Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 407

But seeing Lin Ye's face gradually recovering, I also knew that it was true.

Moreover, they also know that it is really not because of drug addiction.

If it's because of drug addiction, now that you have been injected with drugs, you will definitely look like you have gone to heaven.

"Ye Jun, I'm very sorry, it was my fault that made you endure the pain. No matter how you want to punish me, I will accept it."

Bai Qi stood in front of Lin Ye and bowed and apologized, and Ying Ting did the same.After all, she was also a facilitator last night.

"It's been uncomfortable all night, but didn't there appear two girls in my life who made me thankful for a lifetime!"

Girls still have to use words to coax, especially at this time.

Bai Qi and Ying Ting blushed suddenly.

Chapter 424

"Sister, elder sister, why are you sighing now? Is it because you want to confess but you are worried that you will be rejected."

It has been a whole afternoon, Bai Qi Omi's younger sister Bai Qi Shayi looked at her sister and sighed from time to time, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

She knows exactly what her sister is.

The true thoughts are always held in my heart, and it is completely impossible for her to take the initiative to confess.

As a younger sister, her sister's feelings for Lin Ye are very careful. If she doesn't like it, she will never talk about him, and her emotions will change a lot.

Happy, sad, tangled, just like a girl in love.Although, this girl is still in crush.

So, since she is her sister's face, she still has to help her as a sister.

"It's not! Confession or something, I simply..."

"Hey, I've already confessed, but I was rejected. My sister really failed!"

Sha Yi had a playful smile, looking at Bai Qi with a cheerful look that made Bai Qi feel ashamed.

"No! Ye Jun is my boyfriend, where do I need to confess."

Although they did not admit it verbally, the actual relationship between the two of them was indeed a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.Bai Qi had already said this to Sha Yi.

"Eh..." Shayi was full of disbelief. After all, Lin Ye admitted that they were not lovers when they came last time, and now they have become lovers.

She didn't believe it at all.His sister took the initiative to take down Lin Ye.This is impossible!

"That's great! Anyway, Ye Jun is my sister's boyfriend, then, as his girlfriend's sister, can I visit him and see."

"Of course...Yes, as long as Shayi is in good health, I will have no problem at all, but now you..."

Just as his sister knows herself, Bai Qi also knows her sister's character very well.

She wants to go to Lin Ye, it must have her purpose.

However, refuse? She has no reason to refuse, it can only be delayed.

But just as Bai Qi expressed his joy for finding a suitable reason for him, Sha Yi showed a brighter smile.

"Okay, sister, the doctor said that I can go out in two days. I will trouble you to lead the way then!"

Bai Qi's smile stopped.


"Actually, I think it's more appropriate for you to ask Lin Ye to accompany you to choose gifts."

Early in the morning, I received a call from Yukoshita Yukino and asked myself to come out and accompany her to buy a birthday present for Yubihama.He refused, and when he spoke, he was stopped by his sister Komachi.

Komachi is also true, Xuexia Xueno called this time, she was only in conflict with Lin Ye, so she didn't contact him, but contacted herself.

And before he went out, he contacted Lin Ye, only to mention Xuexia's name, Lin Ye said directly that her matter has nothing to do with him.

Biqigu really wants to curse.

The girl I like invites other men to go shopping and shopping, so I feel so relieved, or because it is because of his relationship.

Sure enough, it is because of the latter reason!

It really makes him uncomfortable.

"I just want to hear your suggestions."

Second Miss Yukoshita, if your words are heard by other men, you will really have a dream.

It is also because of him that he can be indifferent.

"Then go!"

Then, Biqigu began to regret it. For two hours, the two of them did not find a suitable gift at all.

Just seeing Xuexia still look full of character, he began to feel weak in his legs.

"Um, Minister, shall we take a break first, I think you should be hungry now."

Xuexia, who was walking in front, turned his head and glanced at Biqigu, who was exhausted, then turned his head and glanced around, then nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I can pay for lunch, but you must take advantage of this time to think of what gift to buy."

"It's not... I see."

Sure enough, Xue Nu's freezing light was too powerful, and he couldn't resist it.

"Ale, Ale, isn't this Xue Nao? Why did you come to the mall? And... this is a boyfriend!"

The left hand pressed hard against Biqigu, and Xuexiayang was smiling.

But Biqigu seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and moved a few minutes to the side, but it was a pity that Xuexiayang obviously didn't want to let him go.

"Sister, why are you here."

For this own sister, Xue Nao actually didn't have a good attitude.I don't know when the relationship between their sisters became like this.

"Of course I came out shopping alone, so I am like Xue Na. I have my boyfriend to accompany me when I come out. It really makes me envious!"

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After Xue Nao listened, her face sank and she said goodbye.

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