100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 4 Chapter 374: Moju Beauty is back

After dinner, Ye Sanshao drove Cheng Anya and Xiao Daibao for a ride. Su Man originally wanted one to be a tour guide. Ye Sanshao refused. Although he was not familiar with Riyadh, he had a omnipotent son. He didn't want others to disrupt the warm time of their family of three.

The night scenery in Riyadh is indeed very beautiful, taking off the loess-like desert city more than ten years ago. Today, Riyadh is full of tall buildings, the streets are spacious and bright, and the city lights are bright. In the past, the street lights of the entire city are lit up, giving people a A feeling of light.

The car walked slowly. Cheng Anya found that the city has the most fountain pools. Two fountain pools can be seen on several streets. The design is different and unique. It is cooler on a hot summer day.

The greening of the city is not bad. Ye Sanshao smiled and said: "Most of the Sahara Desert is in Saudi Arabia. Every greening in the city of Riyadh has to be maintained manually. The cost is huge. The fountain pool is just to adjust the temperature of the city. "

Cheng Anya nodded her head in awe and respected. In fact, she also felt that Riyadh was too hot. In the Suman mansion during the daytime, there were ice jade everywhere. It was very cool, but when he went out, he was hot, Ye Wei She smiled and told her that 40 is a normal temperature. It can be 45 degrees in the hottest time. She finally understands why the streets of Riyadh are so empty. Normal people do not come out when the temperature is more than 40 during the day and 30 at night. Walking, shopping, it is definitely asking for guilt.

There are too few people on the street, and a few people will get off and take pictures when they are not there. Although they are hot and sweaty, Cheng Anya laughs happily, but what they don’t know is that the Suman mansion is there. There was a storm.

Suman went into the research room after dinner, filled in the antidote information of 1934, and continued to study the virus. He was the only one in the laboratory of Noda University. When Ye Wei came, he was not surprised.

"Sumei, how about the slave family to spend a good night with you?" Ye Wei smiled charmingly, her soft and fragrant body leaned into Suman's arms, soft and boneless, and she hooked Suman's neck with one hand. Immediately put a kiss on Suman's cheek.

Su Man's eyelids didn't blink. At first, in terms of skill, he was not as good as Ye Wei, but he couldn't hide it. Secondly, there were too many scenes of humiliation and he was numb.

The man's ink hair silver belt, noble and cold, slowly put down the file in his hand, and his cold and compelling eyes turned around Ye Wei. "At least people should dress professionally."

Ye Wei laughed silently, and hooked his chin on Suman's chin in a fascinating manner. The more ambiguous it looked, the more ambiguous it was. "The slave family once stripped off and wrapped in your quilt, and you didn't move."

"Just know it." Suman clapped her hand away.

Ye Wei's beautiful woman attacked Su Meiren's chest brightly and flatly, and Ye Wei was very sad. "When can you feel a softness? Su Meiren, you are really not kind, why do you like men not to tell slaves, It has caused the slave family to chase you for a year."

"You didn't ask." Suman frowned and motioned for her to get up. He hated such close contact with women.

Ye Wei refused and smiled round Suman's neck, "Sumei, if you tell the slave family that you like men, then the slave family went for your transsexuality, and now we must be a fairy mate, so you're just living apart A happy marriage, are you worthy of slavery?"

Regarding Ye Wei's unreasonable play, and retorting the truth a hundred times is the character of truth, Suman is very calm, "I don't like you if you become a man."

"...Beauty, don't take such a gender to get people." Ye Wei was sad.

Why can't the Susu people always get hooked, Ye Wei is very tangled.

I'm not calm!

"Don't make a fuss, say something quickly, I'm busy." Suman swept coldly, the kind of anger and majesty spread all over the room, if ordinary people have long been scared to soften their legs. If it were to Ye Wei, it would be useless at all, and she had experienced a more shocking aura.

"Do you know what I'm looking for? Garlic?"

"Straightforward, it will be done. You will not be able to erase the traces of your favorite people when you turn around." Su Man's sight was clear. Although Ye Wei had been entangled with him for more than a year, he would not understand it.

Counting it, he defaulted to making friends with Ye Wei and Eleven, otherwise how would they let them stay at home for so long, even if they were strong, he would have to drive the two away, mostly because of the law.

"What's the matter with I like him?" Ye Weili admitted bluntly that her mind was exposed, and there was no embarrassment or shyness at all. She generously admitted that she patted Suman's chest. Two people, or one person?"

"What do you think?" Suman asked back, "What do you care about?"

"He's a mafia, maybe the mastermind behind Louis. What do I like about him?" Ye Wei said, smiling with a bit of self-deprecation. "It's not a guarantee, just a conspiracy."

