100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 4 Chapter 368: Out of danger

The situation was one-sided, and both sides fired with all their strength.

Bai Ye's high-speed magnetic wave scanning gun fired again, and another plane was smashed by him. This gun was really easy to use. He was addicted to it. The small milk bag commanded freely. The air force of the first terrorist organization formed an indestructible. The offensive and defensive team started the last round of offensive.

When Nikolay saw that the situation was not good, he did not care about his humility, and his voice grew louder, "Master and Master, retreat, and fight like this, we will wipe out the whole army."

Louis fisted tightly, his face hazy, his body full of anger, he could not see the current situation clearly. But he was very reluctant, so he was beaten back, obviously close at hand, he was able to catch them back, and it was really abhorrent to fail.

The man's emerald green eyes flew murderously, and then hid in those silent and melancholy eyes. He nodded at Nikolay, and he immediately ordered the cover to retreat. Louis stared at the two of them floating above the sea and snorted. This time it was their luck, he wouldn't forget it.

"Baby, are they going to retreat, chase?" Bai Ye chuckled softly. He had a soft spot for this magnetic wave scanning gun, holding it as if holding a child, and his lips smirked indifferently and dangerously.

The baby bag smiled gracefully and ordered to stop the attack. The dark eyes were quiet and slowly said: "If you don't chase, it would make him die. It is a pity that the game of cat and mouse has just begun."

This game has reversed the situation.

Louis, he shouldn't have done it, he shouldn't have gotten into him, Nono's death, he had to find someone to be buried with, otherwise he couldn't swallow this breath.

When the game starts, Louis has the final say, but...

Xiao Bao Bao's smile is cold and Zhan Zhan is compelling. When will it end, he has the final say.

Bai Ye smiled, brushing her sleeves, "Success, don't chase, we have capital to play with him, maybe they can't get their hands on it yet, some people in Louis have to rush to clean up."

The little milk bag looked at the direction of their escape and sneered.

"Chu Li, it's over, no support, we will go back immediately." Bai Ye and Chu Li made a good call and ordered his men to turn back to Rome.

Blackhawks and others abandoned the power of Nine Cows and Two Tigers before they dragged Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya. They all knew that Cheng Anya had a virus on them and had already taken protective measures. Ye Sanshao also warned that they also had a virus on themselves. , Blackhawk and others are more careful.

Ye Sanshao was lying down, panting like a cow, and could not help kicking Miss Cheng Cheng, "Xiao Anya, you have to lose weight and die."

His entire shoulder was a little numb because he had been swimming in the sea for a long time and consumed a lot of physical energy. Then he hung Cheng Anya in such a swing, which was really enough to toss his arm.

Almost didn't catch and threw her into the sea, he still felt a little horrified when recalling the picture.

Blackhawks and others cheered because of their safety. They handed towels to hand towels and poured hot water. All of them were too busy to work. Some people took advantage of the time to make fun of Ye Sanshao's life.

The plane is very lively, men are together, there is a kind of pride.

Cheng Anya wiped her hair with the towel handed over by the Black Eagle, and wrapped her cold body with a blanket. Her ears automatically shielded him. It was finally safe. She sneezed and couldn't help but wrap her body tightly. A little bit.

Black Hawk smiled and said, "Three young men, your wife is a little thinner, you want her ribs."

"I'm disgusted now." Ye Sanshao also got up and dried the sea water on his body. "It's because the ribs are so heavy."

Cheng Anya continued to carry forward the virtue of silence. Black Hawk found two sets of clothes for them. Because it was a man's clothes, it was very funny to wear on Miss Cheng. She simply wrapped herself in a blanket.

As soon as she changed her clothes, the Black Eagle told her that Ning Ning wanted to talk to her.

Cheng Anya grabbed the microphone excitedly, "Baby, it's mommy."

"Hi, Mommy, do you miss your baby?" The little **** sat on the sofa and chatted with Cheng Anya with a smile on her face. She had missed her mommy's voice for a long time.

"I don't want to." Cheng Anya sneered, showing a fierce tone. "You are too bad. It's too late to find Mommy so late."

Ning Ning thought of the promise, he was suffocated, and turned to smile, "Okay, baby catch, wait for Rome, you can play whatever you like, but I miss mommy, mommy, you don't hurt me too much, despise you."

"Anti-contempt." Cheng Anya laughed and asked worriedly, "You didn't hurt anything?"

"No, I'm okay, nothing at all, don't worry." Ning Ning said with a smile, "Mommy, the plane is about to land, said in a moment."

"it is good."

The little milk pack turned off the communicator, Cheng Anya warmed herself with hot water, Ye Sanshao had watched a few words that he could chat with his son, but he hung up without talking. He was very dissatisfied, and his eyes complained Cheng Anya.

Miss Cheng ignored him calmly, and the Black Eagle smiled, "Three young men, the plane is about to land, and you will see the young master in a while."

