Night, seaside castle.

Henry's castle was built on a cliff, easy to defend and difficult to attack, the cliff is a hundred feet high, the waves are beating, the rocks are raised, it looks extremely dangerous, the castle is built very magnificently, looks like a solemn church from a distance.

Ye Wei and Eleven have seen the map of the castle, and there are many dark whistle. Earl Henry is a cultural relics collector. This castle specializes in the collection of works of art. There are many valuable collections in the city. Many thieves on the road have their eyes on this. A castle, a picture stolen here is enough to enjoy a lifetime. However, the mortality rate is very high, and most people go there without return, burying their lives here in vain.

There are nearly fifty guards outside the castle alone, and the guards are very strict, not to mention the heavy organs in the castle.

Ye Wei and Eleven climbed from the bottom of the cliff. Without the invitation from the owner, they could not approach the castle from the front, let alone the goal was so obvious, and they would definitely be defeated.

The only blind spot is the cliff behind the castle, because most of the thieves climb up from the back of the cliff, and the guards at the back mountain are also very strict. They shift every 15 minutes, and there are five minutes between them. They can only enter the castle in five minutes.

From the telescope, you can see that there are many snipers in the castle, and the positions are very concealed. London was not very flat for a while. The thieves were rampant. Many famous paintings and cultural relics were lost. Henry strengthened the guards in the castle, lest the thieves reach out. His castle.

According to Ye Wei's news, a few top thieves cooperated to enter the castle to steal paintings a while ago. Everyone entered the secret room but died. The next day, the report was a killing of chickens and monkeys, giving those coveted castle artifacts The thieves have a look.

Ye Wei and Eleven have figured out the shift time of the castle, and accurately counted the time to climb up. It is the shift, the guard is relatively loose, chatting, smoking a cigarette, saying something sneer, the atmosphere is very loose, plus The castle is notoriously spooky. There were too many people who died in the past few years. Few people have patronized painting in the past two years, and they have also been much more relaxed.

Ye Wei and Eleven slammed into the castle, entering the castle while their guards were most loose.

Inside the castle, it is quiet.

Henry’s castle specializes in the collection of cultural relics and no one lives. There are only dead objects and guards in the castle. It is quiet. The lights in the castle are very dim and quiet. Only the sound of the waves is heard. It is a bit like the ghost film in the movie. Feeling, the atmosphere is gloomy.

"Doesn't it look like a haunted house?" Ye Wei chuckled. The two dressed up and changed two other faces. Although they were different from the original faces, they were as beautiful and beautiful. This time, they changed the same two faces. .

"This castle is uninhabited, and it is not popular at all. How many dead people are there, and it is naturally heavy." Eleven said, the interior of the castle is gorgeous, as large as the wall carvings, and the chandelier is perfect, but unfortunately there is no People appreciate.

The two had long studied the route of the castle, and quickly avoided the guards outside and calmly reached the secret room of Tibetan painting.

The secret room of this Tibetan painting was built at the highest point of the castle. Ye Wei and the eleventh floor of the highest floor looked down. The guards below were stricter. They often moved around. Elders raised their eyebrows and wondered, "Why are the guards all around?"

The last three floors of the castle barely saw any figures. There were still people patrolling below. When they reached the top, they were completely empty. When the two of them entered the unmanned area, everything went smoothly, but it was worrying.

"Organizations are at the top, they are not easy to move around at will." Ye Wei laughed, "Moreover, the Earl hired the lowest-level mercenaries in society, or the most recalcitrant group of the people, they are Social pests, but with agile skills and smart minds, they can do anything to survive, and people can't stand the temptation. No matter how determined the people are, think about it. They walk around the golden treasure day and night, don't they have greed? So Can only guard on the periphery."

"You even read these materials?" Eleven doubts.

"Nujia even knows how many toilets there are." Ye Wei smiled sweetly, and two identical faces were reflected in the huge mirror.

Eleven looked down from the window, looking for a good place to escape, "Wei Wei, come and see here, and walk from here, what is the odds?"

