Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 448

It is better for girls to go to bed earlier.

Although it is very happy to think of such a scene in my mind, but because of this, the guilt is more and more.

However, after walking to his room, Lin Ye heard a strange voice.

That is……

The girl's groaning voice.

Lin Ye swallowed, unable to imagine what was happening inside.

He wanted to leave, but couldn't help but want to open it.

"It's just to confirm. And this voice is from Sakura Ting, it's her own woman anyway, it doesn't matter."

Constantly reminding myself to turn the door handle carefully, Lin Ye was immediately deeply attracted by the light in front of him.


It really makes people unable to look away.

Sakura Garden is too dazzling now.

I had already touched the skin and body that I had tasted. At this moment, it seemed to have a new charm, and the depressive voice from it made Lin Ye continue to swell.

At this time, you should leave here carefully.

Pull the doorknob gently to avoid making too much noise.Lin Ye didn't intend to disturb Ying Ting.

He knows very well that at this time, external stimuli are likely to affect Sakura Court, and it is entirely possible that it will become sexually cold.This is not what Lin Ye expected.

"who is it!"

Sakuraba looked towards the crack of the door like a needle.

"Ye Jun, is that you!"

The heart suddenly hung up.

Sakuraba, who had grabbed the quilt to cover her body, asked with some rapid breathing.

If it weren't for Lin Ye, if others saw it, she would definitely have no face to meet people.

There is just no echo.

Ying Ting's ruddy face gradually paled.

She knew that Bai Qi had the key to Lin Ye's apartment.

If it was Bai Qi, not only this incident, but also the incident of her sneaking away made her fear deepen.

"Such ashamed thing has been seen, and there is no face to live on."

The utility knife on the writing desk suddenly came into Sakuraba's vision.

Jumped out of the bed, walked to the desk in three steps, grabbed the utility knife in one hand, and with the sound of "cock", the sharp blade shone dangerously.

"Sorry, I will never see you again."

The utility knife was raised high, and the next moment it changed back to the beautiful skin.

"Wait, Ying Ting is me."

Less than five seconds before and after, the change was so fast that the fast Lin Ye couldn't react.

While Ying Ting was stunned when she heard her own voice, Lin Ye quickly grabbed Ying Ting's utility knife.

"What do you do such a stupid thing, if something happens to you, I will live in pain all my life."

"But, I just..."

Beautiful eyes looked at Lin Ye with a hint of water, Ying Ting's tone trembled.

"Who was the man in your mind just now!"

The pale face suddenly turned red because of Lin Ye's words.

"Don't tell me! It really is..."

"No, it's Ye Jun."

Ying Tinghong's blood dripping from her body holding Lin Ye.

"Except for Jun Ye, who else can I miss!"

Her heart was filled with this man.

She has fallen, where will she see other men.

Chapter 457

"Ying the future, I will never allow you to do such a thing, I will feel distressed."

"Yeah." Feeling Lin Ye's heartbeat, Ying Ting suddenly felt relieved.

"Ye Jun, do you think I'm a bad woman because of what happened just now."

"How come! It's too late to like you. But..."


After blinking, Ying Ting didn't know what Lin Ye wanted to say next.


Squeezing Yingting Yingting's earlobes, making her make a slight noise, Lin Ye slowly said, "But please satisfy me well."


He took the initiative to kiss Lin Ye, but at this moment, his closed eyes suddenly opened, staring at Lin Ye, his expression was very flat.

"Ye Jun, what did you go out just now."


The smell of Yukino remaining on her lips was noticed by Sakuraba.

"There is the smell of other girls, some familiar, but..."

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