Ye Sanshao felt that she had been ignored completely and couldn't help but twisted Miss Cheng. "Little things without conscience."

"Little stupid." Cheng Anya smiled and gave him hot water. Ye Sanshao co-operated with Miss Cheng's cup and drank the remaining hot water. It would be more wonderful if there was a little wine to warm the body.

The plane landed quickly, and all of them landed in the castle. Chu Li, Ye Wei, and Eleven were all there. When they saw Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya were safe, everyone was relieved.

"Third brother, three sisters-in-law, it's really embarrassing..." Ye Wei laughed tremblingly. "Third brother, I should take a picture to make a memorial."

"Smelly girl." Ye Sanshao laughed and scolded, Wei Wei eleven and the small milk bag are all right, he finally feels at ease.

After such a great effort, how can it happen again?

The little milk bag happily wanted to hold Cheng Anya, but she was strictly ordered to drink it. Only then did the little milk bag remember that his mummy had a virus, Black Hawk had already said it, and then he looked at Daddy’s Hands together, my heart sank slightly.

"Daddy, Mommy, you all... Baiye, please help them to see." The first reaction of the Xiaodaibao is to find Baiye. He is a genius doctor and there is no disease that he cannot cure.

"Got it, get it, don't worry." Bai Ye laughed.

"Virus?" A handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes blinked. "Xiao Bai, isn't this your strong point?"


Bai Ye twisted her wrist and smiled genially and gently. "Jason, call Xiaobai again and give it a try?"

"...Fuck, what's wrong with Lao Tzu calling you Xiao Bai? It was Xiao Bai originally, and you still called the black jack iron." Jason, who is known as the fire-breathing dragon, was on the spot like a golden lion king, but he was as handsome as the gods.

Especially those sky-blue eyes, dazzling like sapphires.

When he was angry, there was a terrifying arrogance, like a volcanic eruption, there was a very exposed domineering.

On the side, Black Jack is a young man in his twenties. He is very delicately born. He is a Chinese-British hybrid. His facial features are the mystery of the Orientals and the deepness of the Westerns. He has gray-blue eyes, always hazy. It looks like an affectionate illusion, but if you look closely, you will find that he is extremely keen and has a deep and introverted restraint.

The two leaders of the first terrorist organization are not very young and have different personalities, but the aura is very strong, and one person has a kind of dominance, not to mention the three giant capitals here.

Looking at the past in this row is very visually striking.

"Jason, you really owe repairs." Eleven hummed, "What's bad, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, beat him."

Everyone, "..."

Ye Wei glanced at them and shook his head, "Third brother, three sister-in-law, ignore them, you still have to take a hot bath, check again later, so as not to get sick."

She invited the maid to take Ye Chen and Cheng Anya down to wash. Although the little baby bag wanted to follow, but he still stayed here, and he would be beaten by the night, and the little baby bag quickly pulled his sleeve.

"Bai Ye, can you save my dad and mommy?"

The child's eyes are very bright, like two black grapes embedded in Bai Nen's face, full of anticipation, as if Bai Ye shook his head, the light in his eyes would be dimmed.

Jason grabbed a small milk bag and hugged it in his arms, arrogant, "Baby, you can rest assured, the little white dead person can save it, let alone a living person, you worry about a fart, come and bombard me Mafia protection."

"Who just questioned Bai Ye's medical skills?" Black Jack expressed doubts about it. Jason gave him a glance, and he flashed away quickly.

The little baby bag was held by the tall man, and he was very tangled and kicked Jason. "Let me down."

"Lao Tzu wants such a son too, Ning Ning, are you going to be my son? Lao Tzu coveted you for a long time." Jason's blue eyes burst into a surging light, like a small milk bag is just a piece of fat.

Everyone, "..."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Jason, you can let your mother teach you Chinese, don't always say that the chief will not use words, and you are not much better."

"I'm not at the same level as the officer, okay?" Jason was very dissatisfied that someone connected him to the officer. The so-called official is not a family. This is a matter of principle.

The baby bag struggled, Jason let him down, and the baby bag asked, "Bai Ye..."

"Ning Ning, don't worry until I have checked them." Bai Ye said, rubbing the head of the small milk bag, "I promise to do my best."

When the baby bag had just lost its promise and the parents' life and death could not be guaranteed, no matter how calm it was, he was uneasy. He couldn't lose them anymore. Bai Ye knew his psychology now.

"Don't worry too much," Bai Ye said.

Ye Wei said, "It's done. Hand it to Bai Ye. There are no problems in the world that can't be solved. Since Louis can develop a virus, there must be an antidote. It can't be solved. If Bai Ye can't solve it, pick him up."

Chu Li smiled, "Yes."

"Xiao Bai, do you have a signboard?" Jason was deeply puzzled. He never knew what signboard he had.

Eleven wanted to punch him over with a punch.

"Speaking of which, why didn't the two of you catch Louis back?" Black Jack asked. "This guy is dying early, and we have peace of mind."