Below is the cliff directly, Ye Wei pursed his lips and said, "I don't know if the slave family jumped directly from here to see if there would be a whole body."

"Try it?"

"Where do we come from?"

"High view."

This castle is very cleverly designed, and there are no escape shortcuts on the top floor. Even the blind spot has to be left unattended for fifteen minutes to escape, and the chances of achieving it are really small.

Ye Wei smiled, in front of the top chamber of the castle, the door was a lotus relief stone door, with a lotus lamp on each side, emitting a dim light, and a code lock beside it. Eleven code readers were attached to the code lock in less than three minutes As soon as the password was cracked, the stone door opened.

As soon as Eleven and Ye Wei entered, the stone door closed automatically. This was a long passage with heavy yin qi. There was a round lamp on the top of the passage, which shot a beam of light straight.

The floor is light and pleasant, and there are countless lotus reliefs on the walls on both sides. At first glance, this is very similar to an ordinary aisle.

"Infrared is the most wasteful of time." The two carefully crossed the infrared rays, and in front of the central beam, the eleven look condensed and said, "Weiwei, look."

There was a drop of blood on the periphery of this circle of light beam, and the blood stains were not dry. The two looked at each other, and Ye Wei said lightly, "Don't let this light hit."

The two walked close to the wall to avoid the light, and slowly walked through the passage, turning around eleven, "Many people may not be able to pass this passage, what is this beam of light?"

No wonder many people have lost their lives here, so they need to be careful to avoid it.

Ye Wei pursed her lips, took off her glasses and replaced them with ordinary lenses, and said lightly, "If you don't study it first, it seems that we have people in the same path and I don't know if the goals are the same."

After the passage, it turned out to be a big room, like a dance hall. The floor was made of three-color checkered floors, black, red, white, and empty. It was 15 meters long, and five flowers were carved on the ceiling. The large lotus relief, a lamp in the center of the three lotus reliefs, transparent, red, black, corresponding to the color of the bricks on the ground, revealing a strange atmosphere.

To their surprise, the body of a man in black was lying on the left side of the house, his blood stained the ground, and the white grid was stained with demon red, as well as the black and red on the side.

Ye Wei suddenly took off her eyes and generally passed the passage over there. It was considered a lucky person, but did not expect the second pass... to be dead?

They were ten meters apart from him, and they only vaguely saw a woman with strong hair, long hair, and a slightly skewed face, and could not see any appearance, no wounds, and only blood flowing to the ground.

"It seems that the people in the same path are dead." Eleven also took off his glasses. The two each took out a coin from their arms and flicked their index fingers. The coin hit the opposite wall and bounced back. It was no different.

Ye Wei squatted down, put the coin on the ground, his index finger flicked, and the coin traversed through a row of bricks on the ground, only to see the blue-green light frantically shuttle through the house.

Their faces changed greatly.

Magnetic wave light?

Moreover, it shoots at a very fast speed. The speed of human beings can't be faster or faster, but it is 20 times the speed of the fastest bullet. Once the organ is triggered, it will definitely die.

Ye Wei and Eleven measured the distance between them and couldn't cross over at once.

"Very good formation." Ye Wei and Eleven looked at each other, almost simultaneously. Ye Wei jumped on the red brick, and Eleven jumped on the black brick. The movement was very consistent.

This is a three-color array arranged by a maze array method. A total of nine bricks in these spaces are safe. Through these four bricks, you can pass through the house very accurately.

The tri-color array in Henry Castle seems to be very different from the others. After Ye Wei and Eleven found two at the same time, they suddenly saw that the three colors at the foot suddenly changed their order. The original neat layout suddenly became chaotic. Moreover, as the bricks moved and rearranged, the two magnetic wave lights passed by Ye Wei and Eleven respectively.

It seemed like a sizzling warning from an agile snake crawling in dead leaves.

Ye Wei and the eleven back ridges were cooled at the same time, and thin sweat permeated from the forehead. These magnetic waves had a specific penetration space, and each grid had it. Once they stood on this grid, they could never run.

