When the entire financial building was surrounded by detectives.

The people around and upstairs who didn't know why panicked one by one.

"What's the situation, so many agents?".

"Don't look at it, don't look at it! I should be here to arrest people, right? Let's go! Danger!".

"There are a lot of police car detectives downstairs! What's going on? I'm so scared!"


For a while, the circle of friends and Weibo went crazy.

What "the financial building is surrounded", "something big happened to the financial building", etc., there are all kinds of titles.


Zhang Shen, who flew to the second floor, rushed all the way into the waiting hall, but he didn't press the elevator, but plunged into the staircase entrance next to him!

Get up and jump!

Leap up!

Then at the corner of the staircase, a wall turning action will turn the upward inertia 180 degrees, and then strive to jump to the third floor!

Then there is the handholding, jumping, turning, landing, a beautiful and silky wall-turning action.

And so on and so forth.

It's the fifth floor in a blink of an eye!

The audience was stunned one by one.

"Oh my god, it's up in one step?

"I seriously doubt that he is going upstairs, how can it be easier than me going downstairs? Be a man!".

"If I go downstairs, I can jump to the corner platform in one step!"

"If I go downstairs, I can jump from the top floor to the first floor in one step!"

"To be honest, it's not an exaggeration to jump half a floor in one step, and that half a staircase is only twelve or thirteen steps! And not only is he exerting force on his legs, but the grip of his arms on the guardrail is also a big aid! But the problem is that ordinary people don't have such speed and endurance! I feel like he can be like an ox! It's too fierce!".

"Anyway, why didn't Brother Zhang take the elevator this time?"

"What kind of elevator do you have at this speed?"

"I just came from the pursuit team, and the elevator was controlled by them, and this time the pursuit team gave Zhang Gebu a net!"

"Really, fake, is it so awesome, I'll go see it!".


At this time.

The pursuit team is here.

Several elevators are all transferred to the first floor.

Zhou Chongyang and the others got on the elevator and watched the elevator run rapidly upwards layer by layer, not to mention how happy they were.

"Hehe! You also have today!" Zhou Chongyang waited for work, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Zhu Tiandao: "This is called feng shui in turns! Let him also taste the taste of running to death!".

"I really want to see his expression at the moment!

A few people in the elevator said.

However, on the side of the command center of the pursuit group, everyone looked at Zhang Shen's live broadcast screen and opened their mouths wide one by one.

"This guy is one staircase at a time! It's almost catching up with the elevator over there!".

"I can only see his stride, how many floors has he been to?

Han Yubing said: "It's the seventh floor!".

Shi Ping was horrified: "Damn!

Chen Jianwei, who was on the side, said with disdain: "The elevator won't be tired! But he will be tired! I bet! He can't even climb 20 floors at this speed! When the time comes, our people will go up and pull people away!"

"That's right! It's like catching a big fish! Don't rush to reel in the line when you take the bait! Slip it for a while, and when you're tired, you'll naturally catch it!" Fang Dang smiled slightly, this kind of dominating feeling is really good.

10th floor!

Eleventh floor!

Twelfth floor!


In the blink of an eye, I reached the twentieth floor!

Zhang Shen's speed is still unabated, and the whole person is like a clockwork robot, and this physical strength directly stunned everyone!

"Oh my god, isn't he tired? I'm almost tired of looking at it!"

"Even cows should be tired, right? This guy is simply infinite physical strength!".

"Brother Zhang, do you lack a girlfriend? I want to be your girlfriend!"

"Upstairs, it's awesome! Do you dare to volunteer with this physical strength?

"Upstairs, I think you're still too young! As a person who has come over, I'll tell you! Women are not afraid of men with good physical strength! Just afraid that men have no physical strength!".


When the audience in Zhang Shen's live broadcast room discussed men's physical strength.

The live broadcast room of the pursuit group discussed how many floors Zhang Shen had climbed.

"Is there twenty floors?".

"It's already more than 20 floors!".

"I've counted! Twenty-three floors!".

"Just now, who said that Brother Zhang can't go up to the twentieth floor at this speed, so I asked you if your face hurts?"

"Haha! Everyone's face is blue! What a slap in the face!".

"I've seen the fastest slap in the face!


Chen Jianwei's face was extremely ugly, he never thought that Zhang Shen would be like a robot, climbing the stairs like crazy, endlessly!


"So you can climb?".

"I'd like to see how long you can run!".

"More than ninety floors are enough, can you climb?"

Chen Jianwei snorted coldly, although he was slapped in the face, he was very unconvinced.


In fact.

The reason why Zhang Shen is so fierce.

It's because of the overall upgrade of the body.

But I do feel tired at this point.


"Ding Dong!".

Thirty floors.

Elevator doors open!

Zhou Chongyang and others came out of it!

Several people quickly entered the corridor, waiting for Zhang Shen's self-defeating net!

Pedal !!

There was a loud footstep from downstairs.

It's close!

It's closer!

Zhou Chongyang's hand holding the gun is also tighter!

ready to give Zhang Shen who rushed up at any time a "fatal shot"!

"It's over!".

"Don't go up!".

"The action team is all in ambush!".


The audience was anxious to get into the live broadcast and tell Zhang Shen.

Twenty-eighth floor!

Twenty-ninth floor!

Seeing that Zhang Shen was about to hit the thirtieth floor, I saw him directly enter the twenty-ninth floor Houti Hall after a wall-turning!


"Brother Zhang is so beautiful! Twenty-ninth floor! If you go up one floor, you'll be finished! I'm scared to death!"

"yes! I'm ready to pause the stream!".


The audience breathed a sigh of relief.

But the atmosphere in the command center of the pursuit group has become tense!

"Twenty-ninth floor, twenty-ninth floor, hurry up!" Zhao Libing shouted as he pressed the walkie-talkie.

"What's the situation? Why did it suddenly turn around? He knew that our people were on the thirtieth floor? How did he know?" Chen Jianwei furrowed his brows, seeing that it was about to end, and something had happened!

Han Yubing said: "Details! We seem to have exposed ourselves!".


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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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