Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 478

Subconsciously clinging to the forest leaves, Dongma prayed that there would be nothing wrong under the snow.

"There is no gap in it. If it is smashed directly underneath, the mortality rate is as high as 95%. Even if Xuexia is really inside, we don't need to spend this effort."

There is no point in continuing to search here.

He didn't believe that Xue Na simply left him.

He... didn't believe it.

"But..." Facing Lin Ye's sensible judgment, Dong Ma obviously couldn't accept it. It was obvious that he had just come back to her in spite of danger, so why did he give up at this time.

The deadly bomb will explode in less than ten minutes, and it will take at least five minutes for its own security forces to get here.If Xuexia is not found within five minutes, he and Dongma must also leave here.

Analyze, analyze, and analyze what Xuexia will do in this situation.

There are no living people left in it. Then, according to the desire to survive, she must go to a safe place. As Xuexia, according to her character, she can definitely judge.

So... Damn it, I was too worried and too flustered.Xuexia was definitely going downstairs.

If there are two routes, five minutes is enough.

"Let's go down, Xue Nai should be downstairs."

The first passage was blocked on the second floor. When Lin Yegang wanted to turn around and go down the other road to look for it, he suddenly saw Mr. Pan under several concrete slabs.

Isn't it here?

Looking at this pile, Lin Ye swallowed unconsciously.I was a little scared that Yukino was just below.

Lin Ye expected this Mr. Pan just by coincidence.

If, if...

Impossible, absolutely impossible...

"Xunai, answer me, can you hear my voice?" Amplify his voice as much as possible, Lin Ye shouted toward the ruins.

After speaking, concentrate on seeing if there is any reaction.

This is... Lin Ye's voice?

A bleak smile appeared under the dark snow in the depths, and he seemed to be too worried. Hearing hallucinations appeared when he wanted someone to save him.

How could Lin Ye and Dongma be here!

What a small chance they can meet here.

But Lin Ye!

At this time, I really missed it.

Thinking of what happened to him and Lin Ye, he chased him again and again. It was obvious that he had already moved, so why didn't he agree!

At the college festival, I should really agree!

And unlike now, or never have a chance.

"Xuno, when he heard my voice, he answered me, there is almost no time."

Just now another bomb exploded, and the building began to shake.

At this time, Lin Ye admired the island country's architecture. At least the quality was guaranteed. He just accepted the damage of five bombs and stood firm.

It is auditory hallucination, but why is it so real.

"Ahem, Ye Jun, I am here."

At this time, when I heard it again, Xue Nai immediately returned to God.It was just that due to the environment, the dust that was blown up directly made her choke a lot.

"Yuno, I heard that I will rescue you immediately. You should protect yourself as much as possible, and pay attention to the respiratory tract."

Lin Ye, who heard Xue Nao's voice, immediately felt relieved.

The voice indicated that Yukino was still safe, just trapped inside.This is not a problem for him.

Putting Dongma directly to a safe corner, Lin Ye directly lifted the gravel and cement board in front of him.

One piece, another piece... After three minutes of hard work, Lin Ye finally smashed the last largest cement block back, and fell directly to the side with a "bang".

The sudden arrival of the light made Xuexia's eyes a little uncomfortable and blocked part of the light with his hands.

"You're okay, great!" Seeing that Xuexia was safe, Lin Ye didn't even think that he would rush to hug her, and hug Xuexia tightly in his arms.

When reacting, Lin Ye didn't want to let go

He... almost lost her forever!.

Now, anyone who dared to block his eyes and hinder him from being with Yukino was his enemy.

I know how to cherish when I lose

"Sorry, I will apologize later! If you can go, leave as soon as possible now, and there is one last bomb."

"En" Lin Ye just now short-circuited Xue Nai's mind.

She doesn't hate it, or she feels the emotion emerging from her heart, she is very satisfied and happy.

At the moment just now, Lin Ye's reaction to her was so fierce.

At this time, the phone in the pocket rang.

Lin Ye knew that the security forces had arrived.

"Hey, it's me. Tell me the escape route I still have, the location of the last bomb."

"Report to the commander that the effective escape route is currently found to be blocked. There are windows on the sixth floor directly above you to come out. With your skill, there is no problem coming out there. As for the bomb, leave you. The nearest one is in the projection room on the first floor where you are."

"There are still two people on my side. I can't take them down the sixth floor together."

At least if there is a rope, you can go down, but in this place, there is no such thing as a rope.

He can take one person down, but he cannot take two people down.

"Commander, your life is above everything else, please..."

"Hey," Lin Ye cut off the phone directly. Lin Ye knew what they were going to say, but if he put his life as his first priority, he would not return to look for Xue Na just now.

Both of them are equally important to him.

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