Lewis left after being crazy. Cheng Anya was groggy and sleepless all night. Too many emotions were intertwined in his heart. His body was attacked by the virus and his immunity was not completed. He developed a high fever in the middle of the night.

The fever was not very serious, but she was bored and unhappy, and her body was very uncomfortable. The whole person was sore and sour, and she didn't even cry. There was a bit of unspeakable despair. She turned in bed all night.

It became more and more stuffy, and I only felt difficulty breathing in the back, and my heart hurt.

She didn't want to recall Louis' words. Every time she thought about it, her heart hurt once, as if someone had been chopped a few times. However, Louis' words kept circling in her mind.

She clearly remembered every word of him, those humiliating words, lingering her again and again.

"Don't think about it..." Cheng Anya screamed wildly, wishing that she would faint like this, and she didn't wake up for a hundred things, but her body was very stubborn and there was no sign of losing her will.

She rolled until the daybreak before she fell asleep, and woke up again, it was already dawning, it was time, and there was a hot breakfast on the table, Cheng Anya was washing, looking in the mirror like a ghost Horrible self.

She smiled bitterly!

She was almost unable to recognize who the person in the mirror was. Although she was thin in the past, her cheeks were radiant and healthy, but now she lost all the luster on her face and her eyes were bleak.

The chin is sharp, the cheeks on both sides are deeply sunken, there is no flesh, the exposed neck, the blood vessels are violently jumped, and the arm is stretched out so that it feels the strength of the whole body, it is terrible, this body is ruined. Humanoid.

Cheng Anya sneered, but it was only ten days. She seemed to have lived a lifetime. This kind of torture seemed to have no end. It was indeed desperate. Should she treat herself better?

She never believed that the person in the crash last night was Ye Chen, but he should know where she was, and he might have come to the door these days, and if she saw her ghostly appearance, she could not utter any good words in her mouth.

Cheng Anya thought, thought, could not help tears, she washed her face with cold water to cool the heat on her face, and her hair was so scattered.

There are two kinds of breakfast, Chinese and Western. The maid can't figure out Cheng Anya's spleen and stomach. She prepares two breakfasts every day. Before that, Cheng Anya had no appetite for three meals and ate too little. Sometimes she didn't eat for two or three days.

Today, she is uncharacteristically trying to stuff food into her mouth. She can't taste what she actually tastes, but she is forced to eat it to supplement the nutrition she deserves. She doesn't want Ye San to see her like a ghost.

After having breakfast, Cheng Yanya was so dizzy that she couldn’t help but climbed into bed to rest. She didn’t get enough sleep last night, and she was very mentally ill. This time she wanted to get a good night’s sleep and empty her head. She didn’t want anything. .

After sleeping for a while, Cheng Anya dreamed, she dreamed of a white world, she saw a group of people around the abuse of Ye Sanshao, an angry roar came from her ear, she thought To rush to stop, his feet were nailed to the ground, unable to move. She saw someone holding her whip and kept pumping her baby, listening to the cry of the little milk pack in her ear, shouting mommy one by one, and daddy saving her life. Cheng Anya heard her heart was broken and frantically pointed Screaming, but could only watch the little milk bag being beaten to the death in front of her.

Cheng Anya was crying and shouting, but no one ignored her. After a while, Louis appeared coldly, with a gentle smile on his face, clapping his hands to appreciate the miserable state of Ye Sanshao and the small milk bag.

Louis asked her, "Anya, how is it? This is my rehearsal for you, do you like it?"

Cheng Anya scolded and cursed, trying to rush over and die with him, but the air was like a net, painted as a prison, trapping her tightly in it, she could do nothing.

She yelled, yelled, and cried, her voice was hoarse, and the screams of Ye San and Ning Ning came from her ears. She lost all her strength and knelt down softly on the ground, begging Louise humbly people.

The wind blew coldly, her bones were cold, she could still feel the bitter cold, spreading to all the limbs, Cheng Anya was helpless, she could only cry like this, put down her self-respect, kneel and begged Louis to let go Past their father and son.

