy, when she thought of being touched and kissed all over last night, she resisted the desire to cover up.

Lin Ye was very embarrassed when he heard this.

Yesterday’s medicine was not a drug at all, and the two of them made a mistake.

"I won't touch drugs, don't worry!" After giving Bai Qi a smile, Lin Ye cast his eyes on Ying Ting.The closed eyes trembled with the slender eyelashes, and the waist-length black hair was draped against the white skin, showing the charm of Sakuraba.

The fullness of a pair is even more caring, making Lin Ye react.

After Bai Qi, who was clinging to Lin Ye, felt the change, his face became even more red.

"Ye... If Ye Jun wants it, it's okay, although Xiaozao is around me very shy, but if you want it, I can..."

After finishing his words tremblingly, Bai Qi turned his head, and then happened to look at Ying Ting who opened his eyes carefully.

After the two met directly, Ying Ting closed her eyes again, and a blush began to emerge.

The hands moved consciously.

"Ying Ting, sorry, you want any compensation, I can promise, as long as I can do it."

Apart from this, Lin Ye could not think of other methods.

She knew that the two girls did not need any compensation at all.

"The compensation I want only requires that you succeed in detoxification, and you will never be drugged again in the future, and it will be enough to recover to the classmate Lin Ye. Can you agree!"

Even if she is naked, Sakura Court is still as cool as ever, full of brief introduction.

Although, the blush on her face still shows the shyness in her heart.

"I just said that I won't touch drugs, don't worry."

"I remember your words, if you breach the contract, I will never forgive you in my life."

She touched her mobile phone with the other hand and looked at the time displayed on it. Sakuraba continued, "It's already noon, are we..."

"Uh, uh, Xiaozao, Ye Jun, he is now..."

If Xiao Alga were to go, Bai Qi knew that he had to face Lin Ye by himself.Also, Xiao Alga must have understood what she said just now.

Bai Qi wanted Xiaozao to leave, but he didn't want her to leave.

"Um, Bai Qi, you can be alone, I'm outside..."

"Don't..." Bai Qi rushed over and hugged Ying Ting tightly, and the two snow-white bodies were entwined together.

"Ye Jun, I gave you the algae, now you can, you can... enjoy..."

Really could not find other suitable words, Bai Qi directly said "Enjoy."

Lin Ye was very surprised.

Betray his girlfriend and let him... it's too...

But the unexpected stimulus made him more surging.

"Bai Qi, you traitor, how can you be like this..."

Ying Ting struggled all of a sudden, while Bai Qi pressed hard.

Now that Ying Ting was let go, she didn't know how the three of them would get along in the future.


Anyway, Ye Jun had said to help him fix the algae, and the current opportunity was the most suitable.

Chapter 421

"Ye Jun, you are faster too! Xiaozao is just embarrassed. Last night, she was better than me..."

Thinking of yesterday's events, Bai Qi smiled, but after Ying Ting heard it, she was full of shyness, resisting to cover Bai Qi's mouth.

"Don't say it, Bai Qi, if you dare to say it, I will be with you, with you..."

Sure enough, I can't tell if I broke up with you!

"I know that Chlorella is the best to me. Anyway, Ye Jun said last time that he put you on his bed and accepted me. So, you sacrificed a bit. No, it's not a sacrifice. Anyway , Just three people together."

It is possible to be together now, but in the future, Bai Qi still feels that he has to face marriage problems. After all, even if they can be unified by themselves, the parents have problems. For ordinary people, their parents may be able to agree to follow Lin Ye without a name. But Xiaozao, she also knew that standing behind Xiaozao was the long-standing Fanbang family. After hundreds of years of inheritance, the family would definitely not want her daughter to follow Lin Ye.

There are also Qianli and Shuijie. With so many girls, Ye Jun will have to work well in the future to support so many of them. Although it’s okay for her to go out to work, she thinks that the money she earns should be given to Ye Jun. Raising other women is a little unhappy.

Even if those girls know each other and have a good relationship, this is a two-sided problem, unhappy means unhappy.But it is really necessary, and Bai Qi will still do it.

"Three people together? This is too..."

But when she thinks that she has such a relationship with the man in front of her, her body can only be touched by her boyfriend's future husband. In the future, she can find another man. Can she do it!

When another strange man touched her, Sakuraba Yuzao was unwilling to think of this.

"Don't worry, Ye Jun, you will solve everything, right, as a man, you should not solve the problems we girls will encounter. After all, we have all made such sacrifices."

Yes, this kind of sacrifice is indeed the greatest sacrifice for a girl.just……

"and many more……"

"and many more?"

Both Bai Qi and Ying Ting's faces drooped, and they looked at Lin Ye with a threatening and angry look.

They were very worried that Lin Ye had vetoed this. If that were the case, it would be a blow to their dignity.

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