Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 452

But from realizing now, suddenly realizing that the people I know still have this appearance, Xuecai has more contrast.

"Student Ogiso, associate with me!"

Very insincerely speaking.

Dongma expressed his anger for a moment., The right leg stomped on Lin Ye severely.

"Be careful, be sincere, and confess to Xuecai with your most sincere words."

Don't fill the twisted melon, Dongma is very clear.

She now feels that in the end, Xuecai will not agree to it, it may be very high.But even so, Lin Ye must be allowed to speak.

Because she doesn't want to admit defeat here.

Not only for the previous bet with Xuexia, but also for my own face now.

"Is Xuecai pretty!"


"Is Xuecai gentle!"


In fact, Lin Ye felt that he could only get the answer after contact, but the current situation is still better.Moreover, the short-term contact is based on the analysis of the opponent's personality, which is also the best result.

"Are you cute!"


When Dongma said that, Xuecai blushed a little shyly.



After questioning and answering, I don't know how many of the pickles have the advantages, Lin Ye was a little confused.

"So, do you like it!"


Following the other party's question, Dong Ma said with a triumphant smile on his face.

"If you like it, then confess it!"


Unbreakable fate.

The exhalation suddenly became hurried, even now Xuecai didn't think whether it should be rejected or accepted, or procrastinated.

It's just that Dongma hopes his answer is completely different from Lin Ye's hope.

Lin Ye, who was clearly the confession party, wanted to refuse.

"Student Xiaogizou, from the first time I saw you, my sight was deeply attracted by you. Your beautiful body was firmly introduced into my heart. If I hadn't had a sweetheart, I would definitely have I confess to you, this time, due to a blunder, maybe it is also a fate. Just treat it as a wish but a wish. Xuecai, I like you, if you can associate with me!"

Having said that, it shows that he already has other girls he likes, and they are not one, and he should know how to answer.

It doesn't matter if the card is given, or it is in other ways. What he expects is the rejection of the opponent.

"Ye Jun, are you true!"

Xuecai's expression remained unchanged, her beautiful eyes staring at Lin Ye's eyes and waiting for Lin Ye's answer.

"It's true, whether it's a girl I like, or the fate I feel."

I heard that girl again... Yukoshita Yukino.

She really wants to know why that girl is so liked by Lin Ye now.

In front of myself, confessed to myself, but still thinking of her.

How can she not compare?

It just comes from Xuecai's own competitive psychology as a girl.

"I see, that's really a pity!"

Just be headstrong once!I want to change the unchanging life I used to.

"Really, that's mine..."

Lin Ye, who hadn't finished speaking, fell into confusion when she heard Xue Cai's next sentence.

"Please give me some advice in the future. I accept it. From now on, we are a couple. My boyfriend Jun."

The low expression disappeared directly, and a bright smile appeared.

Lin Ye looked dumbfounded.

Not only the relationship between this beautiful smile, but also because of what Xue Cai just said.

Why did you accept it, shouldn't you refuse it!

He has a girlfriend!

According to this situation, Dongma definitely asked him to stay away from Qianli, Sakuraba and others.

How can this be done.Must think of other ways.

Chapter 460

"That's it! Then we now..."

As if thinking of what Lin Ye was going to say, Dongma's anger really came up, and he said to break up as soon as he agreed, which was a huge blow to Xuecai.

When the girl encountered this kind of thing, how should she meet people in the future, especially Lin Ye and her.

As the initiator of this matter, if Lin Yezhen spoke about breaking up now, she would lose her future best friend.

"Lin Ye, you shut up!"

"Really, I really don't want to!" Xue Cai's voice trembled slightly.

The tone of grievance made Lin Yexin tremble.

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