Hunter Group Command Center.

Seeing the picture in the refrigerator, everyone was stunned.

No one thought that Zhang Shen would go to a murderer's house!

"This should be the extraordinary thing that the director said before, so he didn't break the rules of the game, on the contrary, he even wanted to reward him because he caught a criminal. Zhao Libing sighed, it's too strong, doing a show can also expose a person's sins by the way!

"Found it! The deceased's name is Jiang Yuli! A week ago, his family reported to the police! The current registration status is missing! The murderer's name is Meng Fanyang! 32 years old! The owner of 501 is a foreign company! In addition, Zhang Shen's Internet records have been checked! A week ago, he had browsed Jiang Yuli's missing person notice! Shi Ping posted a list of Internet browsing on the big screen!

"A week ago, which means it took him less than a week to find the killer, and then he planned it all on that basis?"

Zhao Libing was a little shocked!

How the hell did this guy do it?

Zhao Libing tried to find the answer from the Internet records, but the records showed that Zhang Shen did not search for Jiang Yuli's relevant information before and after browsing Jiang Yuli's missing person notice, but he had seen two other cases after that, one was the case of jumping off a building in the west of the city two years ago, and the other was the drowning case in the reservoir a year ago

Chen Jianwei's face gradually became solemn: "If this is the case, will the two cases he browsed later become clues?"

"But those two cases have already been closed! There is no murderer at large, how can he concoct it to hide?" Shi Ping said, transferring the two cases.

At this time, Zhao Libing and Chen Jianwei glanced at each other, and Chen Jianwei said: "This is no longer important, everything will be clear after he is rounded up!".

"Yes, yes, this time he must be unable to escape, and everything is clear when he brings him back!".


Although they did not continue the discussion.

But the audience began to talk with interest.

"What's going on with Zhang Shen's browsing of those two cases? Could it be that there are still problems with those cases?"

"I think so too, Brother Zhang browsed Jiang Yuli's missing person notice, and then made the body and the murderer public, according to this logic, he will attack those two cases, you must know that those two cases are suicides, is it a coincidence? Or is there another murderer?".

"To be honest, I have always felt very strange about the drowning case of a female high school student last year, and I wonder if there is really another hidden story!

"This show is getting more and more interesting!

"I feel like it's going to change!".




The members of the operation team led the police dogs to quickly and comprehensively search the homes of the remaining residents.

"502 Search Complete!No Suspicious Persons Found!".

"401 Search Complete! No Suspicious Persons Found!".

"302 Search complete! No suspicious person found!".



Whole unit.

It also includes 501 rooms.

All rooms were searched, but there were no clues.

This result is unacceptable to everyone, after all, they are infinitely close to Zhang Shen.

"How could it not be? According to what Meng Fanyang said, he just jumped out of the window when our people entered, it was the fifth floor, there were no protective measures, where could he escape?" Chen Jianwei didn't believe that this was the result, he thought that Zhang Shen would at most escape to the fourth floor in a panic, and then curl up in a corner.

Fang dared to say: "Let's do it again! When the action team arrived! His first reaction was to go to the kitchen, and he only went to the balcony after throwing a soy sauce bottle, so what was the purpose of his throwing the soy sauce bottle?"

"I think it's temptation and attraction!" Han Yubing explained, "When he perceives danger, the first step must be to confirm, so he goes to the kitchen to visit downstairs, and after sensing the danger, he throws the bottle, causing the dissatisfaction of the people downstairs, causing the other party to make a big noise, so as to attract the attention of the upstairs owner, and then he can escape from the sun quietly!"

"In other words, attracting attention is to better escape, so is there such a possibility? He is suspicious!" Fang Dare suffered the previous loss, this time he wanted to think about the problem further.

"So the suspicious array?".

"That's right! He deliberately made us deduce that he threw the bottle to attract the attention of the owner, and deliberately let Meng Fanyang see him jump off the building! This complementary reasoning is almost perfect! But what if the truth is the opposite?".

Shi Ping was puzzled: "What does the opposite mean?".

"On the contrary, he didn't jump down the stairs at all, after all, it was the fifth floor, there were no protective measures, and the slightest accidental fall would be a death, did he dare? Don't die? So I think he climbed up to the top of the building!" Fang Dare replied confidently.

Chen Jianwei muttered to himself: "I anticipated our expectations, and then did the opposite, so as to avoid risks, there is really yours!"

Zhao Libing immediately ordered: "Search the roof immediately!"



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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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