Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 409

He would rather let them be carefree, but they would not accept it.

Thinking of those girls, Lin Ye knew that they would never want to be useless people raised by them.They all have their own pursuits.

Or, just talk to them about being their own full-time wives.

"I was still looking forward to Teacher Lin Ye's new work, it seems hopeless in my life."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wanted to ask him to continue writing, even for her.

However, he has been rejected by him all the time. If the other party has a trace of love or affection for him, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu will directly speak.

Because this is a very romantic thing, but now, if she says it out, she is the only one embarrassed.

“I’m just waiting for this new work by Xia Shizi!” Lin Ye smiled slightly, “The love between the three people described by the love metronome makes me feel sad and regretful, too. I very much hope that I can read teacher Xia Shizi's new work in the near future. I look forward to it."

"New work? Okay, I was attacked by an idiot and had to commit myself to him, what do you think?"

A sly smile raised directly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was very curious, what Lin Ye would answer.

Ignore it as before, or say, go on.

"If it were to develop like this at that time, I might have a girlfriend named'Xiazhiqiu Shiyu'!"

This is indeed a fact. If something indescribable really happened at the beginning, in terms of his personality, he would really make the other person his girlfriend, and it would even be possible to spend a lifetime together in the future. It’s just that things are impermanent, and the self at the time is not Unexpectedly, I would not make such a move.

Chapter 426

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback for a moment, and then turned to look at Lin Ye completely unbelievable. Lin Ye had never said such a thing, which gave her a joy and a grievance.

She has always been a proud girl of heaven, and has always been admired by all kinds of boys.However, he is the only one who has been rejecting himself even though he is not dismissive.

And now...

Her eyes were suddenly filled with mist, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stood there quietly, but Lin Ye noticed that she hadn't followed and turned to look at her.

A delicate face seemed resentful and uncomfortable, and beautiful eyes seemed to be telling something.Lin Ye didn't know what to do with the emotions in his heart.

Seriously, beautiful girl, how could he not be interested.

However, he couldn't respond to any feelings of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

He didn't want to involve more girls anymore.

Moreover, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is not only because of the relationship with the netizens at the time, but also because of her different attitude towards her.

Because almost no boy can reject her, but he has rejected her again and again, which aroused her rebellious psychology.

This is also an emotion, but it is not a relationship between men and women.

Of course, the most important thing is that I saved her when she was most dangerous.Saying that you will pay your debts with your own body may just not want to owe this favor.

"Have you ever really thought about it?"

With a trembling tone, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stared at Lin Ye seriously, waiting for his answer.

If this is the case, it has always been completely wrong to think that you are not attractive enough, because you have already impressed the other party when you first met.

"Well, Shiyu, your charm, isn't it obvious? I think there is no man in the world who would refuse you!"

"how about you!"

"I have a girlfriend."

This is also a kind of showdown!

Xue Na is over, then, after that, there will be the rest.It seems appropriate to be here with her today.

"You can break up!"

Not only is it a girlfriend, she knows that they have had a relationship, and in the room next to her, at night, she heard their voices.

"As long as you are willing to break up, I can be your girlfriend. I can do everything she can do. I can do what you think is bad about me..."

"Shiyu, don't go on, I don't deserve your commitment. I am willing to change for me. I am happy, but I don't know, change for me, so that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu will no longer be Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. This is not the result I expected. If, I said, if we really become boy and girl friends, we should respect and care for each other and live together, rather than you adapt to me."

Such a choice is too unfair to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.


"I have proposed to her and she has promised to marry me..."


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's whole person is not good at this time, and her eyes widened can't believe it.

It turned out to be... Marriage proposal, the two of them...

"Can... please say it again!"

"I asked her to marry me, and she has agreed."

At this time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had no idea what to say.It's just that she knows that she seems to have lost her power in everything now.

Her most proud tongue is completely useless.

Just immersed in this news of Lin Ye.

The two of them will get married later, and she is...

Suddenly, Shiyu Kasumigaoka thought of a certain blond defeated dog Sawamura Spencer Eiri.

If the defeated dog heard the news, he didn't know what expression he would show.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu wanted to have fun in pain, but failed.

"I'll take you back!"

Looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who had lost her senses, Lin Ye grabbed her wrist with one hand, and then walked towards her home.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not resist either, just followed Lin Ye.


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who didn't know how she came back, stared at the ceiling blankly, her body rising and falling with her breathing, but her heart was empty and she didn't know what to do.

If she had any hope before, she now seems to have no possibility.

Without her knowledge, Lin Ye made a marriage contract with other girls.

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