Ye Wei didn't talk to Mo Ju all day long, and he closed the door as soon as he came back to the villa, and he threw a handsome sentence, "You sleep in the study tonight."

Mo Ju didn't protest abnormally. Ye Wei didn't know why he didn't protest in the evening. Because the protest was invalid, she locked the door and went to sleep. He could even come in, holding a key in his hand, Ye Wei was sleeping soundly. She was woken up by her.

"Who made you come in?" Ye Wei rubbed her misty eyes and sat up confusedly. She didn't sleep well last night, and tossed all morning again. The spirit was not very good. The strap was loose and loose, showing his white shoulders, and the blue and purple kiss marks on it still telling him violently in the morning, and Mo Ju's throat was tight, and there was a little dryness, and he suddenly looked away.


Looking at her own brand on his body, he remembered her perfect figure, a passionate kiss, he didn't want anything, just thought of pressing her down and bullying again.

"Your computer." Mo Juqing coughed a few times, put the notebook on the table, turned on, helped her to change the system, received the signal, Ye Wei had been sleeping dimly, this returned to the spirit, suddenly jumped from the bed, happy Rushed over.

Mo Ju looked back at her, her robe was not loose, her lips were red and swollen, and there were those marks of enthusiasm on her body. She also had bare feet and her hair fluffy and fluffy.

"Get dressed." Mo Ju suffocated in breath, his heart beating, and he couldn't help tensing, drinking irresistibly.

Ye Wei looked down at herself and pulled on the strap of her nightgown. "Have you never seen it? This is still from you. Isn't it too late to pretend to be Xiaojia Biyu?"

Mo Ju was speechless and stared at her angrily.

Ye Wei pulled over the chair and sat next to him, asking him, "You really got it for me, I thought you wouldn't give it to me."

"Heart of villain."

"Come on, you are not the belly of a gentleman." Fighting mouth, that is Ye Wei's strength. It is more powerful than the force. Ye Wei is definitely an overwhelming victory.

Mo Ju sneered.

"Can you go online?"

"Yes." Mo Ju said lightly.

Ye Wei was satisfied, Mo Ju turned to look at her, "Just watch videos and play games?"

"Do whatever you want, pass the time." Ye Wei smiled and put one hand on his shoulder casually, "You are also really bored, nominally took me to play, every day I was bored at home, what kind of husband are you, really failed."

"Wait for this time."

"I don't expect you old people." Ye Wei said coolly, Mo Ju has helped her connect the signal, Ye Wei took the notebook and opened a webpage at random, Mo Ju looked, it turned out to be a military forum.

"What are you looking at?"

"No, I opened it at random. It turns out there is this website." Ye Wei scratched her head, she just entered a URL at random.

Mo Ju didn't make a sound, so let her play.

Ye Wei waited for him to go out, and then opened the search engine, looking for Ye Wei, and this one was shocked, "My mother is too uninteresting, even gave me such a common name, a bunch of people named Ye Wei , Which is me?"

Ye Wei turned ten pages in dismay, and looked big, so she re-entered, Ye Wei, the world's number one killer, she paused, her finger stopped on the enter key for a few seconds, and pressed down.

I thought I would find a little information, who knew it was a blank page.

"Fuck, no information can be found on such an international topic? What international search engine is this?" Ye Wei was annoyed and could not help whispering, could it be that Mo Ju and Meng Lianling lied to her?

It should not be!

Perhaps these materials can only be found in special fields.

Ye Wei searched the information of the first killer again, and even a few international movie materials appeared. She was silent and simply went to see the international news.

Mo Ju in the study looked at her with a cute face scratching her lips, a smile on her lips, Ye Wei would know, not that she could not find it, but that the information on this computer had to pass his screening. Will be displayed on her computer, he has filtered a lot of information.

Ye Wei didn't know. After checking for a while, she didn't find any information. She had no choice but to go back to bed to sleep. Rarely she had such a lovely side. Mo Ju's mood for a day was very happy.

He prepared a dinner and delivered it to the room. Ye Wei was awake and was holding a computer to watch video on the bed, laughing with flowers and branches, Mo Ju ran curiously and ran over to see it, which turned out to be an anime joke.

"Look what?"


Mo Ju didn't understand what it was for a long time. Ye Wei laughed badly, but he couldn't laugh. He just felt stupid. After a while, he told her to eat and he had something to deal with.

Ye Wei waved his hand and hurried away.

Mo Ju was dissatisfied by such neglect and wanted to beat her. Ye Wei set out a very standard court etiquette. "The emperor, please walk slowly. The concubine will stay in bed and wait for your luck."

Mo Ju, "..."

He went out and heard Ye Wei's cheerful laughter. Perhaps, it was correct to give her a computer.

Mo Ju took his heart, drove out of the villa, and only went to the dungeon on the mountain. He wanted to see if Ye Wei's dream was real or accidental.

He drove all the way up the mountain. At night, the mountain was very quiet. Only the excitement of the waves hitting the rocks. Mo Jiu looked up. The sky was starry. From here, overlooking the mountain, the scenery was very good.

He looked silently at the small villa, and suddenly he didn't want to explore the truth.

The guard at the door saluted respectfully, but saw him standing silently outside, unable to see the emotions, a few people dared not make a sound, Mo Ju thought for a moment, and finally went in.

Until he walked in, the guard at the door hurriedly called Mo Ye.

Mo Ju entered the study room, opened the institution, and when he arrived at the research room, a sudden roar of roar suddenly sounded. Someone seemed to be fighting something.

He only heard the hoarse and sad voice.

Because his voice was too hoarse, his voice seemed to be muffled in his throat, and he could not hear whether it was a man or a woman.

Dr. Claire and several experts were studying what happened. Someone saw Mo Ju and shouted his second son before Dr. Claire recovered and walked over.

"Second son, why are you here?" Dr. Claire shouted secretly.

Mo Ju sinked his voice, "I don't remember who was locked in the dungeon, who was below?"

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