Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 446

Chapter 455

Yukino said she was helpless.

I wanted to refute that she was not there at all... But looking at the appearance of her sister Yono, she knew that this was a confirmed fact.

It's really bad.

But the thing that worries Xue Nai the most is the leaves under the bed.

In this room, apart from the wardrobe, only the bottom of the bed can hide people.

But fortunately, Lin Ye responded happily.

If you really find yourself doing it with him here, you must be told by your sister, and it is entirely possible to be known by your parents.

"Sister, what are you doing here so late?"

It was already close to ten o'clock. Generally speaking, at this point, Yang Nai would not come to himself.

But it was here now, and she almost saw the restricted level picture.

"Of course it is to see what my Xuenai is doing. When I was passing by just now, I heard some low groans. I thought it was my own illusion, but now it seems that Xuenao really needs it. I'm here alone..."

"Sister, don't talk about it anymore. If there is nothing else, please leave! I want to rest."

Yukino's face was very angry. Although this was not true, being thought by others made her shy after all.

"After my sister leaves, do you continue?"

Yang Nao, who didn't turn around to leave because of Xue Nao's chase, sat directly beside Xue Nao, and put his hand out against Xue Nao's chin, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"Xuno is so cute, so beautiful, and even I am moved. Why not let my sister help you eliminate the need that arises!"

"Eh, wait, I refuse..."

Turning his head and pulling away Yang Nao's hand, Xue Nao showed rejection on her face.

"Xue Nai, who did you think about when you did it? Someone is Ye Jun?"

Lin Ye under the bed didn't say a word, but in her heart she was thinking that it was indeed him. At any time, if Xue Na was thinking of another man, he would explode.

"Should I say that Yukino has another man?"


The tone was unusually firm, but Yang Nao's smile became brighter.

"Sure enough, it is Ye Jun! He is really an enviable man, Xue Na, as I told you yesterday, there are still many girls around him, or you are confident that you will become a winner in the end."

Moreover, not only that, but at the end he even dared to attack her, which is really unforgivable.

She knew that the guy was definitely approaching Yukino with the wish of three wives and four concubines.Yukino and such a man would never be happy for a lifetime.

Therefore, she must stop.

"This has nothing to do with my sister."


Yang Nao grabbed a corner of the quilt on the bed, and pulled the quilt that he didn't grasp with force and slid down in the direction of Yang Nao's force, and Xue Nao's delicate white skin was directly exposed in the air.

"This soft skin really makes me envious. I really don't want to give her to any man. So, Yukino, let's live with my sister for a lifetime!"


The sudden attack short-circuited Yukino's mind for an instant.

Sister, she wants...

"No, sister, my orientation is normal..."

Pushing Yang Nai vigorously, Xue Nai took a deep breath.She guessed that it was Lin Ye's relationship, so Yang Nai became like this.It really is……

He kicked out of the bed with both feet like venting, and the forest leaves below said that he was innocent.

Your sisters engage in lily, I promised it!Still do not agree!

"Xuno, we haven't slept together for a long time, let's sleep together tonight!"

Lin Ye collapsed, thinking that Xue Nai would never agree.

The upper bed was occupied by Yang Nai, but he was probably going to spend the night lying on the bed.

If the two of them did something tonight, he would suffer.

"No, sister, I'm used to sleeping alone."

Of course she cannot accept it.

The current Yang Nai made her feel dangerous.If they really slept together, after that, it would be troublesome.

Of course, the most important thing is to worry about Lin Ye.

Not to mention the problems found, if Yang Nai is really allowed to sleep here for one night, Lin Ye will not have to stay there for a long time.

Xue Nao didn't want Lin Ye to suffer this crime.

Of course, when she remembered that Lin Ye was so slow and unwilling to leave, and finally wanted to sleep here, she felt that Lin Ye deserved it.

"It's really cold! Sister Ming Ming wants to help Xueno to vent the pressure accumulated in the future!"

Yang Nao spoke slowly, then climbed onto the bed, and at the same time, both hands hugged Xue Na unceremoniously, rubbing his head vigorously.

"After all, Xuenao attracts me so much now! It feels really nostalgic. When I think of Xuenao being possessed by someone who doesn't know it, I really don't want to."


Yang Nai only felt a pain in his neck, and then immediately lost consciousness.

"Sister, you..."

Seeing Yang Nai lying on her body, Xue Nao shook Yang Nao's shoulder anxiously, but there was no response.

"It's okay, just let her sleep for a few hours."

According to his own understanding of Yang Nai, Xue Nao could hardly refuse Yang Nai. In the end, he was the only one who suffered.

After Lin Ye saw Xuenai laying Yangnai flat on the bed, he realized that he was like this, and hurriedly pulled over the quilt to cover him, his eyes were somewhat dodging and he said, "Ye, you won't be Want to stay here overnight!"

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