Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 536


"Hey, there are people hiding...on the hillside over there..." In this kind of game, the average player will naturally be able to guess a lot of strategies.

Instead of picking up airdrops, choose to hide and kill...


Another shot...

"I was hit..." Yuhihama said nervously.

"Climb back, climb back quickly..."

Although Ureshino is very strong, his teammates are not strong in the end, and he is easily targeted.

"Go, get in the car, we go around and fuck them..."



"Hum hum, Lin Ye I'll get you ......"

The two teams finally met, and Ureshino was finally killed by Lin Ye with a slight disadvantage.Who could have thought that Lin Ye was so mean, using flash bombs, and then when she was still dizzy and didn't know what she was doing, she was shot dead.

"Isn't I the same as you!"

In order to kill Ureshino, he also hit the ground under the snow on one side. He was afraid for a while, but finally he struggled and was killed.

Now Lin Ye looked at the opposite side, and could still see the smile of Xue Nai's mouth curled up, it was obvious that the killing just now made Xue Nao very happy.

The next step is to trust teammates.

At present, besides him, the remaining three people are on their side, and Xuexia, besides Xuexia, is also Biqigu alone.

Yuihama Yui has been killed...

However, Lin Ye knew that their team would win, after all, there was a lurking boss.

Kato Megumi.

Its inherently thin ability has entered the game.

The result is naturally...



"Ahem, the result of this duel has come out. Congratulations to Megumi Kato for becoming the final winner, and also thank you for the wonderful game presented by both parties..."

"Then, next is the sixth draw of numbers..."

This time it was Dongma who took the initiative to draw table tennis, the number is 16.

"The number sixteen is..."

All the people in the Ministry of Service were worried. If the following matchup was lost, then the election matchup would be over.

So, so, it must not be a matchup that can't be won at all.


Bai Qi was excited now, and finally sank.

She knew Ye Jun's strength in cooking.

The last time she had eaten Rinba cuisine, she studied more seriously, but she certainly couldn't surpass Rinba, and the other Yuihama Yui now bows his head, obviously not, as for the others, they are only average!

"So, according to the project..."

"We surrendered in this round..."

Lin Ye stared at the Dongma next to him blankly.

"We admit defeat..."

Dongma made a sound again.

He stared at Lin Ye fiercely, and squeezed Lin Ye from an invisible perspective, indicating that he must listen to him.

Yukinoshita wanted to say that they didn't need their charity, but Yuihama Yui grabbed her hand.

This made Xuexia hesitate.

"No one on our side is particularly good at cooking, so we give up..."

In the end, Lin Ye chose to give up.He didn't understand the intention of Dongma doing this, but since the girl expressed such a strong expression, he naturally chose to accept it.

There is one more game, he will not think he will lose.


Chapter 536

"Then, next is the seventh and final matchup. To be fair, I will be responsible for drawing table tennis this time..."

Cheng Wei Xun made an explanation, and there was no objection.

There are a total of seven games, each of which draws three times, and the last one is a city tour drawing with a president, which is at least fair on the surface.

"It's number 1!"

No. 1!

The teachers and students on the scene focused on the card with the project written on it.

"Speech...As the president of the student union, you must have strong speech skills, and the participants in the formulation of this project must be candidates for the president of the student union."

"The topic is out, so please wait for all the teachers and students present here. After five minutes, the speech session of the president's final battle will begin."

The topic of Yukoshita's speech was about school friendship.At the moment when he heard this theme, Lin Ye thought that Xuexia's luck was not good. She understood these emotions, but she could really express them. Lin Ye didn't believe that Xuexia had this ability.

But in the end, it also made him look astonished.

Not bad, but good.The whole story is about a lonely girl who has formed a society and formed a connection and fetters. At the time when the society was about to move towards a better moment, one of the members chose to quit, even the other members. He tried to persuade him again and again without success.

Until the last thought of using the rights of the president to get this member back into this collective, but in the end found that that member turned out to be the biggest obstacle to their successful election as president.

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