Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 528


Dongma Hesha’s music classroom has become a combat conference center for presidential elections.

The loss of the two targets was a blow to the election, but Lin Ye did not choose to give up.

Even if he is alone, he has the confidence to win, let alone she is more than alone.

He still has six people he can rely on.

The avalanche plan will succeed.

"Ye Jun, according to your plan, I have started to talk to my classmates about this election. There are only three candidates, you, Isshiki, and Xuexia..."

The relationship he revealed gave the Ministry of Service an opportunity to re-attach him to the club.

The difficulty of successfully becoming the president has increased a lot, but challenges are more interesting.

"At present, based on the reaction of classmates, no one has much influence on you and Isshiki classmates. After all, Yukoshita-san is a well-known beautiful girl in Sou Takeshi. She is quite popular among boys and girls. ..."

"Thank you, Xuecai..."

"No, this is what I should do..."

"Popularity only needs to be hyped. In high school, what I am most interested in is love. I think I only need to let my rumor about a famous beautiful girl in school spread through the Internet. Then, my The name should be able to enter the field of vision of the whole school as quickly as possible."

In fact, the incident at the academy festival brought him into the eyes of the students of Zou Wu Gao, but it was a short-lived thing after all. After these times, he almost had no impression and wanted to win the president election. This impression is far from enough.

"Well, Ye Jun, who are you going to choose to be your gossip girlfriend?"

Suddenly, besides An Yilun, the other five girls stared at Lin Ye, waiting for Lin Ye's response.

"If I can, I would like Teacher Hiratsuka to help. If teachers and students are in love, they can definitely become popular, but it is really bad for the teacher's reputation..."

It turned out to be Shitzu Hiratsuka, but Lin Ye's giving up made the girl relieved.


Chapter 529

"Student Lin Ye, I didn't expect that you would still be interested in teacher-student love...This really makes us admire..."

This kind of tone, this kind of voice, besides Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who else would it be!

Lin Ye saw that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu raised Erlang's legs at this time, and the thighs wrapped in black silk tremble slightly, showing that the master's mood is rather uneven.

Even if I heard that Lin Ye didn't intend to borrow Hiratsuka's name to increase his popularity in a short time.But the first thing the other person thinks of is Shizuka Hiratsuka, this subconscious has already indicated certain signals.

For example, Lin Ye had some thoughts about Shizumoto Hiratsuka.

Among the teachers of Sotake High, Shizuka Hiratsuka is indeed one of the best.Looking at the age, both the appearance and the figure are within the scope of the great beauty. It is indeed a puzzle to find a target yet.,

But there are always reasons why older leftover women can't get married. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu keeps exploring, but what Lin Ye said just now made her care a little bit.

"Would you like me to talk to Teacher Jingjing Hepingzuka, maybe the teacher is really willing to help you, at the risk of bad reviews or even expulsion from school..."

"This, no need. Hiratsuka-teacher is still an instructor in the Ministry of Service. It is not suitable. I just gave an idea and an introduction for everyone. I can think of divergent thinking and think of some similar methods to improve my reputation in a short time... …"

As an insider, if he really does this, he might directly inform everyone of He Xuena's problems. What will happen then?

He probably chose to leave Japan in order to avoid the efforts of these girls.

Leaving early is his expectation of coming here, but with the increase in the number of people he knows and the increase in bonds with them, Lin Ye chooses to live here with peace of mind until the day of graduation, and then everyone... enters the university. , And he is leaving.

They can also accept this kind of separation!

"Teacher-student love...I think the love triangle is more gimmicky! And, Lin Ye, you are already carrying the rumor that you are stepping on multiple boats. If you can implement this, I think your reputation will rise..."

Bad reputation can only keep him away from the post of president.

Lin Ye thanked Xiazhiqiu Shiyu for his suggestions.

"Papa..." It was the sound of a pencil being broken, and the source of this sound was Ying Lili.

"I, love triangle, I, I... I think I can..."

"I, Sawamura, Triangle, Ying Lili, want to become the heroine of a love triangle?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled and looked at Yinglili beside her.

"It's not, how could I spread such rumors..."

Ying Lili shook her head vigorously in denial.

"That's really a pity! I'm quite willing to get the material, but who else is more suitable!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu bluntly said that she was willing, making Ying Lili biting her lip unhappy while she was taken aback. .At the same time, she gestured to Lin Ye. There is no doubt that Ying Lili wanted Lin Ye to refuse.

However, Lin Ye didn't know whether to refuse Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to become the heroine or the proposal.

"Student Dongma..."

"I have no plans to become the heroine of a love triangle..." Dongma and Sa, who had been holding their arms around his chest, turned their heads unwillingly.

Since you don't want to, why do you have to project the line of sight from the corner of your eye toward me.

"So, classmate Ogiso..."

"This, neither I nor Sasha are willing, then I am sure..."

Xuecai's tone is a bit unresolute, but she understands what her best friend has for Lin Ye, and of course, she understands Lin Ye's own women. It is okay to have a messy relationship, so she instinctively regards herself and Hesha as a united front , Now Hesha expresses her unwillingness, so she can only choose no.

"So, then, it can't be An Yijun!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's gaze was placed on An Yilun Ye. An Yilun who was sitting silently waiting for the topic to pass had no idea how the topic would suddenly become him.

"Senior sister, I am a boy..."

"It's okay, a love triangle, you and Lin Ye both fell in love with me, and then hurt each other. In the end, the two fell in love without knowing each other..."

An Yilun swallowed too, and didn't know how to reply.

"Shiyu, you forgot someone..." Lin Ye pointed in a certain direction, "Hui, what do you think..."

At this time, Kato Megumi and Linye's eyes were facing each other.Kato Megumi seemed to understand what Lin Ye's eyes meant.

I promised you not to forget you.

A shallow smile bloomed on Kato Megumi's face.

"If Ye Jun has no objection, I can. It's just that I don't seem to be well-known in General Wu Gao. Can the love triangle of a girl like me really become a topic!"

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