Su Man raised his eyebrows. Under the darkness of the night, the man in white, Sheng Xue, had a pair of clear eyes. The whole person looked precious and proud, but he was wise and transparent. "Are you worried that he counts you?"

"This is a reasonable inference." Ye Wei said, pulling down the chair and sitting down. "I've been calculating others all my life, but I didn't plan to be calculated by others."

"Ye Wei, you're done." Suman said lightly. The tone soaked in the ice spring raised a little warmth. "You really fall in love with him."

Ye Wei's smile narrowed, and the smile was cruel and domineering. "Su Meiren, do you think I should kill him? Forever!"

Su Man smiled, noble and precious, "I'm sure, you can't stop."

"Joke, there's still someone in the world that I can't kill?" Ye Wei also smiled, with an elegant domineering, Qi Yan was even more crazy, revealing her consistent willful arrogance, doing her own way.

"I'm determined." Su Man said in a deep voice, ringing his chest, and asked: "Ye Wei, what you want, you plunder, you don't want, you destroy, you always do this, I advise you to say a word, just after easy break. "

"Don't say eight or two, you are not much better." Ye Wei waved her hand. "Aren't you? Me, you, eleven, white night, which kind of people like us are not like this? Just say the former Mo Ju, the same is true."

Su Man just looked at her and didn't speak. The dark eyes had a terrifying and thorough look, and Ye Wei was distracted. "You really don't know when he will be good?"

"I don't know, this kind of people, there are so few people, there are no examples at all, even if I have met, the situation of others and Mo Ju can't be compared." Suman said honestly.

"Is there a way to keep him on the white side forever?"

"You mean?"

"Let him be like this forever."

"Ye Wei, this is impossible." Su Man said in a deep voice, and the tone was extremely cold. "You are too demanding. Now this temperament appears temporarily, and it does not last long. The original is the deity, you Don't confuse it, just like reality and fictitiousness, now the temperament is fictitious."

"I don't care, I just ask, is there a way to keep him like this forever?" Ye Wei asked Shen Sheng.

She didn’t like the current Moju more than the previous Moju, she didn’t know, the former Moju was Moju, but Ye Wei was worried that once Mo Ju resumed her previous temperament, both of them would be over. .

If so, it might as well remain so.

"Would you rather keep an empty shell?" Su Man wondered, this is not Ye Wei's temperament, Ye Wei he knows free and easy, will never be so extreme for a person.

"It's not an empty shell, it's so cute now." Ye Wei smiled, his expression turned cold, "Can or can't it?"

"No." Suman said flatly. "Virtual soul will exist in his body for too long and will devour the deity. In the end, he will die."

Ye Wei frowned.

Will it die?

She breathed a little, her heart seemed to be pressed against a stone, and it was really annoying, and there was always an ominous hunch.

"Suman, I have a very ominous hunch, either he died or I died, what do you say?"

"Do you want him to die, or do you die?"

"Nonsense, I was in his early twenties and didn't want to die."

"Then it's over?" Su Man asked back, Ye Wei stunned.

"Ok!" Ye Wei raised her lips and smiled across the murderous, "understand."

Turn around and leave the research room.

As soon as she went out, Bai Ye came in. Su Man's eyes sank, cold as a sword, like the coldest black iron, "What are you doing here?"

"There is the latest virus analysis data in Rome." Bai Yetan replied calmly and looked at the direction of Ye Wei's departure. "Are you sure you are not a great mandarin duck?"

"Mandarin ducks are going to be great."

white night,"……"

Ye Wei was sitting alone in the atrium, silent. She knew that she was not going to find Suman, and she felt very heavy. When she had not been so hesitant in her life, she looked up at the bright moon in the sky. Feeling irritable.

Mo Ju, Mo Ju...

What should she do with him?

Ye Wei doesn't know what he is thinking about now. If Mo Ju reverts to his former Mo Ju, then they will not stand against each other, and it is another big decisive battle. When she thought of the two people who had beaten you to death in the past, she felt **** and helpless. If he had always been a big white, then it would be unfair to them. As Suman said, even life would become unreal.

This is what Ye Wei did not want, and what she was even more unwilling was, if Da Bai pretended to be out of this time, then what kind of picture, Ye Wei knew herself well, she would not be merciful to her enemies, Even if this enemy is Mo Ju.

Kill him?

Do you want to go?

Su Man does have a pair of thorough eyes, and she can see everything clearly. If she and Mo Ju fight, she will go all out, but she really wants to kill him, she can’t do it?

The beach was a living example.

If you want to kill him, then she is worried about his performance over the past few days. If she returns to the previous Moju, she will not be able to kill him.

Kill, don't you kill? Ye Wei angrily patted his head.

This is really a tangled proposition.

"It's hot, what are you doing here?" Eleven patted Ye Wei's shoulder and sat next to her. "Want to kill Mo Ju?"