"Lao Tzu has long wanted to destroy him. This time, the Mafia is provoking everywhere. This guy's headquarters has been bombarded and he is in a mood to play with children. It's really faint."

"Louis is not in a hurry." The little breast pack slowly said, a trace of dangerous arc on his face, the dark eyes were the light of calculation, "Winning without fighting is the highest level of victory, he has a private enmity with us. It’s one thing, but it’s another thing between the mafia and the terrorist organization. We must spend a lot of money and resources to wipe out the mafia. After this time, his position in the mafia was shaky, I It has always been suspected that the Mafia still has a force hidden in places where we can’t see it, otherwise they will not stop this action of self-destruction and self-destruction. In this case, we let Louis lead the way for us and pull out this force, Annihilate in one fell swoop."


This is the consensus of everyone.

Although he knows that he is always dark and insidious, but because he is too young, everyone will always spoil, and the appearance of a pink and tender appearance will always make people ignore his essence.

"Belly black!" Jason gave his thumbs up. He has always been an activist. No one else thinks as much as Gu Sangu and Si Si, but most of the time, he will listen to the plans of Black Jack and Chuli.

He always follows the plan of the small milk pack.

After a full-fledged activist, there is a pair of powerful think tanks. This force is very scary.

"I agree with Ning Ning's method." Chu Li said, he and Bai Ye have always agreed with his thoughts, "once and forever, so that no one knows the heights of the earth, always come to provoke."

"Ning Ning's words, when did you refute, embarrassed?" Black Jack laughed, "but this time, it should indeed give the Mafia a lesson, let him see us in a fifty-year period, we must detour."

Bai Ye nodded, and he didn't have any opinions. His first thing was to be able to resolve the viruses in Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya. This was the key. The rest was left to Chu Li.

Ye Wei and Eleven looked at each other, is there another force?

They all have the same face in their hearts, are they Mo Ye and Mo Ju?

In the Mafia, only they can have enough appeal and are mysterious. Besides them, they can’t think of anyone else who can have such courage. It should be a man who is above Louis. Listen to him.

Everyone moved to the living room, and the little baby bag went to Cheng Anya. She happened to have a good bath and drank a cup of hot tea. Her body was warm and her cheeks rose pink. She was looking at herself thoughtfully in bed. Fingers.

"Mommy..." The little milk bag pushed in and approached with a smile.

Cheng Anya recovered, narrowed his eyes, and praised, "Baby, you really have a fan."

In this costume, Zhen Yaya has the momentum, where there is a little child's taste, the whole is a dangerous person.

"Thank you mommy for your praise."

"Don't get closer, sit further, I'm afraid I can't help but beat you." Cheng Anya pointed to the sofa opposite, "Sit there."

The little baby bag glared at Cheng Anya resentfully, "Mommy, you despise me."

"Positive solution." Cheng Anya smiled and glanced at the little baby bag. She always felt that the child was different. Although it looked the same as in the past, the mother knew her child best. What happened to him? , No matter how well hidden, she can feel how much.

"Mommy, how do you look at me like this? Do you think the baby is handsome?" The little **** blinked mischievously, and they looked so cute.

Cheng Anya looked at him with a smile, "You've learned your dad's narcissistic kung fu for eight or nine points. Are you okay this time? Tell the truth to mom? Are you bullied?"

The little baby bag shook his head, "No."

"Nonsense, Louis showed me the photos, and he was clearly beaten with blood." Cheng Anya was clearly unbelieving and gritted his teeth, "He was slashed, and I don't even hate it."

Thinking of everything he had encountered, Cheng Anya hated Louis in his heart.

The bright face, covered with a layer of condensation, when she thought of what the small milk bag had received, she had a bad feeling.

"Mommy, I'm really okay. Most of them were synthesized by him." The little nurse smiled gracefully, rolled up her sleeves, and exposed a white and tender arm. "Look, there are no scars."

The bullet wound on his arm was as good as seven, seven, eight, eight, and soon, he was not afraid of being discovered by Cheng Anya.

The whip wounds he had suffered were all promised to stay. Since he promised to fight, he did not feel bullied, but missed the pain that she had beaten.

If Nono could live, he would like to be beaten by her in this life.

"Ning Ning, are you really okay?" Cheng Anya frowned, not missing the pain in his son's eyes.

Xiao Bao Bao nodded, "I'm really okay, Mommy, it's you and Daddy. The uncle Black Eagle said you have a virus, why is Daddy infected?"

"..." Cheng Anya remembered Ye Sanshao, who was full of sperm, and her cheeks were red again. She had no desire or desire to speak. "Don't mention, skip the plane in the desert, and once again at sea. , How could it not be touched."

Miss Cheng said very calmly, he was doubtless in the small milk bag.

"Mommy, it won't be a problem. Bai Ye's medical skills are so brilliant that there will be a way to save you."


The next one, at 6:30, there will be 10,000 words today, ask for a gold medal.

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