Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 488

Seeing Lin Ye walking out, Xue Nao and Dong Ma were also taken aback. Even though they had seen him like this, they were familiar with Lin Ye wearing glasses and still looked a little surprised.

It feels like two completely different people.Is the effect of a pair of glasses really so great? This question could not help but pop up in their hearts.

Lin Ye sat next to Dongma first, and then helped her sprained foot. After treatment before, the redness and swelling disappeared slightly, but the redness and swelling at the ankle can still be seen.

Putting a hot towel on it, Lin Ye's right hand slightly squeezed both sides of his foot, so that after the massage, the swelling will disappear a little bit faster, and the injury of Dongma is not serious, and it will be completely ready for the ground tomorrow.

Feeling the strength of Lin Ye’s massage and the heat from the hot towel, Dong Ma only felt that her whole body was very comfortable. She didn’t want to explode or something. Now she just feels like she wants to lie in bed and sleep well. Last sleep.

I really don't know where Lin Ye learned this massage technique.

So comfortable, I seem to want to enjoy it in the future!

However, looking at Xuexia Xuenao next to him, Dongma knew that Xuexia had a higher status in Lin Ye's heart than himself.

Even if she is unwilling to accept this fact, but she cannot deny it

It's useless to deceive yourself.

Xue Nai looked at Lin Ye seriously massaging Dong Ma, and felt a different feeling in her heart, wondering if she was injured, would it be...

As soon as this thought appeared, it was directly suppressed by Xue Nao.How to say this is too unlike her character.This kind of thought is obviously only for girls who are in love, and she doesn’t have any relationship with...

Isn't she tempted long ago!

Ten minutes later, Lin Ye, who felt almost the same, pulled the quilt for the two of them, and then pressed the light switch.

"Xuno, Dongma, good night!"

"Good night" X2

Both of them whispered back to Lin Ye.


At six o'clock, even if he was tired, Lin Ye's biological clock had been determined to be at this time, unless it was the kind that was seriously injured and lethargic for three days and three nights, otherwise, Lin Ye would always wake up at this time.

Feeling the exhaustion of the body, Lin Ye opened his eyes vigorously. As the breathing progressed, Lin Ye only felt a pleasant smell.

This does not seem to smell like a shower gel!I don’t usually use shower gel!


At this time, Lin Ye, who finally woke up, realized that he was no longer alone in his bed.Could it be that I ran to the bed next door unconsciously last night?

This is not right!Lin Ye couldn't remember having such a habit.

If I really ran into the bed between them.

Although, according to the previous physical contact relationship, it is not a big deal.

However, Lin Ye always felt bad when he did so without the consent of the two.

In my dream, I felt too lonely to sleep alone, so I ran over...

I didn't know I had such a habit at all.

Looking at the layout of the ceiling, Lin Ye was sure that he was on his bed, so there was only one explanation. Xue Nao and Dong Ma attacked at night.

This is a night attack on myself... the two of them... actually... night attack...

Two fiery bodies are close to him, one is holding his left arm on his left, and the other is on his right, holding his right hand tightly.

The exhaled breath of Yukino and Dongma blew on their bodies, and Lin Ye could clearly feel the wonderful touch of the smooth skin.

Using his left hand vigorously, trying to pull it out, Lin Ye found that Dongma was hugging a little tightly. If he tried too hard, he would definitely wake the other party.

Moreover, looking at how Dongma was sleeping now, Lin Ye didn't want to bother him. He could go to sleep at any time, but Dongma obviously couldn't. His eyes were slightly dark, Lin Ye knew that the other party fell asleep very late last night.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye felt a little guilty. There were some things that he had overlooked. Seeing that the two of them didn't show much abnormal performance, he thought that the other party had already passed this hurdle, but in the end, he had thought too much.

The girl's psychological acceptance is worse than his. He should think of it, instead of being defeated by the Sandman and choosing to sleep.

If I paid more attention yesterday, it should be better!

Yukino's head rested on her arm, her left hand clasped her right hand tightly and crossed her fingers, while her right hand was placed on her body at will, lying on her side.

In this sleeping position, Lin Ye could clearly see Xue Nao sleeping soundly.

It was indeed very comfortable to sleep with two beautiful girls, but Lin Ye also felt a bit of pain.

I wanted to get up and buy some breakfast, but I found that I couldn't move at all. As long as the action was too intense, it would definitely wake up the two of them. Therefore, Lin Ye could only lie down empty and wait for the two to wake up naturally.

It seems that because of the uncomfortable sleeping position, Xue Nao moved her body and adjusted it. The clenched hand was finally released, and Lin Ye took it out.

However, the touch between this body's skin really made Lin Yexin sway.This feeling caused Lin Ye to be suppressed, and once again rose up.

The human body is really inconvenient. It will respond to a little stimulus. If it can be controlled by itself, it will be great.

Of course, this kind of thing can only be thought of. If even these natural reactions can be controlled at will, humans will not be humans.

But he should still be human!

Xue Nao's eyelashes trembled slightly with her exhalation, and the delicate face close at hand made Lin Ye couldn't help but want to take a kiss.

In fact, Dongma's sleeping position is also very good. If it is possible, Lin Ye would like to take a bite on Dongma's face, but in his current posture, it is really impossible to kiss each other successfully without disturbing the two sleeping. , So Lin Ye can only...

When I kissed Xue Na’s lips, Lin Ye felt a bit overwhelmed, so he took a sip on Xue Na’s face. Then, Lin Ye felt a lot, and the hand on her body trembled, and there was still blush on her white cheeks. .

This means that Yukino knew what I did just now.

Now so...

Lin Ye thought about what she should do at this time.

Not to be missed.

At this moment, it was time to take Yukino directly and make everything an unchangeable fact.

Chapter 496: I Like You

"Xuno, like you, can you give me a chance!"

He hugged Xue Nao tightly with her right hand, and brought her beautiful body closer to her. Lin Ye put her head to the side and put her head in Xue Nao's ear to speak.

Xue Na's body trembled more severely, her closed eyelids tended to open a little, and then Lin Ye felt that her left arm was severely pinched.

Don't pretend to sleep if you are all awake!

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