"Ye Ershao, the car hasn't hit you yet, what are you afraid of?" Bai Yeyang said with laughter and ridicule. Ning Ning was really interesting. Such tossing was more terrible than rushing to kill him.

The moment people face death is not terrible.

The most terrible thing is that, knowing death, but unable to save, can only wait for death within a few seconds, that is the most terrifying, so that people who have experienced one suicide generally do not commit suicide a second time.

Knowing that you are going to die, the moment when you are about to die, you will realize the fear of death and make it unforgettable forever.

Ye Yutang happened, ah, um...the sound seemed to scream loudly, but his throat could not scream. Ning Ning's move scared him a lot.

"Ning Ning, you are absolutely enough, standing still and being hit by a car, it's more fun than letting them chase after him, Gee..." Bai Ye laughed.

Ning Ning received the pistol and smiled, "It's not over yet!"

Bai Ye narrowed her eyes and raised her eyebrows to ask, "Ning Ning, taking advantage of his illusion now, ask him about the blood case seventeen years ago. Maybe he has an inside story. Anyway, it is your family's own business. ."

"No need!" Ning Ningdao said that this matter involved too broadly. His father must know the truth. With his hatred for the Ye family and the old man's hate for him, this matter is definitely not simple.

However, since Daddy is forbearing, it shows that this matter is not harmful to him. One more person knows why it is so necessary. It feels that it is not a wonderful thing to feel secret and private.

Ning Ning chose to ignore!

If Daddy needs a share, he will tell Mommy that if he doesn't need it, then he doesn't want to know anything!

"I just want to avenge them now!" Ning Ning's face flashed a cold smile.

Ye Yutang has been scared to the ground, shaking tremblingly, Ning Ning waved his hand and smiled, "Abolish his two legs!"

She broke one of her mom’s legs, and he wants to take two to compensate!

As soon as Ye Yutang heard it, the chaotic mind suddenly awakened, screamed, and wanted to run even after crawling.

The man in a pretense speed was very fast, and he suddenly rushed in front of him, kicked him back with one foot, the other two were on one side, bent his legs, backhanded, turned...

K... the sound of broken bones clearly passed into everyone's ears, followed by Ye Yutang's screams like a pig...

"Ah..." The scream reverberated in the empty parking lot, and people's hearts trembled...

The man in black throws away Ye Yutang, almost like throwing away garbage, coldly and disgusted.

Ning Ning approached him and chuckled, "How is it, is it exciting enough? This is to warn you, not everyone you can provoke? Why didn't you check the details of the opponent before hitting someone?"

His leg was twisted and the pain struck. Ye Yutang was almost unconscious. He was lying on the ground, screaming, and sweating...

"I'll sue you..." Ye Yutang said with a trembling voice, abominable child, he was simply a demon, a demon...

Ning Ning chuckled, "What about the evidence? Do you think the judge will believe that a seven-year-old kid beat you up? Master Ye Er, what international joke are you doing!"

"You... you will have retribution!"

"Relax, I'm not retributing your reincarnation before you die!" Ning Ning smiled happily, and a sullen feeling in his heart was almost calculated.

There was a sharp warning sound from the car, beep beep beep...

Ning Ning turned back, Bai Ye's eyes narrowed, his computer, "What's going on?"

Ning Ning looked at the entrance and said lightly: "Someone is coming!"

He has just installed a warning system around the parking lot. As long as someone passes the red line, the computer will warn!

Bai Ye waved his hands, and the six men in black were trained to hide. Bai Ye and Ning Ning returned to the car. Ning Ning turned on the computer, activated the red line lens, and aimed at the incoming car. A silver Rolls-Royce appeared on the screen.

Ye Chen's photo jumped on the screen, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, "You Lao Tzu!"

Ning Ning’s pink and lovely face is troubled and embarrassed, holding a cheek gang and muttering to herself, “I still want to maintain an elegant and lovely image in front of my father’s ground. It seems... hey... the reality and ideals really are Gap."

Bai Ye fluttered with a smile, "This sounds not true at all. I have done it for you and don't need to keep it. Your image has always been elegant and cute."

Ning Ning pouted and restarted the warning system.

"Ning Ning, this Ye Santing is capable." Bai Ye said, glancing at a glance of appreciation, "you let Chu Li lead him away, deliberately misleading him is just an accident, he did not expect his people to find out the truth I thought it would be even better to find Ye Yutang here. It’s amazing!"

There is no lack of praise between words.

They are all men, and they are men at the pinnacle of the world. Every move can affect the world. They have the ability, strength, courage, arrogance, their own way, and their lives are rarely appreciated.

Men's appreciation of men depends on strength!

They will only admire people who are stronger than themselves, and will never praise people who are weaker than themselves.

Ye Yesan is indeed a little capable. He can break Ye Yutang's deliberately arranged doubts and find Ye Yutang, which is quite impressive.

Ning Ning smiled, "That's it, you don't look at who's daddy, how to do it without order!"

The little baby bag is extremely rampant and proud, and it looks like a dad and is very cute.

When he played tracking and anti-tracking with his father, it spent two consecutive days. This is by far the longest playing with him. Even the four ghosts of fbi did not let him feel nervous and exciting. sense.

To abandon this, Ye Chen's wrists in the mall are also decisive enough, hard-blooded, and sensible enough to push mbs to a new peak. He is a computer genius and a talent for management. With such a dad, which one is not a son Feel proud.

While talking, Ye Chen's car had stopped and happened to stop opposite Ning Ning and Bai Ye.

After the lights went out, as soon as he lifted his eyes, two pairs of similar eyes ran into each other, and he was too late to avoid them.

Ye Chen's face was gloomy, his big, cold eyes filled with displeasure, and she was almost dripping with water. She clasped the steering wheel with both hands, staring at Ning Ning, and there was a sigh of darkness from all over her.

This child, how dare to do it!

Damn, don't look at how old he is, even playing this kind of trick.

"It's over, cute, your old man seems to be angry, be careful about spanking you!" Bai Ye joked, he could understand Ye Chen's thoughts, asking him to have such a son to find someone to seek revenge from him, he would also pull Get up and spank.

Ning Ning leaned his head, smiled gracefully, half-truthfully said: "I haven't been beaten by Daddy yet, it was good to be beaten, new experience!"

The three of them got off at the same time. In the silent parking lot, only Ye Yutang wailed.


Hey, Ning Ning is sturdy enough. Ye Sangeng is good. Let's guess what children's shoes will be. Next, what kind of show will the twisted Ye San perform?

(^o^)/~... Weakly say, if you say good-looking, give a gold medal reward, will they throw me bricks? Hey...

5 more!

Looking forward to tomorrow's wonderful.

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