The water in the fountain pool was not deep, and he squatted down to the knee of the little milk bag, soaking in the water, touching it inch by inch, looking for his warm jade pendant, splashing countless splashes of water.

The appearance of the small milk bag looks very urgent. The thin red eyes are no longer blank, empty, but anxious and panic. The little hand is soaked in the pool, looking panicly, afraid that he will never be found again. Warm jade pendant.

"Nuo Nuo..." shouting the promised name again and again, he looked more urgent, step by step, thin red face, reflecting the extreme despair, and terrified the facial features.

The water in the fountain was shooting out, falling finely in the pool, on the hair of the small breast pack, wet the hair, and softly sticking to his pink face, the whole person looked very embarrassed, white shirt Close to the thin body, it looks extremely pitiful.

Ye Wei Bai Ye and Chu Li didn't stop him, so they watched Xiao Xiaobao anxiously looking for the warm jade pendant in the pool, and everyone's face was not very good.

Xu Xing had covered her face on one side and wanted to cry very grievously. Her heart was full of anger, and she hated the small milk bag very much. That arrogant, devil-like voice was still in her ears. It was terrifying, she hated him Very afraid of him.

But he was rushing frantically towards the fountain, panicking to find her warm jade pendant, the fountain was spraying, like a layer of water mist, his face was a little fuzzy, it was not real, but the crazy action, The sad voice was clearly seen and heard clearly.

Nono... is that the owner of the jade pendant?

Xu Xing suddenly regretted it. She shouldn't have lost his things so arbitrarily. She rushed over and robbed her and knew that this warm jade was important to him. She shouldn't lose her temper and lost it.

Xu Xing gritted her teeth and walked over. She thought he was a little pitiful. Such a crazy look did not seem to appear on his face.

"Hey, stone..."

"Shut up!" She had just made a noise, and the little **** turned around and patted one hand in the pool with splashes of water. His eyes were angry and grim, drops of water dribbled down his hair, drop by drop, He said one word after another, "You are not allowed to call me stone."

This is Nono's patent, and only Nono can call him like this, and the rest are not allowed.

Xu Xing was roared by him again, biting her teeth and not talking. She was proud and arrogant. If she ran away with this kind of qi, she would have ran away long ago. How could she endure Ning Ning? , What's so great, that day your aunt asked me to shout like this, do you think I want to?"

The little milk bag ignored her and continued to fumble with her hands. Xu Xing saw that the warm jade pendant was at his hand, but brushed it like this, without realizing it. She felt pitiful when touching it in the other direction.

"Hey, your jade pendant is on your right hand." Just after Xu Xing finished, Ning Ning's hand swept the warm jade pendant, and accidentally swept it farther, he felt a big pain in his heart...


I have to find it, I have to find it, Ning Ning was cruel in my heart, and hated myself at the same time, it would be nice if I could see it, it would be nice if I could see...

The fountain was originally large, so far away, Ning Ning was very anxious, and the crazy look hit his heart again. He had never had such a longing, hoping that his eyes could be seen, and he could get Nono back to him. Jade pendant.

"Faithful token..." promised so.

He lost Nono, not even the warm jade she gave, no...

The heart hurt like tears, and the cry was stuck in the throat, almost breathless.


Tears dropped drop by drop, Ning Ning felt bitter and sour in his heart, and found it even harder. Xu Xing couldn't bear to see it, and lifted up the skirt, "I'll pick it up for you, don't do this."

"Go away." Ning Ning drunk, Xu Xing just wanted to enter the pool and was slammed by him. When he saw tears on his face, her anger disappeared again, but she stood aside with her mouth open.

Drops of water ran down the hair drop by drop, in the eyes, in the mouth, and Ning Ning squatted down and searched indiscriminately, and the longing in his heart grew deeper and thicker, never stronger.

With a sharp pain, Ning Ning closed his eyes subconsciously and opened it again. A white light flashed in the blur. Ning Ning closed his eyes again and squatted in the pool. Whoever in the pool did not touch his chest, He was soaked in the pool, his face pale.

Ye Wei, Bai Ye and Chu Li hurried over, Xu Xing asked worriedly, "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Ning rubbed his eyes, a drop of water on his face, and opened it again. His eyes were blurred at first, but his eyes blinked a few times, and finally became clear. The thin red that had not faded in his eyes faded, and the eyes were as dark as ink Jade, amazingly bright.

A joy in Bai Ye's heart, the handsome and handsome man smiled with relief, his eyes finally healed.

