100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 2 Chapter 146: (2 more)

People are unlucky, and they will choke on drinking saliva, Cheng Anya feels that she is unlucky now!

Yun Ruoxi was taken away by the doctor for examination, and Ye Sanshao stood coldly. His eyes looked at her coolly, without a word. Cheng Anya raised his eyes, only to see that his eyes were deep and cold. No emotions.

Cold as frost.

Originally, the ward was white. She thought it was gloomy enough. She didn’t expect Ye Sanshao to be air-conditioned here. She felt that the autumn wind was sizzling and she was killing in hundreds of miles. It was really... desolate!

The summer in a city is very hot, and it often soars to more than 38. It can't stand the heat. Cheng Anya thinks that a woman who can marry Ye Sanshao must be very happy in the summer. See, the air conditioner is no longer on, directly He finished within one meter.

Save electricity, money and trouble.

Well, she admits that she can't stand the coma of stimulating his sweetheart baby for a while, she is guilty, and her mouth is too ruthless, sometimes it's not a good thing, but, Ye Sanshao, you have to fly so early, stand still What does it mean?

She was anxious to know that if there was a fight between the two devil deacons, whoever lost or won, she still had to cheer on her lovely 384, so if he didn’t talk, please leave, and if he had to go so fast, she could continue to watch her Anime.

Waiting for an episode a week, she didn't have time to watch the accident for several days, and she was not easy.


Silent for a long time, the two eyes compete in the air, one cold, one quiet, not losing or winning.

Miss Cheng felt that this was indeed a waste of time. She smiled and asked, "Yes Sanshao, may I ask what advice do you have?"

Ye Chen gave her a cold look, his phone rang, he squeezed his lips, turned around, went out, and slammed the door against the door. That sound shocked her eardrums, and Cheng Anya murmured. ?

Is he trying to shake the door with this strength?

She shrugged her shoulders and waited for a while without seeing Ye Sanshao coming back. Cheng Anya spontaneously thought he was in a hurry.

She slowly turned on the computer, connected, opened the video, watched the latest update of "Deacon 2", although there are a lot of pitfalls, anyway, she has been chasing anime a year ago, and Cheng Anya has always insisted on doing things.

Drinking the ribs soup brought by Ye Sanshao, Cheng Anya thought the life was very good, and still a good son. At school, he never forgot to let his cheap father give her delicious food.

When Ye Chen came in again, Cheng Anya had finished the pork rib soup and was watching the anime with interest. It happened that the two deacons were going to fight fiercely. The brain-damaged Viscount came up again, using his very ecstasy voice there. Screaming...

It's a very convulsive and ecstasy dialogue.

Cheng Anya paused. Unfortunately, she and Ye Chen were both fluent in Japanese. Ye Chen stared at her eyebrows and looked at Cheng Anya in surprise. Her expression was very strange. It seemed she didn’t believe that such a tough Ms. Cheng would even see this kind of brain damage. Anime.

The atmosphere, a cold and strange.

Cheng Anya's cheeks were rarely blushed, his face was hot, and he hated Ye Sanshao, didn't he go? It's shameful not to pick a better time to come back. She turned off the computer calmly. If nothing happened, it seemed that the scene just now was just the illusion of Ye Sanshao's fatigue.

"Mr. Ye, what the **** are you going to say, can you be happier?" The anime sees half stuck, and his heart is like a kitten scratching, which is uncomfortable. He is a man who can't watch anime at first glance. Will understand her feelings.

"I was at the door just now, and I heard it all!" Ye Chen said coldly, with a corner of her lips, cold and awkward. "Once again, I will show Miss Tutu's sharp teeth!"

"Actually, you should say quick response!" Cheng Anya retorted lukewarmly, praising people, anyway, sincerely a little sincere?

How ridiculous and ridiculous!

"Responsive, hum!" Ye Sanshao sneered, approaching, step by step, all exhaled a coercive pressure, overwhelming people, some men were used to sitting in the position of king , Raising your hand and throwing your feet have a terrifying power.

He sat next to her, the bed was recessed, Cheng Anya's heart jumped, and the alarm was raised in his heart.


"I love you..." Ye Chen's voice was low and full of magnetism. Suddenly burst out, Cheng Anya's heart was chaotic, her heart was beating wildly, her cheeks were even hotter, and her blush was fiery.

Ah, Cheng Anya, calm down, calm down, don't be a nympho, what else do you have?

Calm down, calm down!

Rely on it, the perverted Ye Sanshao, you won’t die in one sentence, why should you break the sentence?

If it was to see her reaction, congratulations and disappointment. This mask was worn for many years, and the heart was panicking again, and her heartbeat was rapid. She also smiled calmly. If it were not for the blush that the cheeks could not control, the effect would be more perfect.

"So the women you've been looking for in recent years are all your substitutes?" Ye Chen finally took the sentence and looked at the blush on her face with a smile, heh, he thought she didn't know what shyness it was. .