Lewis refused, not forgiving, and pulled her face, let her see how Ye Sanshao was insulted, how to see how the small milk bag was beaten to death, Cheng Anya sobbed, almost died.

When the scene suddenly changed, she dreamed that she and Ye Sanshao had reunited. Ye Sanshao rushed over. Cheng Anya was shocked and immediately drank, telling him tragically that she had a virus and could not touch others. .

Ye Sanshao opened his eyes in anger, and they looked at each other, but they could not hug at a close distance.

He asked, "How many days do you have to live?"

She said, "19 days."

His expression suddenly faded and shouted: "Why not seven days? If it were seven days, I would touch you..."

The voice turned weak again, and there was a deep sorrow in the affection, "Then we can die together, I will die even if I die, and I will die in you."

As soon as she heard these words, there were three black lines. The already sad atmosphere turned into a lighthearted tragic drama, which turned into a comedy alive. She was very tangled and laughed.

These words are very Ye San style, typical arrogance and arrogance, typical color-embroid hooligan, and she loves this hooligan in her misfortune. This life is absolutely necessary, so she hates Louis so much, and hopes that he will be delayed and the five horses will be separated.

The camera turned again and again, and Cheng Anya saw several stout middle-aged men in Louis clasped their hands and feet, tortured fiercely, turned round, flushed, and kept humming in her mouth. San Shao and Ning Ning's father and son laughed distortedly, and at the same time put aphrodisiac mist, embarrassed.

"Daddy, I'm going to shoot him and put it on major websites and major TV stations to watch." The little baby bag said jokingly, and his beautiful big eyes had the same distortion as his daddy.

Ye Sanshao's inheritance is really good.

I saw Ye Sanshao calmly afraid to shoot the head of the small milk bag, "The most exciting clip, enlarged the broadcast, let him appreciate it."

"Daddy is wise." The little baby bag laughed dog-legged, while the father and son discussed how to grind Louis, while pondering how to use that kind of chun medicine so as not to let him die too violently, and can perform very yd.

How to see how refreshing smile is exactly the same.

Cheng Anya laughed and couldn't restrain the happiness in his heart. Haha, haha, Louis, you have today too. It's a **** to have eyes. In the hands of the father and son, you will be more enjoyable by Ye Yutang.

Their methods will make you regret being a human being.

Cheng Anya laughed arrogantly, and all the tears came out.

With a shock, Cheng Anya woke up suddenly, and there seemed to be an echo of her laughter in the room. Cheng Anya was very depressed. It turned out to be a dream. As the saying goes, she dreams day and night. She really wants to abuse Louis. I have been thinking for a long time.

That's why she has such a perverted dream. If she can, she really hopes that dream doesn't wake up and the camera doesn't change. She can watch Ye Chen and Ning Ning and his father and son torture Luis fiercely and bring him to death.

What a joyful thing this is.

Her psychology is also a bit distorted. There is no way that people can assimilate. She has always believed that people do not commit me, I do not commit people, and if people commit me, I will give back ten times, and Louis, he really deserves it.

He said, God is also on his side, and one day, he will find himself wrong.

When you thought God was affectionate, he ruthlessly made you tremble. When you thought he was guarding you, he would throw you into hell. It’s not that God can’t help you. Come.

She thinks she believes in Buddha, and believes in the theory of causal circulation, he will always have retribution.

Moreover, she believes that this day is coming soon.

The headache was terrible. It was already afternoon in the window. When the sun was the most poisonous, Cheng Anya couldn't sleep and got out of the villa. A man and a woman followed her last night. She didn't care. This only made her more certain. Ye Three young people are really coming.

Otherwise, Louis would not be so alert, this recognition made her very excited, very excited, waiting for his arrival excitedly, maybe, he was on the way.

