Cheng Anya just thought it was spinning again and again. She seemed to be flying away from her seat and leaning in the opposite direction. She was afraid to look up. The plane had to land on the ground to maintain balance.

The fighter-bomber's resistance to low-level bumps was already strong, and the fuselage flew across the desert and flew quickly.

This process is very fast.

"Don't be afraid, everything has me!" Ye Sanshao said in a deep voice, but his eyes were locked in front, not looking at her. After the plane rose, he used electronic interference to attack, and the two sides were in a fierce battle. In addition, using the perfect hardness of the fuselage for a low-altitude hard collision.

A handsome face, a kill!

I can only hear the bang, bang, violent bumps, violent bumps in the fuselage, Cheng Anya dizzy, almost slipped from the seat, and hugged Ye Sanshao’s thigh...

His body kept hitting him without pain, but he was extremely worried.

The two fighter-bombers piloted by Ye Sanshao had much better external conditions than the bombers they drove. They would not be able to withstand such a violent impact. The two sides opened the distance back and forth several times and began to fire with machine guns and shells.

Cheng Anya listened to the sound of cannonballs, the sound of machine gun shots, his heart was heavy, and the plane went up and down like a roller coaster. The human heart is always complicated in this moment of utter seizure.

Ye Sanshao inspected the weapons and equipment, his eyebrows were slightly deep, and he flew the plane to a high altitude. He had an advantage over them. That is, this is a high-speed breakthrough design fighter, which has an absolute advantage in speed.

After quickly ascending to high altitude, Ye Sanshao fired three visually guided missiles towards them. They were not willing to show any weakness. They immediately fired four missiles at them. Ye Sanshao unfastened his seat belt and ordered Cheng Anya, "Anya, Get the buckle from the stand."

Cheng Anya was terrified, but Ye Sanshao's voice knew she was very anxious. She said nothing, and got up, and suddenly Ye Sanshao shouted, "Hold on!"

She hadn't had time to grab the gantry, and her body hit the side fiercely, with a loud noise, Ye Sanshao knew it naturally, but he had to fly the plane to avoid their missiles.

The aircraft hovered at high speed in mid-air, and seven or eight missiles circled in mid-air, chasing, and swearing not to reach the target. At the same time, the high-altitude shells also attacked the other side mercilessly.

When the two planes evaded the missile, Ye Sanshao predicted that the left fuselage was damaged and the flight was temporarily slow. He immediately fired two shells and hit the fuselage mercilessly.

Only a loud explosion sound was heard. The shells accurately hit the fuselage's fuel tank. The fighter jet exploded, shattered, and was shot down by Ye Sanshao. The fire light reflected the sky.

Another pilot gave a roar and frantically threw shells at Ye Sanshao's fighter-bomber, "I'm going to kill you!"

A very strong British accent. The dark-haired and blue-eyed British man had a ugly face, and regardless of the missiles behind him, frantically dropped all the artillery shells. He was already fighting in the water.

"Any, fast!" Ye Sanshao urged, but the voice was unexpectedly quiet, but with a trace of tension and danger unclear.

Cheng Anya fell twice because the bumps were so severe that she had to avoid artillery shells, missiles, and the plane sometimes fell rapidly, and sometimes flew obliquely. She could not stand at all.

"I know." Cheng Anya responded, these times he fell heavily, and the ground was tilted again. Cheng Anya just stood down again, rolled around in the plane, and hit the table hard. Chair, her waist hurts and she is going crazy, "Shit!"

Can't help swearing!

Standing up again, Cheng Anya grabbed the gantry when Ye Sanshao leaned again, took the clasps, and stumbled back to the seat. Ye Sanshao said in a deep voice: "Hold it in Your waist, and my waist."

Cheng Anya saw such a rope in the film's climbing scene. It was thick and sturdy. She didn't understand what Ye Sanshao meant, buckled obediently, and buckled the other one on Ye Chen's waist.

