Cheng Anya splashed water on his face as much as he could, and the cool lake washed his face with wind and sand, dripping down his cheek all the way into his neck. His hot skin encountered dew, and all the comfortable pores seemed to be open.

She finally understood the mood of Jiuhanfengganlu among the four joys of life, just like she is now, so comfortable that she wanted to sing.

The entrance of the lake was just a bit salty and astringent, but when it slipped into the throat, there was a hint of sweetness. Cheng Anya joked, "Is this bitter before sweet?"

Ye Sanshao smiled and said nothing, and the smile on the face of the woman who saw him felt that the suffering suffered in the past two days was worth it. This oasis was very large, the lake was clear, the grass was thick, and the bushes were everywhere. There must be residents nearby. As long as you can find someone, it will be no problem to contact the Longmen people. Ye Sanshao murmured, looking around, a pair of dark eyes guarded and cautious.

This is the most critical moment, and there must be no mistakes.

Counting it, Xiao Anya's virus is only 16 days old. This is a time when every second counts. He must be extra careful.

"Achen, aren't you thirsty?" Cheng Anya took care of herself, but saw Ye Sanshao staring straight at the bushes there and couldn't help but ask curiously, she stood up and urged him to drink water and wash his face.

He also looked extremely tired, full of wind and sand, like a young man who had been suffering for most of his life. His clothes were cut a lot on the ground because of the jump. There is still a well-dressed and elegant young master in the past.

Ye Sanshao smiled, lowered his head and washed his face, and swallowed the lake water with a big mouth. There was a kettle in his rucksack. Ye Sanshao was full and could hold a little.

Cheng Anya looked at this lake with envy, "Is the lake in the desert so clear? It's so beautiful. I haven't seen such a beautiful lake. If the lake is calm, it looks like a huge sapphire."

"It is indeed." Ye Sanshao said, the water was so clear that it could bottom out.

A moment later, Ye Sanshao pulled Cheng Anya towards the bushes. Cheng Anya was at a loss, didn't he go on the other side? How did you walk towards the bushes?

"Aren't you hungry? Let's go to see if there are wild fruits." Ye Sanshao is somewhat of a wild survival skill. Cheng Anya doesn't understand anything. After all, ordinary people can have such an experience.

She could only listen to Ye Sanshao. They were really hungry. The chocolate was not hungry at all. Her stomach cried several times, not to mention Ye Sanshao who was so physically strenuous in the past two days.

The low bushes are vines, bamboos and bamboos, crawling on the ground, the trees are green and dark, extremely cool and moist, and there is a terrible feeling when walking, like a dark hell, if it is not warm from the sun , It really has a sense of shame.

"A lot of vines..." Cheng Anya dragged his rattan all the time, "Can there be wild fruit trees here?"

"Surely there will be." Ye Sanshao said firmly. The desert bushes were mostly vines. Not surprisingly, Cheng Anya leaned against Ye Sanshao and swallowed. "Achen, snake..."

A python with thick arms, and the whole body is the same color as the vines. If it is placed on the vines, if you don’t pay attention, you can’t see a snake. The triangular head, the spooky eyes, spit the snake and twisted towards them head.

Seems to rush to bite them.

It looked terrible, Ye Sanshao patted Cheng Anya's head, "Xiao Anya, you can do something, see your voice shaking, take out your spirit, isn't it just a snake? You still have a second A python several times larger than it, what are you afraid of?"

Cheng Anya swallowed, and whoever saw the snake was not afraid, and now he had no serum. She was bitten and was still alive. The giant python made her unable to sleep for several nights.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you are bitten and cry."

"Such a snake is close at hand, do you think I will not pay attention, and still need you to remind?" Ye Sanshao looked at Cheng Anya with a smile, and said with a smile: "This snake is non-toxic and will not actively attack people, You ignore it and you're done."

