Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 438

"Don't think about saying that you don't want to find Ye Xuechang or something. I definitely want to find him for theory and let him be responsible for you."

"We have decided to be together, the three of us..."

The emotional gauze made Bai Qi excited all of a sudden, and he said what he had been stuck in his throat.

After the exit, Bai Qi saw Sayi's stunned look. He just wanted to shake his hand to deny but was forcibly suppressed.

This is the fact she wants to say, and at this time, she can't deny it anymore.

"Sister, can you repeat what you just said!"

"I, Xiaozao, and Ye Jun, we have decided to be together, three people..."

In fact, Bai Qi wanted to add one more sentence, but after thinking about it, let it go.

"How can..."

Sha Yi couldn't believe that her sister had made such a decision.Share with other women, how can this be in love.

"Sayi, as you said, you have to support your sister. So please keep your promise."

"I, what will the parents do! They will definitely not agree with your decision."

I was wrong just now, and it was this that my sister wanted her to support.

"Ye Jun promised me that when the time comes, he will face my parents with me."

"Ye Xuechang's words..."

"I believe him, he won't lie to me. So, Shayi, I hope you will support my sister in this matter!"

"I know my sister."

I wanted to say something, but Sha Yi couldn't speak.

With the seriousness of her sister now, let Sha Yi know that she will not change this decision.

Just, can it!

Three people together.

Sister Ying Ting also agreed to this matter!


"Ye Jun, where are we now?"

Bai Qi, who was holding his sister's hand, walked by Lin Ye's side, and walked on a very secret path.Of course everyone else is together.

In fact, after walking for a minute, everyone was afraid of the place full of darkness and grass.

If it wasn't for Lin Ye who led the team, they promised that they would never take this path because it was too dangerous.

"There is another place in front that is very suitable for enjoying the fireworks. It will be quieter. With so many of us, we want to find a suitable place elsewhere, but it is impossible!"

Following the moonlight in the sky, Lin Ye joked with a faint smile on his face, "Actually, I intend to abduct you. With so many beautiful girls, you can definitely sell at a good price!"

"Ye Xuechang, you are planning to sell us all, so I know now that I can choose to call the police."

Shayi pretended to take out the phone and shook it in front of Lin Ye.

Bai Qi just shook his head embarrassedly.

Before, after a few rounds, Shayi's sudden change of attitude made Lin Ye very surprised, but after reading the email Bai Qi sent to him, he understood the reason.

"Not for sale, but for buying!"

Everyone's reaction entered Lin Ye's field of vision.

"Hey, the senior wants to buy us all, how much do you think we are worth!"

Suzuki Kana rubbed up and asked smilingly.

"Well, according to my estimation, if you Suzuki-san, I can make that number!"

Lin Ye raised his right index finger.

"Ten million? So cheap."

"No, it's one yen! I think one yen is enough for you Suzuki-san."

"slim Shady……"

Suzuki rushed forward and gnawed wildly at Lin Ye, only to be avoided by Lin Ye.

"So, Senior Ye, where is Qianli! Where is Qianli!"

"Qianli, of course, no money!"

After hearing this answer, Qianli pouted and said that I was very upset, but in fact, she knew what Lin Ye meant.And Shuijie standing beside Qianli also knew what Lin Ye knew.

She, Bai Qi and Ying Ting are also free of money!

This word really made her happy and unhappy.

At this time, above the open space, I saw twos and threes gathering together and talking.The light on the open space is not enough to illuminate all places, but it has a sense of tranquility.

It was just over a minute away, but it was in sharp contrast with the other side of the street.

Here, it is indeed very appropriate to appreciate the fireworks.

"Lin... Ye Jun, this seems to be a private domain, can I enter it!"

The family is also an upper class, and Ying Ting is used to these.

But this is Chiba, and the influence of her family has not reached here.

It would be embarrassing to be driven away by the bodyguard.

As a man, Lin Ye really didn't know where to put his face.

At this time, two staff members in suits came over with a calm expression.

"Sorry, this is a private property. Non-related personnel are not allowed to enter..."

However, before finishing talking, two men in suits came from the other side.

"They are the guests we invited."

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