Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 460

Except for Bai Qi and others around Lin Ye, the surrounding area became a no-man's land.The development of the situation just now made more people, like An Yilun, aware of the crisis, and hid far away.

Sister Fujibayashi, who was waiting for the activity in the line, found that there was no one in front of her now.Lin Ye's realization can find her two.

Not far away from the fence, Yukiso and Touma Kazawa also came here during the development, and knew most of the events and their causes.

Serizawa Mizuki, who heard about Chili, hurried to the venue, but discovered the abnormal atmosphere here.

More and more familiar figures appeared around, making Lin Ye somewhat helpless.

Obviously there shouldn't be so many talents gathered here, right!

Could it be said that the beauty effect, this is also right, are the few people present are all famous beautiful girls from Zou Wu Gao!


Lin Ye quickly scanned the surroundings, and found that except for the three of Yu Hami and Biqigu, everyone else in the school was basically present.Including his 29-year-old class teacher who has never married-Shizuka Hiratsuka

"Let's go! Classmate Ureshino." Holding Lin Ye in the camouflage uniform, he walked towards the registration office for military club activities.

Lin Ye felt that it was time to end this matter.

His reputation is okay, but the reputation of other girls still needs attention.

"Eh eh" for a while, Ureshino Saakumi did not react.

"Don't you want me to be your partner, then let's go now!" Lin Ye turned around and explained to Ureshino.

It's just taking a first place. What are you afraid of? This obstacle is easy for him to kill terrorists. Apart from these targets, he doesn't even know how many real terrorists have eliminated.

"Ah!" Ureshino responded with a smile, "Then let's bring victory back!"

"Come on"

Lin Ye and Ureshino applauded.

Then Ureshino showed an apologetic expression to the people behind him.Mengmeng's big eyes seem to apologize to you formally after saying more.

"This is youth!" Hiratsuka could not help sighing as she turned towards Lin Ye and Ureshino's back.His right hand skillfully took out the lady's cigarette from his pocket and placed it gracefully on his lips.

Hiratsuka knew that he had missed his eyes, and this guy was able to do decent things occasionally.

But with so many people, have all the girls in the ministry fallen?

Even the most unlikely one under Xuexiaxue has fallen. Where is the charm of this forest leaf.

Isn't it just a little stronger body, or a little better learning ability, or can play piano and guitar, or...

The more Hiratsuka thinks about it, the more she feels that she wants to cry. Such a boy, if she is also moved!

Looking at Yonano's expression, Hiratsuka knew that Lin Ye was about to be stared at.It is better to say that he has been paid more attention, I hope he will stand firm!

As for what will happen in the future, Hiratsuka thinks that it is best not to intervene, not to mention that the student has given her such a blow, and it is really sorry for herself if she does not respond well.

Lin Ye, ask for a blessing!

If you want to become a lover with Xue Nai, Yang Nai is a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Author's message:

PS: Catch up again!

Chapter 469

After paying the 3,000 yen registration fee, Lin Ye went to the computer desk at the entrance and clicked the start button to answer the questions.

Ureshino originally hoped to handle the first written test by himself, but Lin Ye gave up his intention to play when he said "subject to me".

Anyway, at that time, I can participate in the subsequent actual combat in the name of a facilitator.As for Lin Ye's failure to pass the written test, Ureshino did not consider it at all.

"Xiaozao, do you think Ye Jun can pass this written test?" Bai Qi was a little nervous looking at the back of Lin Ye answering the question.Finally, Lin Ye decided to stay, she didn't want to be frustrated in this activity, which would affect Lin Ye's mood.

"It seems, Bai Qi, you care about Lin Ye very much!"

"Ah! I..." Bai Qi blushed when Ying Ting said so, "Xiaozao, you are good or bad! I don't believe you don't care, who you were just now, so nervous and worried, I'm afraid ..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)After all, this was the first time that he was worried about the opposite sex other than family members.I hope he can stay in his sight.

"Golden defeated dog, don't you worry?" With her back leaning on the railing, Shi Yu was full of grace toward the questioning forest leaves.

"I'm just thinking about which prize is more suitable. After all, there are so many people present, it's really a bit..." As for the girls around, Ying Lili felt very stressed.I really didn't expect to encounter such a situation in the reunion three years later.

But when she thought that she knew Lin Ye better than everyone present, Ying Lili was also very happy.

"It seems that you know a lot of things!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not continue to ask.She knew that if she asked, she would be one step behind Eriri, no matter what, only Eriri and Kato Megumi did not want to admit defeat.Thinking of Kato Megumi, Kasumi Shiba couldn't understand her true thoughts.For such a girl who is similar to the Three Nothings, it is really difficult for her to judge the true thoughts.

As for Lin Ye, Xia Zhiqiu already had some guesses in her past experiences, and then she can only verify it through her own channels and methods.

In 40 seconds, Lin Ye completed 25 questions and achieved the highest score today. For these questions, Lin Ye is actually a bit grateful that he did not include military content related to Japanese modern history. Lin Ye didn't know how to answer such a question.

In order to save time, when the results came out, when the organizers announced that the actual combat session was about to begin, Lin Ye directly took off his school uniform jacket, shirt and pants, and directly put on the field camouflage Ureshino gave him.As for shame and cold, Lin Ye has completely ignored it now.Since Kanai and the others wanted their true thoughts, in fact, Lin Ye took it for granted.The former shyness is more because Lin Ye knew that high school students at this stage should behave in this way, so he made this reaction.

At present, it is unnecessary.

"You, you... Why do you change your clothes in public, don't you think..." Yushi was ashamed as he covered his eyes with both hands.

"Well, aren't you looking at it! It's not a big deal." Finally, buckling the buttons and belt, Lin Ye carried the 10-kg camouflage backpack required by the rules.

"I, I didn't..." Ureshino wanted to deny it, but he also knew that Lin Ye had discovered it through his fingers.Since Lin Ye didn't care, Ureshino, who didn't think he was at a disadvantage, let go.Although Ureshino's face is still shy and ruddy.

The two police officers began to introduce Lin Ye and Ureshino to the basic operation of the guns present.

Therefore, in addition to the camouflage backpack, Lin Ye just brought a pistol.

After inspecting the guns, the skillful movements made the two police officers present look surprised and suspicious at Lin Ye, but they didn't say anything in the end.

After all, although guns are banned in island countries, it does not mean that no one has access to guns.

The second generation of Quan and the second generation of rich are not joking, let alone an island country in a capitalist country.

After that, Lin Ye didn't let go of the only dagger on the table, and tied it to his right leg.Now Lin Ye's goal is that special prize.He must pass the level, and it is the most perfect level.Win the biggest prize in this event.

Then, in the end, Lin Ye was ready to take off this biggest disguise.The thumb and index finger of the right hand were lightly pressed against the sides of the lens, and the black full-frame glasses moved away from the bridge of Lin Ye's nose following the movements of Lin Ye's hand.

Wearing this thing allowed Lin Yejue to affect his feeling during the action period, and Lin Ye decisively plucked it off.

It was the first time that the bright black eyes concealed by the reflection of the lens showed up in this campus. After losing the concealment of the large-frame glasses, the face’s resolute curve showed the breath of this man, black The broken hair fluttered with the prestige, showing the true face of forestry.

Is it Junmei?No, it is never.It can be said that Lin Ye's face is more representative of men's fortitude, unlike male actors who can directly capture the hearts of most women.But at this time, Lin Ye can also make women's hearts move. Such a face is very attractive, and with that unique temperament, it is enough to attract many women.

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