Cheng Anya smiled and said slowly: "I carefully and repeatedly recalled what I just said. I found that I never said this. President Ye, are you illusory?"

Ye Sanshao nodded, very well, she did not say, "You mislead Ruoxi to think so, don't you?"

Cheng Anya smiled lightly, "Mr. Ye, you are more attentive, absolutely nothing!"

Miss Cheng denied it!

"No?" Ye Sanshao squinted at her, approached her, slammed her, and narrowed her eyes dangerously. "Do you really think that I was looking for substitutes because I loved you?"

He automatically ignored her denial!

The danger factor of alarm in Cheng Anya's heart soared.

Close together, Ye Sanshao's breath was splashed on her face, and the clean and refreshing smell belonging to him filled her all around, such as forming a prison cage, trapping her. She wanted to get away, but the reluctance was too small, but it was no more than Ye Sanshao.

"Huh?" Ye Sanshao's tail ended in a dangerous way, and her thin lips almost touched her lips. If you enter another inch, he could kiss Fang Ze. Cheng Anya wanted to cry without tears. Can you change something fresh?

She might not have imagined that Ye Sanshao used this perverted confession only for her.

"Illusion..." Cheng Anya smirked, "Ye Sanshao, you still have selective amnesia!"

"I have selective amnesia, and I chose to forget you, Miss Cheng." Ye Sanshao said coldly, her deep eyes falling straight into her eyes, in those bright eyes. , Seeing the hidden smile in his eyes.

And pleasure!

This woman always speaks her mind, but she really responds quickly, as she said, and the dead can tell the living!

But what she said just now gave him a feeling of empowerment.

In the past few years, he has indeed loved the same type of women, pure and soft, and he will pay attention to anything that can touch his temperament.

But I always feel that it is not enough.

Far from enough!

Seeking, seeking, always looking, never staying, he never thought, why is he like this!

Why is it so greedy and dissatisfied?

It turned out that it was because neither of them was her?

"Then..." Cheng Anya found that he was so hugged, she could hardly ignore his burning breath, it was difficult to ignore his deep vision, like a black vortex, she wanted to entangle her soul.

This feeling, panicked, at a loss!

No matter how smart the brain is, it becomes a bit dull.

"How did I call you before?" Ye Chen asked in a hurry, Miss Cheng, Miss Cheng, should I change the name for so long?

"What?" Cheng Anya was at a loss. She was going to be mad by the change of this man. She was just like a stranger. She blinked and took the affectionate money line.

Ye Sanshao, you didn’t even know my name seven years ago!

Miss Cheng tears. A lie involves countless lies. The bigger and bigger, the better he doesn't recover his memory. If she recovers her memory, she can't escape his hunt after going to the Sahara desert.

So, she remained silent!

"answer me!"

"Forgot!" Cheng Anya answered decisively.

Ye Sanshao chuckled lightly, with an exquisite smile between his delicate eyebrows. His eyes looked at her delicate red lips brightly and asked, "Have I kissed you before?"

Cheng Anya nodded, and he nodded subconsciously. Ye Sanshao's smile grew thicker and better. He leaned over and kissed her lips fiercely.

She was shocked, Hitomi opened to the limit, trying hard to escape, but he was tightly controlled, Ye Sanshao simply did nothing, and pressed her into the bedding room, avoiding her legs carefully, Lock her between her chest and the bed board, kiss fiercely, and bully.

Cheng Anya was shocked by his abrupt behavior. His head was like a porridge. He was bullied dumbly until a pain in her lips. She unconsciously opened her teeth, and her warm and smooth tongue clumsily entered her sandal mouth.


Cheng Anya was frightened by him. Her affection for men and women was strange to a piece of pure white paper. Even if she could withstand the passionate kiss of Ye Sanshao, her body was so soft that she passed through a little current. Trembling all over, he forgot to respond, tightly grasping the sheet underneath, knuckles protruding, his heart hit like a deer.

Ye Sanshao kissed fiercely and could not refuse. She curled up her lilac tongue and sucked and plucked as much as she could, enjoying the heat and ecstasy brought out by her struggles underneath!

The temperature of the entire ward is rising, and the ambiguous hot index in the air is rising in a proportional state. This scene is blushing.

Ye Sanshao was no longer satisfied with just kissing, her hands stretched into her sick dress evilly, covering her softness, rubbing through her bra, Cheng Anya was struck by lightning, struggling, and forgetting her legs Still stubborn, very violently want to kick people.

Just moved, the pain made her groan, sweating, Miss Cheng called a suffocation!

Ye Sanshao loosened her slightly, the **** her body had messy hair, her cheeks were red, her bright eyes were dyed with a hint of dark red passion and desire, and there was a charming charm. Ye Sanshao was no better. It took a while to slow down and said lowly: "Maybe, you are right!"


Hi, two more, there is a chapter with a gold medal of 150 plus more, more at 2pm!

In the future every 50100 will be added!

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