The transaction with the biochemical rabbit was carried out very quickly. When the few people came out of the hole, the sky outside was no different from before. There was a big blood basin in the moonlight facing the hole. Tang Haosi walked away and almost directly went in. Fortunately, Cao Huan was lucky. Pulled back in time, not waiting for the rabbits behind to scream, Cao Huan has put the laser gun into the big mouth.

Cao Huan: "Is it fat?"


The giant python moved his head out stiffly. He did not dare to close his mouth. He kept the shape and pulled back more than 20 meters, trying to narrow his sense of existence.

Cao Huan took the gun: "Shut up."

Slytherin felt his disappointment, quickly closed his mouth, and doglegs:

Adenis sat cross-legged under a tree at the edge of the cave and saw that they waved friendlyly: "Hello, are you sure?"

Cao Huan took Tang Haosi out: "Well, is the notice in the department?"

Adenis played the dagger and said casually: "I found an assistant. He said that he would inform Ye as soon as possible. In addition, he also let the following people inform the nearest troops. When the day is dawn, the support troops will probably enter the mountain. Alright."

Cao Huan: "That's good."

Behind him is a rabbit and a rabbit four who are squatting outwards. The rabbit is still holding Sun Xuezhi in his mouth, followed by Chi Yan and another biochemical rabbit without wisdom.

The warrior, who had already retired, was dizzy and embarrassed. At this time, he was instructed by Cao Huan to carry the two rabbits killed by Cao Dazhao together with the last biochemical rabbit that had no sense of existence. The expression was a bit stunned. As if I still haven't figured out why things are so developed.

When everyone and the rabbit came out of the hole, Cao Huan pointed at the two bodies and said to the giant python: "Oh, this is your reward."

Slytherin is staring at the rabbit three and the rabbit drooling, but because of the threat of several human beings, they dare not directly rush to the cockroach. At this time, when they listen to Cao Huan’s words, they immediately light up their eyes and slammed up. Take the bodies away, and use the long body to surround them in a circle, avoiding the sight of everyone, burying their heads and swallowing their mouths.

When the rabbit came out of the hole, he kept watching it with vigilance. Seeing this guy swallowed his dead brother into the abdomen, he couldn’t help but lick his teeth and make a short scream.

Rabbit three:

Slytherin ate and yelled at it while he was eating:

Rabbit San just snorted and had to stop halfway and had no choice but to turn back:

Rabbit IV has already thrown Sun Xuezhi in his mouth on the ground, and he has become a group of rabbits that bite the tail of the rabbit, and chews and says:

The rabbit three can't stand it, and the sole of the foot pats the ground and rushes to Tang Haosi:

Tang Haosi listened to its incomprehensible tone, heard ear pain, speechless, and still took the bag of raisins that Adenis gave to Miao Miao from the pocket, slowly walked to the front of the rabbit, grabbed a piece of it under his nose. .

When the rabbit smelled the scent of the nose, he suddenly abandoned his brother's tail. The head of a huge cotton ball stopped by Tang Hao's hand along the scent, and then began to carefully lick the raisins in his palm.

Tang Haosi tried to step back two steps, and sure enough, he saw the rabbit four slowly follow him, while moving the small steps, while constantly licking the raisins in his hand.

There is... a little cute...

On the other side, the rabbit three slammed his ass, trying to shake the mouth of his brother on the tail.

Cao Huan waited for Slytherin to swallow the two dead rabbits on the ground, which was pulled through Tang Haosi, and the unequal treaty signed with the rabbits was returned to Slytherin.

The giant python is now in the time of the sage, Cao Huan said that it has no opinion, the tens of meters long body smashed the ground, Tang Haosi pointed the flashlight at it, can see the huge bulge of the abdomen, it is The two rabbits that just swallowed.

To be honest, a huge python that had just been eaten was in front of her eyes, and the scene was quite astonished.

At 3:55 in the morning, a certain force stationed in Z City arrived in Xiaoshan and began to block the scenic spot in an orderly manner. Contact the person in charge of the scenic spot, search for tourists in the mountain, rescue the wounded, and proceed to deal with the source of the biochemical animal infection and the infected animals.

At 10:30 in the morning, a large transport plane quietly flew to the city of Z, and landed slowly on a hill in Xiaoshan.

Tang Hao squatted beside the rabbit four, looking up at the huge military transport aircraft from far and near, stopped in an open space cleared by the soldiers, and then slowly lowered the cabin door.

The man who jumped first was a man with a ugly appearance. He wore a black combat uniform. After landing, he looked back into the cabin and seemed to be waiting for someone behind him.

Tang Haosi saw that Cao Huan and Adenis had all greeted the past. He hesitated for a moment, or chose to stay in the same place. One hand did not consciously reach the rabbit four, nervously holding its soft hair and kept on.

Rabbit IV has already been full at this time, and a pair of red eyes have smashed the human beings who are indecent, and have not moved, let this person give it smooth hair.

The rabbit is lying next to it and whispering it:

Rabbit four slowly said:

Rabbit three face distortion:

Tang Haosi did not hear the rabbits discussing his lifelong events. His eyes were always staring at a few people in the distance, and his emotions were mixed.

