Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 492

"Why, why is the current Ministry of Service not suitable anymore." Yubihama couldn't accept such a reason at all, and stood up directly with emotion.Looking at Lin Ye, his eyes are full of expectation that Lin Ye will give a reasonable explanation.

"Obviously, the Obvious Society is only now developing in a better direction, why Ye Jun, you want to leave unexplainably."

Some things happened, exposed, and never returned to the past.

Looking at Xuexia Xuenao sitting in the center, Lin Ye sighed in his heart, and the application form in his hand was placed on the table with his right hand, and came to her in a stroke.

"Just treat it as my own waywardness!"

Now, what he cares most about is Qianli, Bai Qi and Ying Ting.

If the three of them can understand themselves, that's enough!

"Ye Jun is not a wayward person, Xiaoxue, he must have a reason, right, Xiaoxue, you wouldn't agree!"

"I..." In the face of Yubihama's expectant eyes, Yukinoshita, who couldn't bear it, glanced aside, not daring to look directly, ""

Lin Ye chose to retire from the club, and Xuexia understood the other party's plan, just to avoid the embarrassment of both parties being in the same club.

But if you just agree to it, Xuexia asked, even if he knew that Lin Ye approached her with impure goals, he just let him leave. If he agreed, he couldn't say anything.

Not only because of its own reasons but also because of its members.

"Minister, and everyone, then goodbye!"

Very secretly, he gave a reassuring gesture to the three, Lin Ye hoped that they could understand themselves.

"how come……"

With a "swish", the door of the ministry was opened directly.

Lin Ye didn't even want to know that the other party was Shizuka Hiratsuka, except for her, there was no other way to join the club like this.

"Ah! It's all here! It feels a bit wrong, but it doesn't matter, it just happens to have a commission, come in!"

For the president of the city and a first-year girl, Lin Ye frowned, and didn't want to worry about it enough.He is no longer a member of the Ministry of Service, and Bai Qi's HAPPY plan has been completed. His reason for being here is gone.

What's more, something like this happened in Hexuexia, and his stay here will only cause more embarrassment.

Lin Ye, who was just about to go out, was directly pulled by Hiratsuka Shizuo. "You can't escape if you want to go there. Even if you want to go to the bathroom, you have to listen to the commission, lest you make excuses to be lazy."

Seeing Lin Ye wanting to leave, Shizuka Hiratsuka unceremoniously, Lin Ye caught it.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, I..."

As a student, you must at least know how to respect the teacher.At least when there are other people.

"Ahhhhh, Hiratsuka-sensei, let's just ask! Ye Jun, sit down first, and we will discuss other things."

Bai Qi, who was in front of Lin Ye, dragged him past Lin Ye. Yu Yuan was deeply afraid that Lin Ye would resist, and joined it, holding Lin Ye's right hand, and under the combined strength of the two, sat in his own seat.

Faced with the actions of the two women, Lin Ye could not refuse at all.

Even after sitting down, the two people next to each other moved their seats and leaned close to Lin Ye, fearing that Lin Ye would stand up and leave at this time.

The result is doomed, he has already made up his mind to leave, so why bother!Faced with the girl's behavior, Lin Ye now acquiesced to it, and Hiratsuka was here quietly, and many things were not easy to say.

"Actually, Isshiki is a candidate for the student council president, how can I put it... But she herself doesn't want to be selected..."

"That means I don't want to be the president of the student council!"

Xuexia was very cold and made a simple summary.

"Yes, that's what it means."

Shizuka was a little embarrassed, but also nodded in approval.

"Then why go to the election."

Xuexia didn't know what she should do. For Lin Ye's matter, she only felt it came too suddenly, and suddenly caught her off guard.

This has already caused her to lose her square inch, and even yesterday she stayed up all night, thinking about how to face Lin Ye, until, at this moment, she heard Lin Ye propose to leave the ministry.

But at this time, since the Ministry of Service came to entrust her, she could only put Lin Ye's affairs first.

This is her principle of doing things.

"Because, that wasn't what I wanted to be the candidate of the student council, it was chosen by someone else without authorization." Ichiba Yugan smiled a few times and said.

It feels... The pressure is so heavy, this is the famous iceberg beauty of the school-Xuexia Xueno.

And the other people, the music girl Mien Chiri, the super famous people in the school, but they are all here.

Yes, yes, and...

A color feather does not know how to treat it.Thinking of what happened to the two of them last time, there are still some shadows.

What does Hiraizuka-Sei-teacher have to do with? It's terrifying!

Moreover, that man is not the kind of herbivorous boy in school, he has no guts at all.

At that time, I was worried for a while and determined not to meet again, but I didn't expect to meet again here.

Chapter 500: Because You Are No longer a member of the Ministry of Service

"I want to say that I'm not welcome! I am also a manager of the football department, and I have a good relationship with the seniors and seniors of Hayama. I was left with this impression..."

Such girls should be very good at playing with men!

Looking at Yi Huoyu's self-talk, Lin Ye commented in his heart.But, all this has nothing to do with him.Days without tasks are really easy!

"I remember that to become a presidential candidate requires an election of at least 100 people. If this is a prank, it really takes a lot of thought."

"So many, this is really looking for a lot of people."

It's hard to imagine Yuhihama that there will be so many autographs.

There is such a dark side in the school, human jealousy!

"Yeah, yeah" Miyuan and Suzuki also nodded straight, a little unbelievable.

Can summon 100 people, that is, 1% of the total number of students to sign, this girl is hated by how many people.

"Then, our teacher will deal with the students who do such things, but the problem of a color feather..."

"Since you don't want to be a candidate, it would be fine to lose the election. Rather, there is only this way."

Biqigu directly expressed his ideas, but Yihuishu obviously would not accept it.

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