Cheng Anya was stunned, **** it, you didn’t say that she was extremely dissatisfied now. This snake looks terrible, but it is non-toxic, magical, this desert snake, even if it is non-toxic, is probably not good. Variety.

They are very lucky. As expected by Ye Sanshao, there are wild fruits in the bush. This is a kind of emerald green fruit, much like green apple. It is a little smaller than green apple. The green peel is green and oily. Similar to fruit.

There are several such wild fruit trees in this whole shrub forest. The trees are not high, only 2 meters, but there are many branches, lush leaves, not many wild fruits, and a tree will be scattered. So a few.

"Can you eat this thing?" Cheng Anya wondered, looking like an apple, but Apple doesn't look like this.

This wild fruit has a special fragrance. It has a unique fragrance. Cheng Anya doesn't know how to describe it. It seems to be an intoxicating fragrance when smelled. It smells on the tip of the nose, and the fragrance is even more obvious.

The incense of incense.

Ye Sanshao tried it with a silver needle, it was non-toxic, and he saw that there were traces of being picked on the branch. This wild fruit should have grown quite a lot, and they were all picked up, "can eat."

He took a bite, and Cheng Anya learned to hesitate, but also took a bite, "It's so sweet..."

Sure enough, it was green, a little lighter than the color of the peel, the juice was very sweet, and there was a sweet sweetness. Which kind of aroma was invented, it was simply the best in the world. Cheng Anya has never eaten such a delicious fruit.

After drinking the lake water, I already feel much more comfortable, and then eating wild fruits, I feel more like a paradise on earth.

They picked all the fruits, not many, only ten of them were put into Ye Sanshao’s rucksack, and then they came out of the bushes. In order to save resources, they dared not eat more, Ye Sanshao. He ate one, Cheng Anya was greedy, and one more, and the rest was left.

"This is the best fruit I have ever eaten."

"You don't have a chance to try a lot of fruits in this world." Ye Sanshao laughed. The two walked up the small lake, and Ye Sanshao's eyes narrowed, and Cheng Anya also felt something was wrong.

Seeing not far away, the yellow sand was rolling, as if there was a sandstorm, and there was a little vibration on the surface. Looking at Ye San sideways, he saw his eyes like a knife, and clenched her hands involuntarily, with dark and deep eyes, Calm and dangerous.

Gradually, Cheng Anya could tell the difference and approached in the sound of horseshoes.

I saw more than a dozen young men riding a maroon horse. He was madly approaching. They had uniforms on their bodies. They looked like a military uniform. They were tall and tall, and some young men were still wearing beards. His face was covered with a beard, and it looked particularly rough and rough.

However, there was a sharp light reflected in his eyes, well-dressed, pistols around his waist, and most people still held light machine guns in his hands. His attitude was rampant and very scary.

Ye Sanshao pursed her lips, coldly, silently, put down the hand that had to pull the gun, and held Cheng Anya tightly beside her.

A dozen horses turned around around Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya and finally stopped. The men jumped easily. One of the handsome tall men asked in a very accented English, "Who are you? Enter here?"

Ye Sanshao looks at their costumes and misses the Spanish. The men have a very heavy Spanish accent. Ye Sanshao smiles gently and claims that they are tourists who are lost in the desert while traveling in the desert.

The man's bushy eyebrows were tightly screwed up, and he was obviously very doubtful about their words, but looking at Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya in a state of embarrassment and servant, there was no threat, and he turned to talk quickly with the other two men in Spanish What.

Cheng Anya couldn't understand it at all, but Ye Sanshao kept the smile of the most gentleman. After they talked, they asked for help. The man said in a deep voice, "We don't believe you, let's go."

Several light machine guns pressed up, pointing straight at Cheng Anya and Ye Sanshao.

Cheng Anya said in English, "Don't touch me, I have a virus on my body and died seven days after being infected."

Everyone was shocked that the two men who had approached her could not help but take a few steps back and looked at the man who had just spoken. He was clearly the leader of the team and was called the general by those men.

