Arthur was furious. He looked like he had stepped on his feet. He was more defiant than him. He was surrounded by people around the casino. Arthur was full of anger. He was patient with his temperament and sat down. He took a cigar in a posture that he thought was more elegant and sexy, and then spit out the smoke ring.

Ye Wei's eyes are smiling, and she is glad that she is wearing sunglasses. He can't see the expression in her eyes. This person is also very funny. A store boy is going to be the shopkeeper, which is kind of nondescript.

He also relied on manpower, and he really wanted to get started, and it was not difficult for the two of them to solve these hundred people.

"Second son, why wasn't Mr. Mo come to talk to me personally, he has always been in charge of this matter." Arthur Hanger Lang asked, and raised Erlang's legs gracefully.

"Talk about things!" Mo Ju said indifferently: "I will give you two choices. One, return the site you snatched, and the other, withdraw from Bogotá's casino interest competition."

Several large Mafia casinos are in Bogota. Arthur controls the entire Colombian casino business and robs the three largest casinos. Often rioting in the remaining casinos has directly affected the core interests of the Mafia. Mo Ye will never allow this In this case, he has already issued a kill order, no matter what roundabout tactics he uses, in the end Arthur will definitely die.

Who is Mo Ye, how can he let others step on the top of his head without being indifferent, and make fun of it.

"Second son, you are so humorous. No one is doing those business. You also robbed his casino from Lao Hei. I just robbed him. This is a piece of fat. Whoever grabs it, it is Who is it. As for exiting Bogotá’s competition for casino interests, haha... All the casinos in the Middle East and the south are my world, as is Colombia, for no reason, who will you withdraw?"

"Don't regret it." Mo Ju smiled sneerly, with a more arrogant posture. "You have control over the entire casino world. The entire underworld is under the control of the Mafia. Casinos, drug markets, cultural relics smuggling, and gold stone smuggling are all under our control. In the meantime, what's the use of you dominating the casino? If you have money, it depends on whether you take it."

"Second son, who didn't have the chance to take it?" Arthur pointed arrogantly at his men, his brutal face even more vicious, "Are you sure you can get out of here alive?"

"Are you sure you have the ability to trap me?" Mo Ju asked with a blank expression, no matter where Mo Mo wanted to go, no one could stop it. Likewise, he wanted to go. Who in the world could stop him?

Don't limit yourself!

This person's speech has always been without a touch of emotion, and it is a strange spirit. At this moment, there is a cold scoff at the corner of his lips, which looks more like a devil. There are really few people who are not scared by him.

Even Ye Wei beside him found that this is not the same as usual Moju.

Mo Ju is very ruthless, she knows, but in front of her, he is mostly ruthless with anger. She is inferior and uncomfortable, and she is not paying enough attention to him, and the words are inevitable. Later, she was very affectionate to her. Although she was still in the same state of death, but no matter what, she would stop moving and I would break your leg, and I would kill your expression.

On his side, she has not seen.

There is one thing that she finds very strange. Brothers Mo, why do people call him an ink boss and a second son? How do you think he and the son do not get along.

Mo Shang's son is like a jade, and he has no shadow, he doesn't even have the appearance of a gentleman like Wen Yu, it's really... inexplicable.

Arthur listened to Mo Ju saying that he was a little bit upset. He thought Mo Ju would not be so bold that he would not bring a woman to the Longtan Tiger Cave alone. Is there a trick?

His meaning is obvious. He is holding the Mafia forces in Bogotá against him. No one can deny the Mafia forces. Although they are now caught between the first terrorist organization and the Longmen, but if he is even, he is not counted. Difficult thing.

He could not help but stay on Ye Wei's face for an extra minute, and the big sunglasses covered most of her face, which was not very clear, only that the woman looked weak and could not help but look like a wind.

"Second son, do you scare me?" Arthur smiled coldly, and the atmosphere was tense, and the air smelled of gunpowder.

Mo Ju didn't move, and his eyes were dark. Ye Wei's eyes swept across the four sides of the man in a pretense suit, and his beautiful eyes flicked through a cold awn, and they seemed to be about to fire.

In such a situation, as long as one action is out of order, it will cause conflict.

Suddenly, a phone call interrupted the dull and tense atmosphere. The ringtone was so funny that it turned out to be a very tender and love song with a thousand twists and turns. This voice sounded like a drunken dream.

Ye Wei was horrified. A man who looks like a red hairy monster and is extremely cruel. He suddenly has a charming ringtone on his cellphone. How amazing is this style...

Want to vomit!

Ye Wei's lips twitched. Rao is a character like Mo Ju, and his face has fossil tendencies.

Arthur answered the phone, and turned Erlang's legs. The appearance of the incompetent suddenly became respectful. The brutal face was covered with a flattering smile, and he shouted, yes, yes, yes, I understand, I understand.


Mo Ju's eyes deepened, and Ye Wei wondered who the second ancestor was talking to.

The younger brothers seemed to think that their elder brother was so spineless. They didn't change their faces. Arthur hung up the phone and saw Mo Ju and Ye Wei fighting to see him. He cleared his throat. "Lao Zi now has Things need to be done, and the matter will be discussed later."

With a wave of his hand, the ancient emperor shouted the concubine's prestige, Ye Wei wanted to smile again, Mo Ju sat motionless, Atherton felt dull in his face, and slapped the table, "Second son, you have ear problems ?"

Ye Wei couldn't bear it this time. The corners of her lips were curled up. If there was something wrong, there was something wrong. There was also a crepe ear disease. This Arthur was really happy.

Mo Ju expressionless.

Arthur seemed to be in a hurry, and said flatly: "Otherwise, two sons, we will decide the outcome by gambling, and we will win or lose in three games. Whoever loses, who will withdraw from the Middle East casino competition, how?"

Mo Ju paused and smiled coldly, "One word is for you!"

Arthur was stunned. He didn't seem to expect that he would promise to be so refreshing. He hesitated. "Three days later, we will see wins and losses in our casino."


The third is 8:30.

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