Epilogue ~ Ch 22 ~ Ghost Painting (Ending)

Editor & Translator: Sonrisa t.n.t

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On the street, in the alley, a beggar in gray kicked a middle-aged beggar in the crotch. The beggar grabbed the steam bun out of the middle-aged beggar’s hand and ran. Just when the beggar turned the corner from the alley, the beggar slammed into a Taoist priest in white. The spotlessly white clothes immediately amassed streaks of gray, dusty imprints.

Frightened, the beggar immediately turned back around and tried to run away, but was easily caught by the Taoist priest.

As the beggar shrank back, the Taoist priest crouched down to her eye level. With the backlighting from the first rays of dawn, she saw a face as beautiful as a celestial being in Heaven.

The celestial being wiped the grime off her face and asked softly, “Right now, do you want to be my disciple or my wife?”

As the beggar stared at him blankly, the steam buns in her hands rolled to the ground. The beggar, who was chased, looked at the Taoist priest in white crazily.

When no one answered him, he thought for a while and decided: “You can be both then.”

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