Cheng Anya and Ye Chen went ashore after soaking in the hot spring for a while. The young men searched here to see if they would come back in a short time. It is still safe for the time being. Ye Sanshao is not an idle person. Cheng Anya soaked in the hot spring for a while, and the heat made her dizzy and dizzy. She lay in the sun for a while before the sun felt relieved.

Ye Sanshao took out a miniature folding telescope and opened it. The hillside was facing the apron.

"Your idea is crazy." Cheng Anya said, basking in the sun for a while, his clothes were dry, and Cheng Anya had the strength to look down his eyes. They had reached a small mountain cliff. Being halfway up the mountain, you can see the buildings below from the top.

Ye Sanshao read the map clearly and smiled lightly: "Do you think it is impossible?"

Cheng Anya nodded honestly, "There is a window in my room facing the apron. The defense there is very tight. You can't steal the plane. Besides, you also saw that day. Those terrible magnetic waves, I am afraid the plane is in midair. I was shot down, I don’t want to die without a whole body."

Ye Sanshao laughed and quipped: "This is also done. It also saves cremation money. The ashes are scattered directly on the sea. It's free, how good."

"You crow's mouth, before I saw my baby, I wouldn't die!" Cheng Anya said fiercely, clenching his teeth, Ye Sanguo was quiet, and Cheng Anya was also shocked.

From the beginning to the present, they have avoided the Ning Ning's problems in a tacit understanding. They are afraid that they will be sad when they mention it. Now they don't know where Ning Ning was imprisoned. Cheng Anya was very anxious and worried, but nothing. A good way can only endure.

When they mentioned this, they all thought of **** photos in their hearts. The **** baby son, Cheng Anya, stood silent, Ye Sanshao's fists clenched, almost smashing the telescope.

"We will find him." Ye Sanshao said decisively, "our son will be fine, don't worry."

Ye Sanshao patted Cheng Anya's shoulder, only to be so comforting, but he didn't know whether to comfort himself or Cheng Anya, but if he couldn't comfort himself, how could he comfort Cheng Anya?

Ning Ning, he is thinking about him every moment, fearing that he is a little dangerous.

"Is there no news from the terrorist organization?" Cheng Anya asked. "You came from Italy, did they give you any information from there?"

She was a little anxious, Ye Sanshao knew very well, but she didn’t want to deceive her, she could only shake her head, “Chu Li said that there is no news for the time being, his satellite has not found anyone, no matter whether it is a terrorist organization or Longmen, they are looking for it with all their strength. I believe Ning Ning Will be fine."

At present, we can only believe so.

"Well, it can only be so." Cheng Anya looked at the sky, the blue sky and white clouds, so elegant, natural, and chic, but they were trapped on the island and had no access.

The ground, Ye Sanshao pursed her lips, her eyes flashing a hint of danger, "Louis sent a helicopter to find someone."

Under the small cliff, two helicopters were raised. Ye Sanshao took Cheng Anya to hide in the cave. Last night, the black lights blindly figured out the map. He was familiar with this area. He quickly took Cheng Anya and hid in one. Small cave.

Cheng Anya must be careful, always remember not to have skin contact with him, the helicopter hovered over them for a while, and then flew away slowly, Cheng Anya breathed a sigh of relief.

"The cliffs are so big, it's not easy for Louis to find someone." Ye Sanshao said. "Even if it is a helicopter infrared search, he still can't find shelter."

"You have a way to steal his plane?" Cheng Anya asked.

"You will know by night." Ye Sanshao said inexplicably. The deep eyes flashed a fierce light, exquisite facial features, and the shadows were appalling, vaguely with a powerful domineering.

He is very confident.

Suddenly, I heard only a row of bullets sweeping, and there were several screams not far away. Cheng Anya was terrified. Ye Sanshao was still like a mountain. She didn't dare to ask. After a long silence, Ye Sanshao didn't mean to leave.

She just sat on the rock and waited. It was a few hours before it was dark. In these few hours, I hope that there will be no major changes.

"Achen, I miss City A a little bit." She missed her home and missed their warm home, only less than half a month away, but she missed it so much, suffered for so many years, worried, panicked, hopeless, Begging...

She has endured emotions that have not been experienced in the past 20 years. Only then have she realized how comfortable and happy they lived in the city A. At that time, there were Ye Sanshao’s gangsters and peaceful Ning's elegant smile.

There is flowing beautiful music, I don’t know when such a day will come back, and I don’t know if I will be as happy as I was after returning.

She found that the words tomorrow were a bit extravagant for her.

She didn't dare to think about the future. She was afraid that the planned future would be disrupted by unexpected accidents.

"I miss it too." Ye Chen said, he was more homesick than her.

"I used to think that the summer in city A was really hot. Like steamers, it was hot and stuffy. The streets in city A were also noisy. There were many people, many cars, many tall buildings, and the sound was noisy. However, compared with here, city A is Heaven, I’m really unsatisfied. This quality of life, really came out as soon as there is a reference level, I think I still want to enjoy the air of city A in the future, I don’t know if there is this life." Cheng Anya smiled Road.

"Nonsense." Ye Sanshao shouted, staring at her dangerously. "Don't make me listen to such unhappy words, shut up."

"You also said that the plane exploded and saved the ashes. Why don't you say yourself." Cheng Anya retorted dissatisfiedly, the two of them, always half a catty to eighty two, no one is better.

However, Ye Sanshao is very domineering, as long as the state officials set fire to prevent people from lighting.

"Men talk, what do women learn?" Ye Sanshao retorted bluntly, squinting his eyes at Cheng Anya. The expression is obviously saying, I am a man, you are a woman, this is different.

Cheng Anya kicked him, "Are you discriminating against women? Men speak, why can't women learn?"