"Why do you have magnetic wave light scanning when you step on it right?" The eleven voices tried to calm down. In this case, riding a tiger was difficult, and the danger escalated instantly. A little carelessly, the underground body was their end.

"This method is improved, bad, there must be a time limit. Eleven, hurry up, otherwise all the beams will fire." As a killer, the intuition has always been keen, Ye Wei has too little time to think, and the intuition has been compared with time , A contest of life and death.

The two calmed down. They stepped forward one eleven, and the brick moved again instantly. The position of this movement was a little special. She turned back immediately. Ye Wei grabbed her hand and passed by, and the two stepped on a brick at the same time. On the grid, fortunately, the brick grid is relatively large.

Two more magnetic waves passed through, and passed from top to bottom in the same way as a door. There is no omission in a grid. If it is a person, it will be cut in half even when lying down.

Ye Wei and Eleven are beating wildly. As a killer for many years, this is the first time such a strange situation has been encountered.

The two stepped on five bricks in the same way.

The winds were blowing, and there was a terrifying noise. For the first time, the two felt that death was so close. They had stood in the center. Their characters were all those who faced difficulties and never looked back.

"This method seems to be spiritual." Eleven whispered, Ye Wei nodded, and she agreed that when they reached the center, the bricks in front moved in a crazy way, and they moved in a very irregular way, speed Soon, did not stay. She widened her eyes incredulously, risking a step forward, and was pulled by Eleven.

"It's not right!" Eleven said softly, Ye Wei turned around and said in a deep voice: "Adventure, Eleven, this is the middle. If you don't try it, you will die here."

Eleven clenched her hands, "I'm coming!"

Ye Wei interrupted without saying a word, stepped on a white brick in the front right without hesitation, her eyes looked sharply at the wall, but she saw that the wall shone with a blue-green light, and her eyes widened. , Eleven also saw it, his heart beat to his mouth.


Unexpectedly, the light flashed through and did not fire. The 11th crash was also stepped on, and I couldn't help but blame her for being too risky, too... Ye Wei has always been too lazy to do it herself, it is her maintenance Her, that's because she knew that she was more than enough, but once in danger, Wei Wei always stepped in front of her.

Upon closer inspection, there are more and more sweat beads on her forehead, and her heart beats wildly, both of them. In this cold and terrible atmosphere, tension, fear, and death threats, even if life and death are more common, Inevitably panic.

Not afraid of death, just not wanting to die.

"It's okay, the last one is over." Ye Wei smiled back, and the bricks in front turned even faster and faster, enough to be dazzled, and the two were turned a little dizzy.

"God, what do you think?" The two were shocked at the same time. They couldn't stand still if they turned too fast. They didn't have time to tell which one was not organized. Time didn't allow them to think too much, think for a second, they were close to death. Seconds.

Ye Wei and Eleven don't know how much time limit this formation gives, but certainly not many.

Hard break will definitely die.

The atmosphere instantly condensed, Ye Wei condensed his mind, trying to distinguish the only blank space in the three colors of crazy rotation. The two were staring at the observation, and suddenly heard the subtle vibrations from the wall. Ye Wei and Eleven's heart grabbed each other. The two looked at each other, secretly shouting, and the sweat beads on the forehead condensed into drops, running down the cheek. Keep dripping. Their hearing is very sensitive, which is obviously the vibration of all beams when they start. Suddenly, Eleven clasped her hands, and Qian Qian yanked hard, sipping, "Weiwei, go!"

Ye Wei was frightened, but she couldn't allow her to think more. She used her strength to get up to the opposite side. As soon as she stood still, she quickly turned around and buckled eleven's waist with the gold thread in her sleeve. Led up, jumped, the figure hit a perfect tumble in the air, landed, just landed, the magnetic wave light frantically fired, and the hair that was too late to be recovered was cut off for a short period of time.



I didn't get home until 4 o'clock in the morning. I was afraid of oversleeping. I stayed up late and updated it first. It is estimated that I have to sleep more today. I want to go early as soon as possible. Sorry! ! (^o^)/~

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