"What's this for?" Cheng Anya asked hesitantly, as if she felt something, her heart would tremble. "Aren't you going to jump?"

You cannot use a parachute at this height, otherwise the person will hit the ground before the parachute is opened, but this rope... Cheng Anya's face suddenly turned white, and I couldn't believe what I expected.

My mommy, this is crazy!

Yes, she thinks it's cool to jump off the plane. She thinks it's dazzling to jump down at such a high distance in extreme sports.

However, it was her turn to soften her legs.

"Trust me, Xiao Anya." Ye Sanshao said in a deep voice, his always elegant tone and a touch of smile, faint, but so firm, as if he was the commander of this battle, so confident, so tall mighty.

"You are crazy!" Cheng Anya said, his lips trembling, and he was trained. Such a scene is not a big problem for him, but for her, it is not...

too crazy.

"I said, if there is any danger, you must protect me." Cheng Anya is Cheng Anya after all, and soon calmed down, she smelled a smell of fuel, frowned, suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the fuel tank No wonder they have to choose to leave.

"Okay!" Ye Sanshao responded with a deep voice, and instead joked, "Xiao Anya, why didn't you expect to protect me?"

"A man protects a woman, it is justified." Cheng An Yali retorted bluntly, trying to make himself less afraid, with a smooth tone and a consistent smile, "otherwise you will not be qualified to be my man."

"Just for you my man, Lao Tzu fights." Ye Sanshao laughed, Cheng Anya rolled his eyes, but was very impressed, such a charming Ye San.

When the uncle was uncle, when the atmosphere was atmospheric, when the cold was cold... Every side is so charming, every time he heard him talk about Lao Tzu, she felt that this person was really **** mad.

Most of her is also crazy, and it is not the same way to show Xishi in the eyes of her lover...

The flying missile missed, and there was a smoke in the desert. The crazy man laughed coldly. A rocket broke away from the fuselage and shot at Ye Sanshao. Ye Sanshao was surprised. He flew through the plane quickly. I know that the rocket will turn around and shoot again. He immediately opened the door, and the wind was blowing loudly, and the sand rolled in, and someone was dazzling.

Cheng Anya was really scared. It wasn't jumping a bicycle, or a motorcycle, or a car, or an airplane... At such a fast speed, would she fall into a meatloaf.

Ye Sanshao pursed her lips and released a slow parachute. In the dark night, his eyes were scary. The planes came back from behind. The two planes happened to be face to face. They could see each other’s faces clearly. Ye Sanshao shot him one. Snap finger.

His smile is a little contemptuous, full of domineering and elegant, and has an atmosphere of solemnity, intertwined into a scene with a sense of picture.

Ye Sanshao uttered a word slowly, "gameover!"

He pressed the auto-explosion button, quickly left the seat, pulled the white cloth next to him and wrapped Cheng Anya's head, and suddenly jumped on the smooth plate. The smooth plate landed on the desert from a low altitude. At this time, the plane was still flying because of inertial Relations, Aya and Ye Sanshao on the smooth board have also been moving forward with the aircraft, the speed is extremely fast, splashing yellow sand bursts, obscured the sight.

Cheng Anya had a dizzy pain. Her body was held tightly by Ye Sanshao but she also felt a bump, a painful bump, and her internal organs seemed to be shaken out.

She knew very well that they were gliding on the desert.

With a white head, she could only hold Ye Sanshao's waist tightly to prevent herself from falling.

I saw yellow sand rolling in the desert. A man and a woman hugged each other and slid on the smooth board. The speed quickly followed the plane.

Ye Sanshao pulled out a military knife from his waist and cut the rope. The smooth board no longer taxied along with the plane and lost control. He continued to glide in the other direction quickly. Ye Sanshao held Cheng Anya tightly in his arms and used The back blocked the obstacles in the desert. Soon, the speed of the smoothing plate slowed down. Ye Sanshao held Cheng Anya and rolled down the smoothing plate. The two rolled over the desert for several laps and finally stopped.

