100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 4 Chapter 383: Detoxified

The next day, the research room.

Cheng Anya watched Bai Ye hit the antidote into Ye Sanshao's body. The transparent liquid seemed to flow through an ice spring. Her heart was a little cool, and even her limbs were a little cold. Less cold sweat, very nervous watching Ye Sanshao's reaction on the operating table.

This is not the first time Suman and Baiye have developed an antidote. In the past few days, they tested three antidote, but they were the first to test it on the mouse. The first two mice died, and the other one did not. reaction.

This time, there was a reaction in the mouse. After Suman's analysis, the toxins in the blood had all disappeared within an hour.

In other words, this is an antidote, at least it has an effect on the mouse.

Because Cheng Anya had children, they could not guess what the antidote would do to the human body. He could only test it first on Ye Sanshao. The time he could survive was very limited.

An antidote must be injected.

Ye Wei, the eleven and so on are all here, and the small milk pack is also here. This is the most critical day. If the antidote fails, then it is necessary to find another way to save them. That wastes a little more time.

In the case of Ye Sanshao, it couldn't be supported for so long.

Both Xiaobao and Cheng Anya know that this is their last chance. If they succeed or fail, it depends on today.

After the antidote was injected into Ye Sanshao's body, everyone quietly looked at the illustration on the screen. The supply of sedatives had been temporarily stopped. At present, Ye Sanshao only had an oxygen mask and the rest of the reagents had been evacuated. But look at the reaction of the antidote this time.

Bai Ye gave Ye Sanshao a pulse, a dignified look, judging from the pulse, and was extremely peaceful. Because the tranquilizer had just evacuated, he had no signs of waking up first, so the pulse appeared peaceful.

But after half an hour, he hadn't responded very clearly.

The virus displayed on the screen was not killed. Cheng Anya did not understand such an exploded view, but only knew that through the shooting of the instrument, the picture of the virus phagocytic cell body was displayed on the screen, which was the internal view of Ye Sanshao's body.

Bai Ye explained to them, black indicates the area where the virus invades. From the diagram, Ye Sanshao's liver, stomach, and spleen are infected with the virus, and it is very serious. The body is almost full of horrible viruses, and they are all free. And mutation status.

After the injection of antidote, a small red bubble appeared on the screen, constantly hitting those black areas. Cheng Anya and others just saw the demonstration of the white mouse. After about ten minutes, the black areas will slowly Fades away gradually.

It means that the virus is being eliminated and disappearing.

But for half an hour, Ye Sanshao had no change in his body, only the small red bubbles kept hitting the black area, just like the game of justice and evil, justice wanted to kill evil, but powerless, helpless.

Bai Yehuan looked at the screen with his chest, almost holding his breath. For the first time, he felt that his heartbeat was so tense. Isn't the antidote wrong? He took a deep breath in his heart. In his precise calculations, there would be a reaction after fifteen minutes. Why didn't he react at all?

The mouse began to fuse the virus in only ten minutes.

Not right.

A thin layer of sweat came out of Bai Ye's indifferent eyebrows.

Suman sat calmly in front of the computer and looked at the screen with cold eyes. He looked very calm and could not see a bit of confusion. It seemed normal for half an hour without a response. Don’t panic.

But Suman's palms also showed a cold sweat. He knew that if the antidote had no effect this time, Ye Sanshao would die. No doubt, even if he and Bai Ye were competing to study the antidote again, there would never be any within three or five days. The result, Cheng Anyan can wait, he can't wait.

The man's noble facial features are very dignified. He doesn't have to look back to know the expression of the person behind him.

Cheng Anya and others did not dare to disturb Suman and Baiye, deeply afraid of interrupting their thoughts, Ye Wei and Eleven Pucker lips, also waiting nervously, a small milk bag accompanied Cheng Anya, afraid that his mum could not bear it for a while Such torture.

The wait between life and death is the most grievous, in this case, most of them think there is no hope.

The little milk bag looked at Daddy on the operating table not far away, and his eyes showed pain. He had just recognized Daddy for less than half a year. He didn’t want to lose him. The fortune-telling crooks would always say that you are ten years old The loved one must have died within.

Later investigations showed that most people died of their loved ones within ten years old, some grandpas, some mothers, some grandma, etc. He has lost Nono.

So he is also considered to have lost a loved one, so Daddy must survive.

If he died, his mum would probably walk dead, and would not be happy all his life.

Daddy, hold on.