General Xavier waved his hand and shouted, "Take away."

Ye Sanshao is very cooperative. At this time, rebellion is not a wise choice. At first, they have too many people. Second, Anya has no power to restrain him. He will certainly be able to defeat them all by himself, but he must take account of Anya’s life.

He can't afford to be a little lucky.

General Xavier believed in Cheng Anya and asked Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya to ride a horse because he noticed that Ye Sanshao had been wearing gloves and was still wearing a gown. He was a cautious person. Its there.

Ye Sanshao riding is very good, there are several men riding horses around, the light machine gun has been facing them, as long as Ye Sanshao dares to escape, will be shot into a horse honeycomb, the atmosphere is extremely dignified.

In Spanish, Ye Sanshao can understand. From their conversation, he knows that this is a military restricted zone. They accidentally broke in and alarmed them. Some people believed that they were tourists, but some people saw two of Ye Sanshao's waists. The pistol is simply unbelievable.

In the end, the dispute felt that they were taken to let them with higher rank decide their life or death.

Ye Sanshao preliminarily judged that it should be near Melilla, not far from the Strait of Gibraltar. There is a hidden stronghold in Longmen. As long as you can get in touch, it is not difficult to get out of trouble.


There are many small anarchic countries in the desert, with no borders and no jurisdiction, and what government does this team belong to? It looks well-trained, invincible and not weak.

Ye Sanshao was extremely alert.

"General..." Ye Sanshao, while protecting Cheng Anya, made up a story that was fabricated within three seconds to Xaviette. Travel, sandstorm, and loss. A series of stories were made up reasonably and logically. Loopholes.

Ye Sanshao lied to this person, it was extremely calm and calm, sincerely made him sell your mother to you, you also have to thank him, how faithful and honest you are.

Cheng Anya had to admire his calmness, this is where the adaptability comes from.

too strong.

General Xavier obviously did not believe in Ye Sanshao. The soldiers were very cautious and calm. For those who broke into the restricted area, he never dared to ignore it. Besides, there was a virus in Cheng Anya. How could ordinary people have such a terrible virus.

"Don't say it, I will hand you over to His Royal Highness, and he will decide your life and death." General Xavier said, lifting his head, motioning him to hurry, Ye Sanshao's deep eyes crossed a cold awn.

Cheng Anya laughed in Chinese, "Achen, how does your three-inch tongue touch the wall, how do you feel?"

"People are too invulnerable, tangled..." Ye Sanshao pretended to be pretending to be, "I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe me? It's because he looks pretty."

"Do you believe that you have a certain relationship with being beautiful?" Cheng Anya was very puzzled. What theory is this?

"The beauty should believe what we said and prove that he is kind-hearted, understand? It's not easy to tell the truth this year..."

Cheng Anya just found a way to Ye Sanshao, which kind of truth do you really have a pain in the waist, Ye Sanshao twisted her hard, Cheng Anya looked back, Ye Sanshao's evil smile...

The tacit understanding between the two was not a day or two. Cheng Anya was clever and quickly thought that this General Xavit could understand Chinese. Ye Sanshao was so powerful. How did he see it?

Thanks to Charlotte, he could still listen to him crying for beauty, Cheng Anya's gorgeous silence.

The team walked for half an hour, and Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya finally saw the building. This is an extremely magnificent ancient castle, standing in the desert, like a patron saint.

There is a large area of ​​palm trees outside the ancient castle. Ye Sanshao secretly told Cheng Anya that it was some years, at least a hundred years ago. She couldn't help but be surprised. They spoke English, General Xavit was proud to tell They, this palm tree has a history of three hundred years.

Cheng Anya is even more amazed. This is also an oasis. Although it is not as green as the grass there, but because of this huge ancient castle, it makes people feel that there is no cave, especially the periphery of the ancient castle, not only palm trees, but also Many red maple trees and cacti a few meters high feel very different.


The second is 6:30.

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