"You are really a roundworm in my stomach." Ye Wei smiled. "I'm not entangled in whether to kill him."

After the tiger returned to the mountain once, she almost killed her third brother's family. Now, the viruses in Ye Sanshao and Cheng Anya don't know if they can be undone. Although the small milk bag is safe, Conon is dead, and he is also dead.

If at the beach, she listened to eleven words and killed the Mo brothers, then nothing would happen. Louis wanted to take them away. It was not easy.

Now, she obviously feels that something is wrong, and the ominous feeling in her heart is getting heavier. All the spears are directed at the Mo family brothers, and Mo Ju is beside him. This is a good opportunity. If she misses it, she may be in her life. There is no chance to kill Mo Ju.

They were originally the sins they created, and they should be ended by them.

"Eleven, if this is the boss, will you kill him?" Ye Wei asked suddenly.

Eleven said coldly, "I said nothing, you decide for yourself, so as not to mislead me."

"Then it will be." Ye Wei smiled, and his heart was clear. "It's really tangled, such a pure Moju, how can I get rid of it?"


Weiwei, you are really too deep.

"Mo boss has no news for so many days. Where did he go?" Ye Wei murmured, which was really unusual and worrisome. "You said he was on the beach and he almost shot for Mo Ju. If you lose it, your life will be gone. Now Mo Qiu is in our hands. He is disappearing without a trace. Isn’t it a bit strange? He loves Mo Qiu so much. There is no reason to ignore it."

"I also feel strange." Eleven narrowed his eyes coldly, "Don't talk about you, I have a bad hunch."

As killers, they feel the sharpest.

Ye Wei and Eleven looked at each other and didn't talk much. The two sat for a while, and Ye Wei returned to the room.

Mo Ju was playing with the computer in bed, and Ye Wei's eyebrows were twisted. For so many days, she had never seen Mo Ju playing with the computer. Mo Ju saw Ye Wei coming in, and he smiled happily, "Wife, you come back, come and kiss Dear."

Ye Wei sat over with a smile and kissed him on the lips, "What are you playing with?"

"Game." Mo Ju said, offering Ye Wei to look at his achievements like a treasure, "I took the monster for a second."

"Awesome." Ye Wei smiled, and it was indeed the game screen. She was tight and loose. This little idiot, she looked at Mo Ju, her beautiful face, innocent smile.

Just like a child.

Who really hurts a child?

"Wife, why are you looking at me like this?" Mo Ju felt Ye Wei's sight, paused the game, and asked curiously, his eyes were a little dazed, what happened to his wife?

"It's okay." Ye Wei responded casually and fell to the bed.

This little idiot, who wants Mao to be so innocent?

"Wife, are you very sad?" Mo Ju was lying next to Ye Wei, his eyes a little ruthless. "Who bullied his wife, told Da Bai, Da Bai broke him to pieces."

Angel, instantly becomes a demon.

"It's only the wife who bullies others. No one bullies his wife." Ye Weiyang raised his hand. "Where do I look sad?"

Ah, little idiot, do you know what is sad?

Where is the heartless person?

"You look sad." Mo Ju reiterated stubbornly, "wife, do you really like that Suman?"


"What about me? What about Dabai?"

"You're different." Ye Wei responded with a smile, patting his swollen cheek, "Don't mutter your mouth, do you mind what Suman does?"

"I don't want you to like him."

"I also like Sange, Eleven, Sansao, Ning Ning, I like more people." Ye Wei raised his hand and looked at Mo Ju's angry expression. She thought it was fun.

"My wife, you didn't mention me." Mo Jue's eyes looked very wronged, and he pulled Ye Wei's sleeve like a spoiled pug.

"Come on, I'll wash my face and talk to you later." Ye Wei bounced from the bed and entered the bathroom.

Mo Ju grumbled his mouth unhappily, and he tapped several keyboards on the keyboard. The game screen suddenly switched to another three-dimensional image.


Why did my brother let him drink?

Mo Ye playing on the keyboard, after drinking, your wife will love you more.

Mo Ju is at a loss, is this the case?

Mo Bo: Good boy, trust my brother.

Mo Ju looked at the red wine on one side. These were the two glasses of red wine the maid had just sent. The wife never let him drink. He was curious and took it...

Ye Wei came out of the bathroom and suddenly felt a change in the air. The room was carved with ice and jade, which was particularly cool, but she felt that her heart was half cold. Mo Ju sat on the edge of the bed and slowly put down the glass...

When is there wine here? Ye Wei was shocked, but saw Mo Jiu raised his eyes, and the murky purple eyes were cold, sensational, and there was a strange air spreading all over him.

Ye Wei stayed quiet for three seconds, raising her usual coquettish smile, "Hi, Mo Jumei, are you awake?"


The second is 6:30.

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