He has always been confident in Suman and Bai Ye, but it was not until this critical time that he knew how nervous he was.

Cheng Anya stood alone, holding the edge of the table with her hands, staring at the screen like a torch, fearing that something might be missing, she prayed desperately, and the antidote would work quickly.

"White night, increase the weight." Suman said in a deep voice.

Bai Ye's eyebrows were dignified, and he didn't ask again, and gave him injections of medicine.

In fact, this antidote is also a poison. If it is not Ye Sanshao's body with a virus, the injection of the antidote alone is enough to poison a person in one minute, so there is a certain risk of aggravating the weight. A slight calculation error will be harmed by the antidote. dead.

"Bai Ye, what happened, why didn't you respond at all?" Ye Wei asked nervously, "Will it be unhelpful?"

"Wait." Bai Ye vomited lightly, very hard.

Time is passing slowly, this kind of waiting is the most painful. He told you that he will wake up in an hour, if he can’t wake up, he will die, but you have waited for an hour, he Not awake yet.

This is like hoping to slip through the fingers.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise on the operating table, and Ye Sanshao's wrist moved. He seemed to want to get rid of the shackles, but he was stuck. He was anxious, pulling hard, pulling hard, and the movement was very large.

Everyone was shocked. Su Man also quickly analyzed the various performance indicators in his body on the computer. Ye Sanshao first snorted, as if receiving some pain, shaking his head non-stop, and trying to break free. Suppressed, Cheng Anya and Ye Wei wanted to get past but was stopped by Bai Ye.

Suddenly, Ye Sanshao made a roar, "Ah..."

He closed his eyes for nearly ten days and opened them violently. His dark eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, scarlet scary, his hands and feet began to struggle violently, and he kept yelling and screaming like crazy.

That look made Cheng Anya's eyes shattered, "Achen..."

She covered her mouth tightly, her heart twisted like a knife, she couldn't bear to look at it, she looked down at the table, but her ears still heard his crazy voice.



"Brother... what's wrong with you?"

Ye Wei also panicked, "Suman, what's wrong with my brother?"

"The antidote is beginning to respond." Suman said lightly. "Once the sedative was removed, he would be miserable. In addition, the antidote was engulfing the virus. The two reactions impacted each other. This is a normal reaction."

"Furthermore, we also increased the weight, he will be more painful." Bai Ye interface said.

"Daddy will be okay?"

"With the reaction, I can't die." Su Man said, busy testing all the indicators in Ye Sanshao's body with both hands, and ordered Bai Ye to give him several test solutions.

So cold, so courageous.

Everyone couldn't hear it, and they all felt relieved.

Cheng Anya, they are laymen, they don’t understand. They only know that Ye Sanshao’s pain seems to be reduced. The kind of shouting that seems to dig out all the internal organs is really a bit scary.

Ye Sanshao's appearance is really a bit scary. The facial features are grim, the voice is hoarse, and his hands and feet are hardened by shackles and shackles. The blood is dripping, and the bones are deeply visible.

Cheng Anya was very distressed.

"Daddy, it'll be alright, you hold on." Xiao Xiaobao clenched her fist, cheering for Ye Sanshao.

"He can't hear it." Bai Ye smiled and said that Ye Sanshao's appearance could not feel anything for a while, except for pain, and dizziness on the verge of death. This situation lasted almost ten minutes.

The antidote began to quickly merge into the black virus area, slowly sweeping away the virus in Ye Sanshao. Ye Wei and Eleven are familiar with various modern technologies, and have not seen the whole process of such an image, they can clearly Seeing the antidote sweeping through Ye Sanshao's body, the black virus gradually faded and slowly disappeared.

At the same time, Ye Sanshao's body slowly sweated out.

His roar slowly became softer and became an uncomfortable mumble.

In the end, Bai Ye injected him with serum again to complete the last step of detoxification. Ye Sanshao was exhausted and fell asleep.

Cheng Anya was in a hurry and wanted to pass, Bai Ye quickly stopped, "Anya, just detoxified, don't be poisoned again, it's your next turn."

Cheng Anya's footsteps stagnated, "Detoxified, really? Is he all right?"

"Yeah, it worked."

"Great!" Ye Wei gave a high-five eleven, the research room cheered, and even Suman's lips flicked a smile.

After such a terrible detoxification process, the little baby bag is anxious, "Will my mum be as painful as Daddy?"

"No." Bai Ye laughed.

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