As soon as Cheng Anya returned to the office, Ye Sanshao approached her, and immediately asked, "What did the old man do for you?"

She spread her hands and told honestly, "Let me leave you!"

Ye Sanshao's delicate and beautiful face tightened in an instant, and a dark storm brewed in her eyes. Cheng Anya smiled slightly, "Mr. Ye, it's okay, I'm going to work first!"

He squinted coldly, turned his head down to open the document, and continued to work. Cheng Anya turned to go out. After the door closed, Ye Chen raised his head and smiled coldly. He didn't need to ask Cheng Anya how to answer, because he wanted to get this small mouth. Speak sharp words sharply.

This is his talk of experience. He thought that the old man who always carried the shelf was deflated by Cheng Anya who could not say a word.

The mood disturbed by Louis suddenly improved.

Next, a board meeting was held, and the newly appointed vice president Louis officially took office.

Ye Sanshao used his usual iron fist to quell the uneasy voice of the board of directors, and soon held a press conference. It took only an hour for the news that the Italian mafia godfather Louis invested in mbs international spread all over the world.

Black and white collusion, announced a strong team.

The entire city A and even the business community are boiling, secretly speculating on the relationship between the Mafia and mbs international, the future development trend of mbs international and so on... This morning, the financial channel and the international channel exploded.

Everyone smells the heat in the air of city a.

At the press conference, Lewis and Ye Sanshao stood shoulder to shoulder. The two men were about the same height. A pure oriental elaborate beautiful man and a pure western beautiful man instantly captured the world's light.

Dazzling like a pearl, shining brightly.

The topic of romantic princes and melancholic princes swept the entire entertainment channel in an instant.

In short, city a is lively again!


Jason was negotiating cooperation with a local armament. When he looked at the evening news, he saw Louis’s melancholy face swaying in his eyes, and the anger was constantly channeling. It was only after he saw the news that the Mafia and mbs international announced a strong alliance.

There is a sweeping black and white posture.

At the same time, Chu Li, Bai Ye, Black Jack... The chief, Ye Wei, and Eleven all received news, and the First Terrorist Group also exploded.

Jason had a phone call, and everyone was online right away, because everyone was in a different area, and the time difference was different. The local time in the United States was more than three in the morning. It was when the dream was in full swing. Both the sir and Black Jack were angry. Chu Li in London was also awakened at more than 2am. He had just fallen asleep at the time and was also in a fire, but he was awakened by the news.

After waking up, Eleven and Ye Wei were sunbathing on the beach, so leisurely, each carrying a computer to surf the Internet.

The two beautiful women in bikinis who didn't hug handsome guys and hold computers are very weird. Some handsome guys pose in a self-confident posture and want to make a conversation. As a result, eleven frowns. Xue Piao, the handsome guy escaped faster than ever.

Murderous, dignified!

The only absent baby was sleeping dimly and dark, the phone was out of power, the computer's automatic defense system in the room was turned on, turned on automatically, logged in automatically, and the alarm rang... The baby was covering her head and sleeping unconsciously.

But as soon as the alarm sounded, he woke up immediately, thinking that there was something urgent, and after seeing the group, he learned that Louis invested in mbs international and joined hands with his father!

Lest the world is not chaotic: Ning Ning, isn't Louis and your old man wrong? Why did you suddenly invest in MBS International?

Jason: I bet you, they are ambitious, they must have reached an agreement secretly, Longmen is so powerful in North America, the Mafia wants to borrow a knife to kill people, and it will definitely be us who will suffer at that time.

Black j: Ning Ning, what's wrong with your father?

Genius Doctor: I am also confused.

The clouds in the sky are floating: Hi, a few handsome guys, are you interested in coming to a city? The slave family is sunbathing, oh, what a leisurely day...

Smiling angel: Someone must not dare to come.

The clouds in the sky are floating: yes, it seems that you all owe us money.

Everyone: ...

I’m Counter-Strike: What’s the matter with chaos? Are you really planning to open fire with the Mafia? My ancestors, all right, I still want to retire. Who will cover you if I was removed?

Xingyun Liushui: I don't have an opinion, what about Ning Ning?

Mother Earth is the biggest: I just woke up and didn’t know anything.

Everyone: ...

The clouds in the sky are floating: You are really too, the baby has just slept shortly, and children who do not sleep well can easily grow not high.

Everyone: ...

I'm afraid the world is not chaotic: Ning Ning, the situation between us and the Mafia is a little tight now, and a little bit of wind and grass is killing everybody. Luis has such a big move that has drawn Longmen and mbs international into the war. We know that your relationship with Ye Sanshao is okay. The main hosts and altars in different places don't know. Once this news is spread, they will think that the Mafia really collaborates with Longmen and MBS International. Our people must find ways to undermine the activities of Longmen North America. If you don't pay attention, it will be another desperation. Both defeats will hurt.

I am Counter-Strike: Well played, North America is still the world of Dragon Gate, oh haha, I am starting to look forward to it.

Jason: Sir, you can get away and play.

Mother Earth is the biggest: Isn’t it a secret that my father is one of the Dragon Gate Masters?

Black j: There is no airtight wall. When we find out the news, it must be recorded in the archives. The main halls of the various halls all know. What is the matter with your father and Louis?

Ning Ning frowned slightly, silently.

a long time.

Mother Earth is the biggest: I’m sure Daddy won’t do us any harm. Now the night is over in the United States. The news hasn’t spread well. You all go to the branches to tell the news and let them ignore the news. What should everyone do? Why don't you bother about it.

Jason: Baby, are you sure?

Mother Earth is the biggest: sure!

Lest the world is not chaotic: Well, we listen to you, I will call them immediately to control the people, you also have to ensure that your father will not chaotic, otherwise we can not control.

Mother Earth is the biggest: well, I know.

The clouds in the sky are floating: Louis is really the insidious grandpa of his grandfather. Isn't he making it clear that he wants the Dragon Gate and our power in North America to conflict and rub against each other? At that time he could be a fisherman's profit, Longmen had to be involved in this war, whether it was out of self-preservation or self-defense, it was impossible to avoid the smoke. This trick is really wonderful to kill with a knife. If it is not carefully analyzed, Comrade Jason, you would not be wronged to eat him in those years. You are really not his opponent for such a cunning and fierce person.

This person, Louis, is too deep and too poisonous.


Starting today, it should be restored to a stable update!

Ask for the gold medal.

Second before 10 o'clock!

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