Cheng Anya smiled, "Just help, this is the information given by Xiao Yun, I wonder if maybe it is a blind spot to remind you, after all, you always spend your energy on Lewis, it is easy to ignore Ye Zhenhua. He is in a city The influence is still not to be underestimated. Many large families in the south and north of the city are now coming out of their peers with Ye Zhenhua. In the early years, they had competition and friendship in the mall. If he called on many people to buy it."

Cheng Anya was very honest. Ye Zhenhua didn't appear in the mall for a long time. There are so many people to support the reception, which shows that he still has influence even if he doesn't care.

When she was a secretary for so long, she had developed a memory similar to that of a journalist. She was very tough. She glanced at the reception list that day and almost remembered it. No matter whether city a is east of the city, west of the city, south of the city, all families with heads and faces have sent representatives.

Not only that, but some high-ranking high-profile figures from the authorities are also coming. Even some relatively low-key people who are very popular in a certain field are also coming.

Ye Zhenhua was given face.

Such a network cannot be owned by Ye Sanshao in four or five years. It must be the courage of a talent like Ye Zhenhua who has dominated his life. Although some places do not admit it, he must know that he is not as good as others.

The chance of winning if you recognize your weaknesses is greater. Cheng Anya believes that he believes in him, but she never dared to underestimate Ye Zhenhua and Louis.

One person has a huge network and appeal in a city. One person is an Italian mafia. It has a great deterrent effect and can mobilize foreign forces. It should not be underestimated. She has not seen that person arrogant enough to completely ignore the Italian mafia. What.

Except for the lawless and uncontrolled arrogance of terrorist groups.

The reason why she is so determined until now is not because of her small breast bag is a very black and very short-haired, very powerful little sturdy character, he is unlikely to make Ye Sanshao suffer.

Ten thousand steps back and said that even if Ye Sanshao is not enough, there will be a son who can play. Some are afraid of talents.

However, in order to take into account Ye Sanshao's self-esteem that is higher than the sky, and a very proud sense of father, she still hopes that he can do it, don't dispatch his son, after all, the son is a low-key character.

Louis doesn't know it yet.

His current attention is placed on her and Ye Sanshao, but Ning Ning is not noticed. This is a good thing. In the event of any irritability in Louis, she and Ye Sanshao will not hurt her son.

So to some extent, Cheng Anya is very reluctant to let his son show his head.

Ye Sanshao is busy fighting Louis. All strategies try to figure Louis away. It is easy to ignore Ye Lao. This old guy is an old fox. He wants to make connections with Ye San. This is why he dare to take Ye Three young people ousted.

It is really rare for father and son brothers to fight like this.

Ye Sanshao's cold eyes glanced over a trace of warm light. It was nice to have someone who was with him wholeheartedly by his side, not worried that she would stab him suddenly, or that she would betray him, wholeheartedly, just for him .

Ye Sanshao enjoys this kind of mood very much, so he wants to hurry up to put these things to an end, and to marry her home this year. Xiao Anya promises him to marry when these things are over. Ye Sanshao keeps in mind.

"You don't say that we might have really ignored it." Ye Sanshao said, smirking at the ground, and kissed Anya fiercely. "Wife, I really married a virtuous helper, gratifying."

Cheng Anya poked his shoulders humorously, and put on an expression of indestructible wood. Looking at Ye Sanshao, he wanted to look at the dead branches in winter. He was very helpless, "No wonder your school time is so bad. , Sick sentence."

Ye Sanshao twisted her face, not cooperating with her son or with him, owing lesson.

"I'm telling the truth, what do you pinch me for?" Cheng Anya smiled and patted his hand, and the strength was really not small. It pinched her cheek slightly, and 80% of this girl was abused into a sadistic, hand It's so big.

Cheng Anya retaliatedly pulled the flesh on his face, really not to mention, the skin was very good, very smooth and tender, and he felt very comfortable to touch. Cheng Anya couldn’t help but touch two more, Ye Sanshao couldn’t help crying or laughing. what."

"This is normal flirtation. Where is impoliteness, and impureness is what you call impureness." Cheng Anya smiled and asked gossipingly, "Achen, honestly, do you use skin care products? Good skin."

Ye Sanshao, " can't have a good word?"

Listen, what is this?

"Don't I like to praise your skin?" Cheng Anya smiled, ignoring his deflated complexion, and suddenly remembered one thing, she paused. "Well, if something happens to Gu's family this time against you, Don’t worry about them, just leave them alone."

"Gu Family?" Ye Sanshao raised her eyebrows, looked at her with a smile, and touched her chin to reveal a suave man who flirted with the flirtatious woman, and laughed like a fox, "Please, I have a price, you determine?"

Cheng Anya secretly said that it was not good. When he just wanted to retreat, Ye Sanshao buckled his waist and fell firmly on his leg. Cheng Anya could not help thinking that fortunately, Xiao Yechen did not look up excitedly, otherwise he would sit like this ...


