Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 501

It's just... it turns out that he wasn't dead at all.

"That's it!" Yang Nai kept his eyes fixed on Lin Ye, and Yang Nai said again, "If you feel something is wrong, please contact my sister directly. My mobile phone is turned on for 24 hours."

"Then, I'll go back first, Xue Nai." Halfway through, Yang Nai turned his head and said to Lin Ye, "Ye Jun, you must protect Xue. If you want me to marry you, you must protect Good my sister, because in a way, Xue Naike is also your sister."

There was useless nonsense in the middle, but the last sentence shocked Lin Ye. If it weren't for sure that Xue Nai didn't say anything, and believed in his own secrecy measures, Lin Ye would doubt whether Yang Nai knew anything.

After all, compared to Xue Nai, Yang Nai takes family interests and survival as the top priority except for sister control. He really knows his identity, and he might be a black hand. At that time, he will do everything. It's impossible not to do it.

With this kind of spearhead, the Xuexia family would definitely be targeted by the security forces. Then, Lin Ye didn't have to think about what would happen next.

It can only be regarded as a second-rate and third-rate family in the island country. The strength is too weak. With the energy he can now mobilize, both bright and dark can be solved.

It's just...not necessary.

Even though she was destined not to go together with Xue Nao, Lin Ye didn't want to see the day Xue Nao showed a sad expression.

Author's message:

PS: I...updated!

Chapter 508

As he closed the door towards the elevator, Lin Ye only hoped that the Xuexia family would be stable.At that time, if something happened and turned into a mess, he wouldn't be able to face Yukino.

Even if she is at odds with her family, Lin Ye knows that from the two days, especially today's attitude towards Yang Nai, she still has feelings for that family.

It is better to say that there is no emotion, that is fake!

"Then then, I will go first." Waiting for the elevator to come up again, Lin Ye greeted everyone behind him and was about to leave.

Staying in this place again, he will feel that his mood will continue to fall.

Even if he is treated like this by someone he values, he will feel heartache.

"Then Minister Xiaoxue, let's go first." Following Lin Ye, Bai Qi, Sakura Ting, Suzuki and Yuyuan all followed.

Yubihama wanted to leave too. She knew that Bai Qi and the others definitely wanted to stay, but what happened just now made her feel relieved about Yukino. Moreover, Sakuraba’s deep-meaning eyes also let Yuhihama know that she stayed for comparison. it is good.

Yuyuan's gesture also indicated that the four of them would work hard to get Lin Ye back into the club, even if Lin Ye said that.

As for Biqigu, he felt it was inconvenient to keep up, so he stayed.The amount of information about what happened just now is really big, and it makes him feel very difficult to think about.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, don't you ask us to go in and sit?"

Miss Tuanzi showed her enthusiasm again.

If the four of Bai Qi and the others settled Ye Jun's affairs, then Xue Nai would let her solve it like this.

He patted his chest, Yuihama Yui cheered himself up.

"Oh, oh" Yukoshita quickly picked up the key and opened the door, and his right hand signaled that Yubihama and Hichigu could enter.

The package on the ground was picked up by Biqigu and taken in.

He was the only man left, and he was the only one who did the dirty work.

Although he keeps complaining in his heart, Biqigu is neat and has no lazy performance.

But the eyes are as always, the blind fish eyes that make people feel bad.

"Thank you."

Only then did Xuexia realize that this precious thing had been thrown on the ground by her.

That one, Mr. Pan, who made Lin Ye and himself depend on life and death, is just that, the two of them have taken different life paths.


After leaving the apartment building, Lin Ye said to the four of Bai Qi, "Are you going to sit there with me?"

"Can you?"

Although Bai Qi asked so, he obviously wanted to go.

"Even if I don't say anything, you will choose to follow me!"

"Ye Jun, you really are..."

"No, I'm not a good person, please don't use this to describe me."

"Ha ha ha..." All four of them were amused by Lin Ye's words.

When I arrived in Lin Ye's room, most of the things had been cleaned up, and the remaining workload was not large. With this personal help, it would soon be over.

In the living room, facing the four young girls, Lin Ye passed the drinks in the refrigerator.

"Ye Jun, can't I really go back to the ministry? Only the ministry where Ye Jun is, and then a complete ministry." Holding green tea in his hand, Bai Qi lowered his head slightly and asked.

"Sorry, Bai Qi, I can no longer stay in the ministry."


Ying Ting was stopping Bai Qi and didn't want her to ask this question again.

"Then Jun Ye, can you tell me how to get you back to the club? Really, I hope to spend more fun time with Jun Ye."

Bai Qi's look of anticipation was full of longing for that bright future.

"Hasn't the Zou Gogo HAPPY plan succeeded?"

"But even so, I... No, we all want to spend the rest of high school life with Ye Jun. No, not only high school life, but even after graduation, we have to continue to communicate. We have to associate for a lifetime. Friends for life."

Considering the existence of Suzuki, Bai Qi is embarrassed to say that he is spending his life together.

"A lifetime of dating? It turns out that even if the four of you are married, Bai Qi will associate with me. It's not too..."

Lin Ye still thought it would be better to break such a serious and dull atmosphere.This is a matter between herself and Xuexia, Lin Ye didn't want them to become in a bad mood.

Moreover, at this time, it's good to tease.

At least Lin Ye's mood has improved a lot now.

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Bai Qi's face now.

"This, this, this... Ye Jun, you are too cunning."

"Yes, Senior Ye, you are too cunning." Suzuki, the nearest to Lin Ye, kicked Lin Ye directly.

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