Ning Ning leaned his head, and soon saw the piece of warm jade lying quietly in the pool. His heart hurt. Even in the water, everyone could see his trembling hand and pick up the warm jade.

The thing is still there, and the person is no longer. This kind of feeling is like cutting a piece of meat from his heart. He clearly feels that something with the promise of death, also in his world, slowly withered and died Too.

It's just a vague concept now. When I grow up, I realize that this feeling is called heart death.

Since then, this piece of warm jade has been with him. No one is in his ear anymore, shouting at the stone, and no one can do it for him, so desperate, he lost his treasure.

Ning Ning held Nuan Yu, the more he thought, the more painful, and his emotions were too excited for a moment, so he fainted in the pool, everyone was shocked, Chu Li quickly picked him up and walked into the house.

Bai Ye followed up, Ye Wei praised Xu Xing, "It's a good thing you did."

Xu Xing didn't understand what Ye Wei was talking about, and Ye Wei didn't need her to understand. She just smiled enchantingly, "It's done, your function is complete, and someone will send you home tomorrow."

Xu Xing seemed to understand, and looked worriedly at Chu Li and Bai Ye's direction. "Will he be okay?"

"No," Ye Wei said with a smile. Ning Ning's heart knots must be unlocked by himself. His eyes will be all right, everything will be all right, no need to worry anymore.

Ning Ning woke up quickly, and within an hour, Bai Ye examined his eyes carefully, and his eyesight was all right. His eyesight returned to normal, and Xiao Xiaobao rested for a while. His eyes glanced at them and smiled, "Sorry, let you Worried."

"Silly boy, what do you say, do you feel uncomfortable?" Bai Ye asked. Ning Ning shook his head, but everyone felt a tingling pain. This little milk bag seemed a little different from the past.

Although he was still smiling, it seemed to be a cold vacuum that no one could enter.

"It's okay." Xiao Xiaobao smiled and sat up. After touching her chest, Ye Wei quickly dropped Nuan Yu to him. Ning Ning took it calmly, put it on, and put it back to the nearest position of the centrifugal mouth.

Bai Ye saw him calmer, the more hesitant in his heart, "Ning Ning, are you really okay?"

Ning Ning smiled gracefully, just like the cute, tender and polite little baby bag in the past. It looked comfortable and loved, but everyone felt it was different.

"Aunt, haven't I heard of my dad's mommy yet?" Ning Ning asked with a sullen face. Because everyone was too calm, everyone felt uneasy.

"There is no news for the time being." Ye Wei said honestly, "You can rest assured that as soon as news arrives from the Longmen side, I will notify you immediately."

Xiao Jing Bao smiled quietly, "When is Jason, Black J?"

Chu Li looked at his watch, "Almost 2 hours, what do you want to do?"

There was an extremely dangerous calm on the face of the little milk bag, and it was shocking. This was a cruelty that had not been in the past. This kind of killing and coldness were integrated into his calm appearance. "Chu Li, since I am a terrorist organization Member, then, I can exercise my command early, right?"

Chu Li and Bai Ye smiled at each other, Bai Ye said, "Naturally, you can schedule it."

"Very good." The little milk bag smiled elegantly, and its dark eyes concealed a terrible fierce ghost, with its head tilted and the sun shining, Yifa had a gruesome calmness, and all emotions were absorbed into this elegant pair Appearance.

Louis, I will let you taste it, this taste of life is better than death.

Chu Li and Bai Ye looked at him silently, and he was pleasantly surprised that he could grow overnight, and he missed so much the domineering children who still remained in the past. Now, this innocence has been completely destroyed.

If it is said that this is the path that the strong must take, then it is indeed cruel.

In the hallway, the small milk bag met Xu Xing unexpectedly. He thought for a moment that the promise was back. It was indeed like it. It was indeed that the red dress had not faded. At first glance, she was the promise.

But at the second glance, he knew that she was not.

"Hey, are you okay?" Xu Xing saw him, and ran over in a small step, his face was still red, and it was cute, "I'm sorry, I threw you jade pendant."

No matter how she looks, she is not Nono.

She saw his face sullen, remembering the madness in the pool, Xu Xing was a little scared, how did she feel strange?

"Are you all right? I apologize, what do you want?"

The little pacifier said nothing, crossed her, and tossed a sentence, "I will send someone to leave you later."


Second, 6:30.

In the next chapter, Ye San and Anjaha.

Seeking gold medal ing.

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