The impure picture was deep in the brain of Miss Cheng's pai, she really became more and more as Ye Sanshao.

"What's your relationship with Gu's family?" Ye Sanshao asked with a smile, holding her firmly, but Cheng Anya wondered whether the chair was strong enough to fall. It hurts a lot. When he heard Ye Sanshao asked, he answered casually. , "I have nothing to do with Gu's family. Li Yun and Gu Zhensheng have a leg. She gives you a piece of information. Isn't it natural for you to give her a favor?"

Li Yun said that Gu family went bankrupt and she went with prestige. I really didn't know how sad I was to get there.

"Aren't you owe humanity?"

"Yeah, it's still up to you and me. It seems that this marriage can't be closed. I still listen to Li Yun's words and investigate and investigate you more." Cheng Anya said coolly, his usual smile somewhat amused.

Look at him anxiously.

During a relationship in a dormitory in college, a boyfriend would invite all the girls in the dormitory to eat.

What is the buddy used for? When talking about friends, it’s used to please. Occasionally, a buddy’s saying is more useful than a hundred sentences. Ye San, you’re a fool.

Ye Sanshao is a wise man. He understood what he said. He secretly remembered Li Yun's account. He calculated how to retaliate back. He dared to encourage his woman.

For a while, Cheng Anya suddenly asked, "Are you planning to make mbs international a real change?"

This idea has been in Cheng Anya’s mind for a long time. She thinks about it and thinks that this possibility is the highest. After all, Ye Sanshao is also a kind of person. He can quietly let their employees take paid leave for a month. intend.

"What do you say?" Ye Sanshao didn't answer directly, and smiled inexplicably. The answer left Cheng Anya to guess.

Ms. Cheng hasn’t been in the mall for a long time, but she has seen a lot of things because of the environment. It’s not that she hasn’t seen mergers, arbitrage, or malicious acquisitions.

It is inevitable that I am not so sure. One month later, three multinational companies have already suppressed mbs international to 778, at this time, mbs international is almost empty. Will it be too difficult to take over again?

But then I think that this person is Ye Sanshao, maybe she thinks the difficult thing is very simple for him.

"Desser!" Cheng Anya pushed him once with a smile, and did not intend to ask anymore. Men's wars sometimes women really didn't have room to intervene. Ye Chen was deeply thoughtful and thoughtful, and his work plan was perfect. Look at him. Cheng Anya doesn't ask for details anymore.

"I should take care of the Gu family. Now the Gu family is not Gu Zhensheng. You can remind Li Yun by the way. If he is smart, he can seize the opportunity of this chaos and kick his cousin out of the office. Maybe he can become The new one in power, Gu Pengda is still not enough to defend himself, not to mention Jiangshan, Gu family is a big family in the south of the city, there are many children, but most of them are not good, I think Gu Zhensheng is a bit patient, he needs to be smart Seize the opportunity and never come again." Ye Sanshao said with a smile, playing Cheng Anya's fingers.

Cheng Anya didn’t dare to say that 100% knew Ye Sanshao, but 80% still had it. Ye Sanshao said that she had a count in her heart, and now he learns that he seems to laugh and laugh, "Cooperate with you too What about my buddy?"

"How is the calculation?" Ye Sanshao shouted innocently, "I'm based on the experience of the people who came, and I provide a suggestion that is reasonable and logical. Do you think Tang Si and Lin kicked others as their own masters? Said Gu Zhensheng did not I don’t believe in ambition to kill. In this world, power is the truth. Which man doesn’t yearn to call me grandpa."

Cheng Anya smiled, "Just tell where you are, don’t think I don’t know what you think, it’s just to fight for Gu family, I remember you have no contact with the big family in the south of the city, I wonder if you want to deal with Yaohua in the future Strive for cooperation between inside and outside."

"Xiao Anya, you are too dark." Ye Sanshao pinched her chin and looked left and right, drawing a very serious conclusion.

Why is this dead girl so smart, seeing through his thoughts at a glance, embarrassing...

The thought of having such a powerful wife, in the future, his life must be deep and hot Ye Sanshao complained to himself, how could he spread Cheng Anya.

Wife is too good is not a good thing for her husband.

"Who is dark and who knows, I'm a little bit less sunny than you." Cheng Anya smiled and shook his head. After all, this matter involved Yaohua. She was still thinking about whether to do it. She just wanted to see Ye Zhenhua's disoriented Look.

After Achen cleaned up Ye Zhenhua, it seemed that Yang Yun would not be let go.

Pack the two old ones together.

This plan is really far-reaching, and a small thing can also let him see the needle, so it is unfathomable to say that this person's mind.

"Then don't say this first, do you think Babe and Weiwei seem to have known each other already?"


It's 10,000 words today!

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