"I didn't discriminate against women, I would discriminate against you." Ye Sanshao said coolly, "You said I was playing alone on the boxing ring, why didn't you learn?"

"Then I can have Ning Ning, why don't you go to study?"

Ye Sanshao, "..."

What kind of metaphor is this?

The two laughed at each other, quarreling, and it was always fun. The two exchanged and whispered. Cheng Anya was hungry and Ye Sanshao took out the chocolate wrapped in oil paper to feed her hunger.

Soon it was night. During the period, two groups of people from Soshan came up and left. Helicopters had been circling in the back mountain. Cheng Anya was shocked by cold sweat every time, afraid of being found, but every time. Flee in panic.

Louis was very anxious. They could hear the occasional bullets in the cave, the howling of wolf dogs, the cursing of men, and the sound of men’s curses, and the hovering of the plane. They didn’t stop for several hours. Louis was iron. Be sure to find them in your heart.

Knowing that Ye Sanshao was on the island, under his eyes, how could he be willing to give up this opportunity to get him.

Looking at the two of them, who has a better way.

But in terms of equipment, Ye Sanshao is clearly at a disadvantage.

It was determined that there was no one around. Ye Sanshao came out of the cave. Cheng Anya would not stay behind. As he came out, the villa under the mountain was brightly lit, and the sound of the helicopter hovering kept ringing.

In the moon, it rises above the sea, and it is cool. The night tonight is particularly heavy, and the scattered stars seem a bit desolate in the sky.

"Going to start?" Cheng Anya asked.

Ye Sanshao smiled, "Any, let's come to a giant campfire party."

Shortly after his voice fell, Cheng Anya didn’t have time to ask. I saw that the forest gas they had just walked through today had a fierce fire. The fire was not very big, but because of the wind direction, it burned particularly fast and quickly. It spread the whole forest.

A dozen or so incendiary bombs were thrown into different parts of the forest, and only the sound of rumbling and fire was heard. Once again, the fire was more vigorous and more intense...

At the foot of the mountain, there was a chaos. This forest covered almost the entire back mountain. It burned along the wind and spread the entire island. Cheng Anya felt the fierceness of this group of people after watching it for a moment, and he felt a kind of prairie.

"You're going to burn the whole island?" Cheng Anya was in amazement. It was so terrible. They were only a few people. How could they bring such a big fire?

"What's wrong?" Ye Sanshao sneered.

The island was in chaos because of the wind, and the fire quickly ignited the whole forest. The whole forest was trapped in the sea of ​​fire. The tongue of fire was like a blizzard in an avalanche, and it was rushing towards the buildings on the island.

In the observation room, Louis' emerald green eyes reflected a red, the red and green intertwined, a bit terrifying, he really underestimated Ye Sanshao, so few people could even burn the whole forest.

With the help of the east wind, this wishful abacus played well, hum, which is also a coincidence, the southeast wind happened tonight, and even God helped him, this guy's luck is **** good.

"Master Master, what should I do?" a man in black asked calmly. The fire was too large to be extinguished at all. The buildings on the island would be burned to ashes.

"Did anyone find it?" Louis asked in a deep voice, his voice cold, and his eyes shot out the cold mangosteen, "This pile of rice buckets is of no use at all!"

Louis was obviously angry and exhausted.

The man in black listened to the lesson quietly, daring not to refute a sentence, as silent as a statue that was immortal.

"They must be in Houshan, at all costs, to find people, except for Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya, the rest of the people, regardless of life or death!" Louise shouted sharply.

The man answered yes and went out respectfully.

Luis's eyes were scary, and he pulled the black finger between his fingers, "Ye Chen, you want to escape, so easy."

Indoors, the breeze blew up, and even the heat from the island could not be dissipated, and the forest was cold.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded suddenly, and a blasting bomb attacked the villa where Cheng Anya lived. The entire villa collapsed, because it was too sudden, and the people in the chaos did not react for a while, waiting for them to react again. Another blasting bomb attacked again and completely destroyed the villa.

Louis only felt a wave of shaking, the whole house was shaken, the portraits in the room fell off, the antiques rolled down, and suddenly shattered, followed by a violent blast, all the lights were dim By the way, in the monitor, all the monitoring screens turned black and there was nothing, everyone was shocked, and Louis was furious.

"Boom them for me!"

The murderous splattered, the fire suddenly blasted into the sky, the mafia shot violently in the direction of the blasting bomb, and for a moment, another dark place, someone was holding a submachine gun, a chaotic shot at the chaotic crowd on the island.

Suddenly, there were screams everywhere.

"Master Master, I can't stay in the house anymore. It's dangerous." Just now the man came back again, and Louis went away in silence, explaining in a deep voice, "Fix the circuit, immediately!"

"Yes, someone has been sent." The man in black said.

Louis was completely irritated. Ye San, you six dare to come and fire with me, very well, "Go, tell me to go, let the gas go down the mountain."


The man got orders and hurriedly ordered.

After a while, a cannonball with white smoke quickly fired into Houshan from a long distance. The white smoke suddenly spread. Louis looked at the direction of the poison bomb and laughed coldly. It should have been done.

Ye Chen, I don’t believe I can’t force you down.

"Master Master, everyone has burned to the apron." A man hurried to report, the island was extremely chaotic, the fire has been merciless, rolling in, and many areas on the island will attack again.

The enemy is secret and the mafia has suffered heavy losses.

However, there must be no loss in transportation.

"Send a few people to fly the plane. Helicopters, fighters, and none will be left." Louis said in a deep voice, staring at the back mountain with his eyes fiercely. After the man pulled back, he recruited several people and ordered: "Go Sou Shan."


At this time, the helicopters and military fighters on the island began to launch...

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