Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 511

"Scum! I admit it, then, Xing, I will count to three. If you don't deny me, you will treat it as your promise..."


Hugging the girl's soft body, Lin Ye had a faint smile on his face, and then raised his index finger on his right hand.

It was just one minute, but now it is only three seconds, which is too...


Before Fujibayashi could react, she was thinking about how to reject Lin Ye in one go. Seeing his sad look, Lin Ye skipped two and went straight to three.


"It's already, Xing..."

Lin Ye adjusted his position, staring directly at Fujilin Xinglan's blue and purple eyes at a distance of less than five centimeters.

The tip of the nose was entwined with the sweet breath of the girl, and the girl's delicate face was in the field of vision. The long hair touched Lin Ye's skin, making Lin Ye feel a little itchy.

Unconsciously exerting force with his hands, as Lin Ye's movements and the atmosphere changed, Fujibayashi Xing's body stiffened first, and then she unconsciously lowered her eyes looking at Lin Ye.

"You promised me..."


The girl's voice trembled a little.


Lin Ye chose to hear the sound of a mosquito.

At this time, Lin Ye knew that all he had to do was to constantly force Fuji Lin Xing to agree.

In this way, the arrogant girl will truly change her attitude.

He almost broke Fujibayashi's psychological line of defense. Lin Ye continued to cheer himself up, and at the same time, his mind quickly turned, thinking about various methods and scenarios.

"Xing, just... didn't hear clearly, can you say it again!"

Deliberately pretending that he could not hear, Lin Ye asked.

Next, Xing's answer should still be rejected.

"I do not want……"

The sound increased slightly.

But Lin Ye chose to reply again, "Xing, sorry, that, I still don't have..."

"You bastard..."

Suddenly excited, Fujibayashi pushed a handful of leaves hard, but the tightly held Fujibayashi was obviously unable to push the leaves away.

With Fujibayashi's action, Lin Ye worked harder afterwards, holding the apricot tightly in his arms.

"I didn't hear, Xing..."

"I said I don't want it, I won't agree to your bastard's request, now, you hear it!"

As if venting the emotions in his heart, Fujibayashi's voice shouted from the bottom of his throat, and the sharp voice was full of mixed feelings.

"No! Xing, I still didn't hear your answer just now..."


Obviously it was Lin Ye's gas, and he was also aware of Lin Ye's ideas.

With the change of mood, the breathing is a little short and the body rises and falls, and Fujibayashi gritted his teeth.

"Then tell me, how can you hear..."

The man in front of her is now full of rascal attitude, which makes her very angry.

But what can she do!

I can't beat it, I can't say that it's amazing...

If you want to call, you will call just now instead of thinking about his safety.

She already felt the true inner thoughts, but she didn't want to admit it.

"Apricot actually knows it clearly?"

The fingertips of his thumb ran across the delicate skin of Fuji Lin Xing's face, and he cupped his delicate chin with both hands. At this time, Lin Ye felt that if he could, he wanted to kiss down.

Perhaps, if you do this, the girl will agree!

Sometimes, girls' bodies are much more honest than their mouths.

"Yes, I don't know anything..."

Suppressing a wave of anger, but mixed with anger, there is a joy.

"Why don't you know! Just promise my pursuit..."

"You guy has a girlfriend, so you still want to pursue me, you..."

The frustrated Fujilin Xing's words were only general, but the smile on Lin Ye's face became more brilliant, showing a puzzled expression.

"You, what are you guys laughing at..."

"Quickly, answer me quickly..."

After waiting for five seconds, Lin Ye didn't answer her question, which made Fuji Lin Xing unconsciously annoyed. He hammered Lin Ye's chest with both hands unconsciously, and stomped his right foot without worry.

"Just now & Apricot was jealous!"


Fujibayashi opened her eyes wide, with an unbelievable expression, but her real heart was as if she had been pricked by Lin Ye, and her heart throbbed violently.

I don't want to admit it, I don't want to admit it at all, but half of the real feelings in the textbook tell her the real reality.

"How could I be jealous, don't be naive, you fellow..."


"Of course it's true... How could I accept a request to chase after a girlfriend..."

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