Cheng Anya ripped off the white cloth, and as soon as he looked up, he heard a loud bang, the two planes collided with each other, and the self-detonation device was turned on, plus the destruction of the rocket, both planes were destroyed.

A strong flame hit the debris...

Cheng Anya was dumbfounded. This scene was really shocking.

The desert returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened in the air combat just now.

Cheng Anya looked at the wreckage that could not be seen in the distance, and then looked at Ye Sanshao, his face pale, but raised a thumb, "You are strong!"

It's too strong, it's not my class.

"You are stronger than Arnold."

"You can't help comparing me with other men?" Ye Sanshao slapped him **** the back of Cheng Anya's hand.

"Don't fight, I'm dizzy." Cheng Anya kicked over and looked around again, with a heart in his heart, "Where is this?"

"Desert." Ye Sanshao rolled his eyes, as if she was talking nonsense, Cheng Anya's goose bumps rose up, squeezing towards Ye Sanshao with a little fear.

Desert, will not be sunburned here?

"How to contact others to save us?" Cheng Anya asked worriedly, "I heard that there will be many snakes and poisonous scorpions in the desert at night..."

"Why are you so courageous?" Ye Sanshao lifted Cheng Anya. "Let's first find a cave to hide and wait till dawn."

Cheng Anya was helpless and could only listen to Ye Sanshao, which is currently the case, but, "Is there no way to contact your people? Then we can't hold it for a few days."

"Xiao Anya, sometimes you have to learn a sentence, the boat is naturally straight to the bridgehead." Ye Sanshao said, holding her hand, not far away was a large rock cliff, they were too tired to choke all day, find a place to rest Wait until the sun comes out.

Cheng Anya naturally had no opinion. She was almost exhausted, and she was still hungry. The temperature difference between day and night in the desert was large. Although it was summer, she still felt very cold in short sleeves.

She prayed in her heart that she must walk out of this desert land. She didn't want to die in such a desolate place.

Seemingly feeling her fear, Ye Sanshao just patted her shoulder comfortably and said, "Trust me."

There is no way to heaven, otherwise it would have been dead.

Cheng Anya nodded. They were lucky. They found a cave in the leeward. There were some dry grass branches in the cave. Ye Sanshao nodded with flint, temporarily expelling the cold.

"Xiao Anya, take a nap, it will be fine tomorrow." Ye Sanshao said in a deep voice, pulling her to lie on his lap.

The fire slowly rose, and the temperature of the cave also increased. Cheng Anya felt that he was driven away from the cold. There was a warm feeling, very comfortable.

"It's actually very good, at least we left that island." She smiled, holding Ye Sanshao's waist, muttering to herself, she could be relieved or weak at will beside him.

Ye Sanshao stroked Cheng Anya's hair with pity, and he hated Louis in his heart, and he was such a tough man. He was tortured by him for more than ten days and was afraid.

"Well, after leaving, we will be able to go home and see Ning Ning in a few days." Ye Sanshao said in a deep voice. At night, like Yihong Hot Spring, it sounds reassuring.

"Well." Cheng Anya responded faintly, and was too tired to fall asleep.

Ye Sanshao looked at her face, for a long time, for a long time, silent...

On the podium, the man stared at the disappearing movement on the screen, opened his eyes in horror, and Louis asked quietly, "How?"

"Master and lord, all disappeared."

"What do you mean?"

"They all died together and could not find any information."

"Impossible!" Louis Emerald's green eyes flicked openly, slapping the table, "Never possible!"

The man was Ye Sanshao, how could he die so easily, absolutely impossible, Louis did not believe that the two fighters he sent were enough to compete with him, so he was shot down by him, he felt incredible.

But I think so.

However, there is Cheng Anya on the plane, he will not let her take the risk so easily.

"Master Master, there is a situation in Italy." Another man hurried in to report.

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