Will his idol come?

The name is resounding throughout China, and even the foreign tyrants who are afraid of foreign powers will be on this plane.

No, it’s too nervous, or it’s sneaking away...

Tang Haosi touched the rabbit hair that was one meter long in his hand, and his heart was uneasy, and his foot began to move involuntarily.

Rabbit's hair was in his hand, and he followed him in a small step back.

Rabbit III has been staring at this human being like a rogue, seeing him pull his brother back, and immediately slammed it up:

Of course, in the ears of others, this is just a series of harsh "叽叽叽叽咕咕咕咕-".

The abnormality of the biochemical rabbit immediately attracted the attention of everyone under the plane.

Cao Huan turned back and shouted: "Little Tang!"

Tang Haosi was almost smothered by the rabbit. He didn’t think that the rabbit four had his doorknob biting his collar at the crucial moment. He walked away from his brother’s attack with four claws and squatted with Tang Haosi in this forest. Go, just don't let the rabbit three catch the human in his mouth.

Rabbit three is in the back:

Rabbit four slow yo:

Tang Haosi: "..."

His only thought at this time is: Fortunately, no one can understand what these two rabbits are saying! Otherwise, the world name will be destroyed once!

Cao Huan soon arrived, and rescued him from the reluctant rabbit's mouth. Tang Haosi wrote that there is no love in his face. Cao Huan pulls him and cleans up his messy tops and hairstyles. Only then took him back to the crowd and said, "Come, take you to recognize people."

He pointed his finger at the dozen or so people who came over and looked around. From left to right, they introduced them one after another: "These are all team members, the soldiers of my team. The latter are the three team members. This is the team leader, Kang Mingyou. And the one next to him..."

Cao Huan’s eyes stood by Kang Mingyou’s side, staring at the young man who looked at the biochemical rabbit, and snorted: “This is my boss, the minister of the Super-risk Management Department, Ye Yan.”

Then he pointed to Tang Haosi and said to Ye Wenxuan: "Boss, he is the second power."

Ye Wenxuan’s eyes flowed and he said with great interest: “Before Adenis briefly reported with the small items, this ability seems to be... can communicate everything?”

As he said, he came out of the crowd and walked slowly to Tang Haosi. A pair of peach eyes looked him up and down. For a long while, he reached out to Tang Haosi with a hand: "Hello, I am Ye Yan, also an ability." By."

Tang Haosi, who has never seen such a big world, has his brain in the air.

Crossing, crossing the ferry... robbing the ancestors... the living ancestors ah ah ah!

The pride of the whole country! Da Luo Jinxian in the new century! Lei Zhenzi! Thunder and lightning! A man who plays lightning!

He was intertwined with the young people in front of him. Inexplicably, there was a soft feeling of being overpowered. Until the other hand reached out, Tang Haosi had a soft knee and plopped to the idol.

Tang Haosi: "..."

Ye Wenxuan: "???"

Tang Haosi reached out and covered his face, mourning in his heart: shame, he was shameful in front of the idol!

Cao Huan took a smile and helped him to take pictures of the leaves and weeds on his clothes. He said: "Boss, he is courageous, don't scare people."

Ye Wenxuan’s line of sight turned around between them, and he seemed to find something, and smiled thoughtfully: “The Cao team, take care of the mind, don’t want to abduct the children.”

Cao Huan heard the words and immediately retracted the hand that was placed on the shoulder of Tang Haosi.

He gathered the banter in the scorpion, and made a serious saying: "I just watched him cute, couldn't help but tease, the boss is relieved, I will definitely not play the little boy in the future."

Ye Wenxuan was too lazy to care for him and waved his hand: "Hurry to find Xiao Liu in the back, register the weapons and recycle them. I don't need you here, walk around."

Cao Huan snorted and secretly reached out and slammed it on the young buttocks on the side of the body. Then he did not wait for Tang Haosi to respond. This guy seemed to have done nothing like a rogue move. He took the laser gun to the direction of the transport plane. Going over.

Being hampered by Tang Haosi: "..."

His expression is too stunned, Ye Wenxuan can't bear to bully again, clear the throat and re-report: "Tang Haosi, I call you Xiao Tang, right?"

Tang Haosi took the attitude of treating the country’s leaders and was flattered: “You can, ancestors... cough, that, Mr. Ye, you said...”

Ye Wenxuan’s mouth was pumping, pretending that he didn’t hear the “grandfather” and then said: “Call me Ye Ge. Anything else will be said later, we are now in a hurry to get these biochemical beasts into the warehouse. Small Don, can you replace us and communicate with those biochemical beasts?"

Tang Haosi nodded again and again: "Ye Ge assured, to ensure the task!"

I finally saw the idol in my mind. How can Tang Haosi perform well in front of the idol, strive to be looked at by the ancestors, help him walk the back door into the ultra-risk management department. If you can let the ancestors give him a bone and repair a fairy, then turn into a second person in China, and say goodbye to the dark dishes, it would be better.

As for the professional exercises that Cao Huan once mentioned, which are full of warehouses, this time has been automatically filtered by Tang Haosi.

Idol is in front of you, who can still think of the "three-year college entrance examination three-year simulation."

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