Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 457

"Eminem, this is Kaisa, open your mouth..."

The Dongma and Sha on the other side had not escaped the Xuecai, so under Lin Ye's watch, they reluctantly ate them.

It was reluctant, but Lin Ye still noticed the joy in his eyes.

"I'm just coming with you, don't get me wrong."

Perceiving Lin Ye's gaze, Dongma replies coldly, and this sentence makes Lin Ye's smile even brighter.

No matter what, the original bet between Dongma and Xuena made her change a bit, and finally there was a result. Xuecai has indeed changed Dongma!


Unexpectedly, it was really unexpected that Lin Ye, who had ended his play with Dongma Xuecai and returned to the ministry, was pulled out again.

He was really embarrassed, and even said that Bikitani and Yubihama had lifted the duty of the ministry together, but both shook their heads and rejected it.

"I said, Suzuki school girl, I think it's better to be in the ministry classroom."

After being taken out of the ministry by Kanai, Lin Ye, who had recovered his spirit, realized that his current position was already in the center of the place where the college festival was held.

"Hey, is Senior Ye being on duty well? Why do I only see Senior Clerk lying on the table, slacking off." Jianai took Lin Lin's hand and moved towards the predetermined spot.In order to prevent Lin Ye from escaping, Qian Li even walked behind Lin Ye.

Anyway, it's all right, it's better to be with them.

Looking at the behavior of the two girls, Lin Ye knew that he had to leave with her two today.However, Lin Ye decided to struggle in the end.

"I am out to play, after all, it is not good! Especially for the Ministry of Service..."

Before Lin Ye's words were finished, Qianli behind her put her hands on Lin Ye's back and pushed forward vigorously, "When did Mr. Ye care about other people's opinions? Moreover, this is me and Sister Bai Qi, Sakura Ting Xue Sister's common expectation, do seniors want to see how sad we are!"

"But... I..." Lin Ye always felt that something bad would happen later, but thinking of the three of them, she felt guilty in her heart..

"Don't worry, it's almost here." Kana, who led the way, received a message from her boss, Saakumi Ureshino, not long ago, saying that she was almost there.

It was close to noon today, they met Ureshino, and they were commissioned to take Lin Ye to the event and get the first place.

As a member of the Ministry of Service, since accepting this commission, he must do his best to complete it.

The four estimated the steps, but decided to adopt the simplest method for Lin Ye to accept.

Moreover, three of them actually knew that Lin Ye would never refuse because of their relationship with Lin Ye.

However, this event is a bit difficult to win!

Those obstacles always make them feel a little difficult.

However, they also knew what Lin Ye could achieve.

A few minutes later, Lin Ye found himself at the place where the military exchange association activities were held.Lin Ye saw Bai Qi and others waiting near the registration office, and when he saw Lin Ye appear, he walked towards Lin Ye.

And the most conspicuous is the Ureshino Sa Yumi in camouflage.

"Allah, allah, finally here, so..." Ureshino took out another camouflage suit from the backpack he carried and stuffed it into Lin Ye's hand, "Then as my partner, hurry up and change this dress. Then bring back victory with me."

Lin Ye looked at Kana in doubt.

Didn't he come here to accompany them? How come he and Ureshino... Although, his relationship with Ureshino is not very bad, and after some things happen, the relationship between the two of them is a little complicated.

"This senior..." Kana was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Lin Ye.

Sakuraba on one side explained the situation, “We accepted Ureshino’s request to help her find a partner to team up with her. In the end, we could only find a partner in the Ministry of Service. Ye you are more suitable. If your strength wants to win, I think it should be easy. Moreover, the above prizes, I...we are all interested, so Ye Jun, come on..."

Ying Ting made an apologetic expression to Lin Ye.

Bai Qi on one side lowered his head and said to Lin Ye, "Uh, uh, if Ye Jun doesn't want to participate, there is nothing to do,..."

"Senior, you should show your courage as a man at this time. Give me the prize. Don't get the first prize, just the special prize.!"

Suzuki Kana didn't want to lose the place of his ministry.Here, she has a very happy life, so she wants the current Ministry of Service to continue to exist in this way, she wants to have more happiness here, and hopes to see more of the other people in the Ministry of Service. Smile.

Qianli behind her also walked to Kanai's side and bowed her head towards Lin Ye and said, "Senior, please!"

Seeing this, Ureshino could not say anything, standing next to the four women, also bowed his head towards Lin Ye.

Anyway, if there is no Lin Ye, she will definitely not be able to pass.

Moreover, no matter how much he is his girlfriend, can't even his girlfriend's wishes be satisfied!

"Ye, I am yours..."

Realizing what Ureshino was about to say, Lin Ye quickly stepped forward and covered Ureshino's mouth, motioning not to say any more.

"Let me think about it, Ureshino, don't say anything more."

Here, he has three girlfriends of his own. Even if he wants to be known about him and Ureshino, he wants to say it from the air instead of being known by them on such an occasion.

Ureshino found a suitable method.

People have what they want to keep secret, then they have weaknesses.

Author's message:

PS: Finally the code word was accepted and kicked out!

Chapter 466 School Festival 6

"Woo, I know, I was almost suffocated by you. Anyway, if you don't agree, I will shake out all the things you have done to me."

Lin Ye felt the dazzling sight around him, as well as the quiet voice of discussion.

"Hey, that boy is too scumbag! Pretty girl, and there are still five people, if it were me, it would be..."

"Just what, you tell me" a female voice rang in her ears, half of the male voice stopped abruptly, and then apologized, and quickly said, "Nothing, nothing."

"But, such a man is so annoying that he even asked the girl to apologize to him like this."

"Yes Yes……"



Lin Ye's heart was full of bitterness, he could ignore the attitude of the people around him, but the key was that Lin Ye could not accept this request.He can disguise his studies, let his grades hover around the passing grade, disguise his personality, become introverted and gentle, and disguise his appearance, using hairstyle and black glasses to make himself ordinary.

However, Lin Ye knew that he would never pretend.That is when he is wearing a military uniform and holding a steel gun, he will live by honor and die by honor.On the battlefield or on the training field, he approached his full strength to meet various challenges.

If you really want to show this power, you always feel that you will become a celebrity in the total military high.

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