Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 432

Especially, occasionally while playing the piano, I think of Lin Ye, thinking about what he is doing now.

"what are you planning to do!"

Lin Ye was a little helpless, but was also used to Dongma's attitude.

"Isn't there a fireworks display tonight? If you have time, you can go together."

Fireworks display!

She used to never be moved, but now, she is moved.


"Then meet at the station closest to the fireworks display. The time is seven o'clock in the evening."

Lin Ye and the others agreed to meet at that location.

After arriving there, looking at the weird atmosphere of the scene, Lin Ye felt as if he was going to die.

Not only did the person he contacted arrived, but Yuihama Yui and Kana Suzuki were also there.

Oh, looking at the sights of the men not far away, Lin Ye felt that those people wanted to enter the group of beauties instead of him.

"Yeah, good evening everyone!"

"I never heard that you called other girls."

Dongma was very, very unhappy. He thought it was the two people enjoying the fireworks show alone, but after arriving at the meeting place, it was not Lin Ye who waited, but one after another girls who knew him well.

"Well, maybe some of them are your younger brother-in-law, so it's better to get to know you earlier!"

Of course, Lin Ye didn't dare to say that four of them were your younger brother-in-law.

But now Bai Qi's sister Shayi seems to have recovered health.

"Senior Ye, my sister told me that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to recover so quickly. Thank you very much."

Shayi, who noticed Lin Ye focusing on her body, smiled and bowed to Lin Ye in thanks.

"Thank you, your sister has said it many times."

Lin Ye silently added that you are already my sister-in-law, how could I not take care of you.

"Sister, you have to work hard! If you don't work hard, you will be snatched away by others!"

It seemed that such a reminder was not enough. Sha Yi pulled Bai Qi in front of Lin Ye, and then, in front of everyone, prepared to give another assist.

"Senior Ye, what do you think of my elder sister? My elder sister cooks very well, and she is gentle. Although she is sometimes natural, isn't it just cuteness? If you become your girlfriend, you will be happy. Yes, so Senior Ye, are you interested in my sister? If you are interested, I will give my sister to you."

After all, I thought my sister’s rivals were just a few people, but now, there are a lot of them!When it was too much, Sha Yi felt that her sister's original advantage had disappeared.

Although she thinks Lin Ye is very good, she is not so good that she can surround so many beautiful girls!

"Ye, Ye Jun..."

Rubbing his hands against each other, Bai Qi blushed and lowered his head, and said in a low voice.

Lin Ye knew that Bai Qi still didn't tell her sister Shayi about their true relationship.

Even though she and Lin Ye are almost sure of the relationship, now even if she hopes that Lin Ye will say, she also hopes that Lin Ye will not.

Bai Qixu was full of tangled expressions.

"How can you let me give your sister to me? Bai Qi is not Shayi's girlfriend, so where is the link that needs to be made?"

"So, what Ye Xuechang meant to say, is very interested in my sister?"

Everyone is waiting for Lin Ye's next speech.

Among them, Shui Kie, Qian Li and Sakura Ting were all smiling, waiting for a good show.I want to know how Lin Ye solves the current dilemma.

"Of course, I am not only interested in Bai Qi, but also in Sayi you!"

If you divert your attention and make Sha Yi shy, then she won't target herself anymore.

The effect is indeed there, but my feet hurt a bit!

In this position, with this strength, there is no one else except Dongma!

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye Xuechang is really fancy! He even hit my head with attention. If Ye Xuechang catches up with my sister, I can give you a chance to pursue me!"

It was worth the sacrifice for my sister.


Bai Qi suddenly panicked.

Where it needs to be chased, it is already, just for secrecy.

"Ye Jun, Shayi is just joking, please don't care!"

"No, what I said is true. As long as Ye Xuechang becomes my sister's boyfriend, then I can also agree to become Ye Xuechang's girlfriend. How about this? This is a sister. I can't find it anywhere else. ."

Bai Qi Shayi was still tempting Lin Ye, but Lin Ye just felt helpless.

"I still like girls with long hair."

For the two of them, all Lin Ye could find was the length of their hair.

"Hey, the seniors like long hair, but you have to know that if I want to grow long hair, there is no problem at all."


Bai Qi's voice revealed his unhappiness.

"Woo, I see, sister."

She is also a joke, knowing that she can only stop.

There are too many people and it is not convenient to move together. In the end, two or three people play in groups.

As for Lin Ye first chose Dongma and Sha, while the other people's eyes gestured, and he went back to find them later.

Chapter 445

"You mentioned your brother-in-law just now! You probably haven't forgotten your girlfriend, but you need me to find it for you. As for Xuexiaxue, that snow girl, I would never agree."

So many beautiful girls suddenly appeared, even Dongma was shocked.Her brother, unknowingly, established such a network and met so many girls.

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