Ye's youth can't be wrong

Ye's Youth Can't Be Wrong Chapter 538

It was Ying Li Li who was angry.

Naturally, the reason is not that I am angry because I can't become a member of the student council. Generally speaking, the status of a student council member is regarded as a status symbol for the average student council, but it is nothing to Yinglili.

Compared with this, what she cares about is that Lin Ye actually said that he doesn't need a student council member, and he handles everything alone.

How can this not make Ying Lili angry.

"Don't you still have club activities! Don't want to continue making games?"

"The affairs of the Student Union will not affect..."

"Ying Lili, you really don't think it will affect you. You now have your own affairs besides the club, and Shiyu's words also have Wenku's novels. If you add a student council's affairs, you will not have enough time..."

"It's not up to you to have enough time..."

Ying Lili, who was puffed up, pointed at Lin Ye with one hand on her hips, she didn't want to compromise at all.

"The scumbag just wants to throw us away after we are satisfied and satisfied, classmate Zecun, don't you even realize this?"

Apart from Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, there is no one else who can speak such words.

At this time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked normal, but when Lin Ye officially accepted the post of chairman, he told them that the entire student union could leave him alone. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was also very angry.

She knew very well that ordinary methods could not break the man's stubbornness.

"Woo..." Ying Lili was even more unhappy.

"Is there anything wrong with Ye Jun!" The gentleness filled with the gentleness of women made Lin Ye feel guilty unconsciously.

This is the strength of Ogiso Yukina.

This gentle girl, even if it was a slightly excessive sentence, felt that it would be a kind of guilt.

"On the one hand, the reason I have just said is that the affairs of the Student Union should not disturb your normal study life, and the other is...I want to be busy..."

This allowed the people present to understand the reason for Lin Ye's choice.

Be busy, time passes faster, and you can stop thinking about those things.

"I remember you have a very good relationship with Yuyuan and Serizawa!"

Dongma really hit the nail on the head, her expressiveness was not enough, but this sentence already let Lin Ye understand what she was trying to say.

"It's the same, I will refuse. It is said that there is only one person..."

"Aren't you lonely alone!"

The cold words without any emotional fluctuations passed to everyone's ears.

Kato Megumi, a magical girl.

"this is not……"

"The only person in the student union room is Ye Jun..." Kato Hui replied as if she had guessed what Lin Ye said.

Therefore, Lin Ye said that Kato Megumi is a magical girl.Such girls often make people feel very considerate and comfortable when they get along.

But occasionally there are times when people feel distressed.

Like now.

"I'm used to office hours, so don't worry. On the contrary, if you don't study and complete the game well, you will have regrets in your high school career."

Isn’t the biggest regret that I can’t spend the rest of my time with the people I want to spend my life with!

"Don't you think you can send me away if you say so, let me tell you, this matter..."

"Ying Lili, is there really such a short time between us? Leave a little private space and time for each other, I think it can increase the relationship..."

"Improve relationship……"

Ying Lili was breathed out by this word, and her whole body was not well.

"Learning guitar three times a week..."

"Hmm..." Lin Ye accepted Dongma's request, and the others also put forward their own requirements after understanding, but they were all within Lin Ye's ability to bear.

For example, Ogizeng Yukina only asked Lin Ye to be present when she went to the music classroom to learn guitar. As for Kasumigaoka Shiba and Kato Kei, they only asked Lin Ye to participate in their club activities at least once a week. At the same time, if the student union encounters difficulties, it is absolutely necessary to ask them for help as soon as possible.

Seriously, every time I saw them, Lin Ye felt that he was really lucky.

After sending away Xuecai and others, Lin Ye began to clean and tidy up the student union again. However, he thought that no one would come over today, and the door was knocked again.

"Qianli, water knot..."

Except for the two of them, there is no one else.

"Ye Jun, afternoon, it should be good evening now!"

It seemed that the two rushed over after completing their own affairs.

"Good evening! Sit in or go outside..."

Lin Ye stretched her hand to lift the garbage bag in her hand and smiled at the two of them, "If you come here, I'd better send a message in advance. At this point in time, I will easily not be here."

"Well, let's go outside!" Shui Jie made a decision, and Qianli naturally had no reason to object.

The three of them first went to the place where the rubbish was placed, and then headed towards Lin Ye's apartment.

Because Lin Ye's apartment still had sufficient ingredients, Lin Ye did not purchase any more, but returned directly.

The two didn't say anything along the way, but Lin Ye understood that there must be something for the two of them.

They are just embarrassed to speak now.

Lin Ye didn't take the initiative to ask, even if the three of them finished their dinner and the three of them washed the tableware together, Lin Ye didn't take the initiative to ask.

"It's getting late, I'll take you two back!"

Although Qianli and Shuijie stayed there is no problem, but I always feel that if they really leave behind, something will happen.

"Ye Jun..."

The two did not get up or answer, but after a few seconds of silence, they raised their eyes and looked at Lin Ye.

"Didn't you talk to me and Shuijie?"

"What do you mean?"

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