The excitement turned a little darker again. She was very impressed with the magnetic wave light and missiles last night. Even if Ye San came, could he escape it? This island has the most advanced modern weapons and equipment.

It's not easy for him to break in.

Cheng Anya looked at the blue sky and his heart sank again. The two hot eyes behind him kept following her. Cheng Anya was very irritable and wanted to drink to make them leave.

People still have to bow their heads under the eaves. She still understands it, and angered them. In the end, it is up to them to lose money.

Her body is sour and soft, and the sun is very comfortable. The more poisonous, the more comfortable she is, because she feels so hot that she is still alive, she walks along the beach, she hears her footsteps, and a row of children walk along Running on the beach, there are men and women...

They saw her, and the headed child quickly separated from her. They didn't dare to be too close to her. Everyone was impressed with Zhang Bo. How dare the children touch Cheng Anya, fearing that the next Zhang Bo was themselves.

Here, they may not be able to grow up alive, but at least they all work hard to survive.

Cheng Anya looked at them like a snake, and thought of Zhang Bo’s lovely child. When she thought of Zhang Bo, every time she thought of Zhang Bo, it was tantamount to a knife sliding across her heart. She thought that even if Zhang family forgive her, She couldn't forgive herself.

The children ran away, and soon went away. Cheng Anya stood for a long time in a daze. The sea breeze blew up her long hair, which was a little scary pale against the amazingly thin face, and her weak body was by the sea. Standing like this seems to be blown away by the wind at any time.


She had no desire or desire to bask in the sun. She had been bored in the house. She walked out, but she felt that her heart was even more boring. The only luck was that she did not meet Louise, which was her only luck.

Turn around and walk towards the villa.

A man and a woman also went back with her.

"Inexplicable." The woman sneered contemptuously.

Behind them is a large forest, lined with rocks, and the man’s eyes are burning, distressed, and forbearing. He glances reluctantly, and finally flashes into the woods, nowhere to be seen.

Cheng Anya always felt that the sight behind her was too hot and suspicious. She looked back at the man and the woman. The woman's face was very bad. She never gave her a good face. Cheng Anya smiled coldly and stopped looking. She went back to the villa .

Back to the villa, lunch was set. She got up late and passed the lunch time long. Cheng Anya was not hungry at all, but swept away the food on the plate, and then went to sleep. She prayed that Louis would not bother her again.

In an instant, at night, the night was getting deeper. Cheng Anya went to bed after dinner. There was no entertainment on the island. She would be cranky and sleep if she didn't sleep, but her high fever suddenly became heavy.

The body was very hot, wrapped in a quilt, as if roasted in the stove, with sweat dripping, but after a while, she felt very cold all over, her teeth were trembling, and the fire and ice were very scary.

Cheng Anya turned off the light early, wrapped in the quilt, whether lying down, lying down, or curling up, it was so uncomfortable that everything was wrong.

Feeling sick is very bad.

She didn't want to ask Louis for help at all. It was too dark. He wouldn't see her discomfort even if he was equipped with a monitor. She couldn't bear the torture of Louis at all.

Hearing that there was movement in the villa, Cheng Anya twisted his heart, and Louis was abnormal, wouldn't he come again?

But instead of feeling wrong, the sound seemed to come from the top of the building, because the night was quiet, and the hearing was clearer. Cheng Anya turned and raised his eyes, even realizing that the camera that had been on was dark.

At the same time, the familiar sound came from the air passage, "Any, asleep?"

Ye San's voice.

Cheng Anya sat up, his face very excited, "Achen..."

She heard a long sigh, "Just hear it, don't be afraid, tomorrow noon, you go to the place where you walk today, remember?"

Cheng Anya almost burst into tears. She nodded again and again, but she wanted to stand up but was stopped by Ye San. Cheng Anya hurriedly said, "Achen, I have a virus in my body. Remember, don't touch my body at will."

"Let's go back!" Ye Sanshao hurriedly shouted, and Cheng Anya lay back obediently.

The camera is on...

Everything goes to silence...

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