Ye Weiqing couldn't help but close to Mo Ju, her hands in the trench coat clasped, she didn't let go, she could feel the temperature of his body, when Mo Ju asked again what she was thinking, she laughed: "I found your The hands are large."

He didn't keep asking.

She felt that she didn't know what was going on at this moment, but she kept quiet and did not confess her mood. She wanted to ask him if he really liked her so much, but could not ask.

This is similar to a woman trying a man's tone, she can't do it.

In fact, there are some feelings, the most moving in the hazy period, green and ambiguous, which has always felt like being in a relationship, very good, but all women enjoy this feeling, are sought after, feel like by others, but if everything is blunt, It will lose this hazy beauty.

This is why many women are willing to enjoy love all the time, and there will be fear of marriage. Once a man and a woman enter a certain stage, they will become a habit.

There is more warmth in each other and less passion in the period of love.

Ye Wei thought that she should not be this kind of psychology. Occasionally self-anatomy is a very painful thing, because she may not really understand herself that much. She is a very selfish person in her heart. Once she finds that it is difficult to change, if she puts a label on a person, it is difficult to remove the label.

From the beginning, she felt that Mo Ju had something to hide from her and was not sincere enough, so she didn't believe him, so she cast suspicions on Mo Ju, so for so many days, no matter how good Mo Ju was to her, she still didn't believe it, he was really Like her like that.

Until just now, the inadvertent movement touched her.

She felt that her heart was beating fast, and vaguely knew that, moving her heart, he impressed her at that moment, but after all, she had tagged him, and it was not easy to take it off.

She can only say that he really likes her.

The rest is still to be determined.

Mo Ju did not know the ups and downs of her heart, but occasionally she looked at her profile and felt that she seemed to be laughing and mocking, and was quite puzzled for a while.

The two walked through a casino. The neon lights were dazzling and the noise was continuous. The shouting and cursing of the man were intertwined. Ye Wei suddenly proposed, "Mo Ju, it's better to go to the casino for a turn, which is equivalent to warming up." "

When Mo Jue saw her, her eyes were bright and her eyes were bright, and she asked curiously, "Do you want to gamble?"

"I want to see you showing both hands."

"Good!" Mo Ju responded, beckoning the car, and taking Ye Wei to Bogo's largest and largest casino.

Arthur went out of the casino and took his men straight to the largest casino in his name. This is Bogotá’s largest casino and the most comprehensive casino. The scale is as good as that of the Las Vegas luxury casino. Standing at the door of the casino You can feel the tumult of paper drunken gold fans, as well as the enjoyment of the king.

His men were waiting at the door. He bowed his head and said a few words in his ear. Arthur's face changed slightly, entered the casino, and took his own private elevator to the 14th floor.

On the 14th floor was Arthur's reception desk. When he arrived, there were already six men and women in black outside the conference hall, all expressionless and cold-eyed. At first glance, they knew that they were masters of the Tao, and Arthur could see They all trembled, and when their hands came out, they felt like a show. Just like six people, they felt like they could kill six hundred of them. His heart was inevitable.

Pushing the door into the conference room, Jason and a Chinese man were looking down and don’t know what to say. When he came in, Jason’s face fell, and he clapped the table angrily, "Fuck, Arthur, what a good thing you do, who let Did you find Mo Ju? Do you think Lao Tzu burst you?"

Jason was frightened and frightened. He was hot-tempered and famous in the arms world. Few people dared to provoke him. Arthur was a little soft-hearted and full of smiles. He calmly applauded the explosive dragon.

"Boss Jason, I just had a little feast with Mo Ye and wanted to extinguish his prestige. Wherever I thought it was Mo Ju, I blamed the gang of guys, and I couldn’t see it personally. Sorry, sorry, you do not be angry."

"Just like you, you want to extinguish others' prestige, shameless and shameless, clearing the scene to arrange for hundreds of brothers to protect, are you afraid of death and become a man like this?" Jason almost shouted.

Everyone outside wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Arthur hurriedly pleased to say good things. Jason didn’t eat this set, and he cursed a few words before giving up. If he didn’t call in time to stop such a boring game, the second ancestor would have broken his thing.

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his anger drop. Then he looked at the other person in the meeting room. This was the most exquisite Oriental man he had seen except the Mo family. He had a slender figure, a graceful and graceful appearance, and facial features. There is indescribable refinement. There was a little tiredness between the brows, but it did not harm his perfect facial features at all, nor did he hurt the sharpness in his eyes.

Who is he?

Arthur only felt a little familiar. Ye Sanshao glanced at him and asked, "Did the casino surveillance come outside?"

"Here it is, here it is." Arthur hurriedly took out a disk from his arms and gave it to Ye Sanshao. The man didn't look tall or fierce, but his temperament was cold.

Ye Sanshao turned on the computer and read the disk. Jason sat over and looked at the picture. Ye Wei was wearing sunglasses and didn't say a word from beginning to end, but stood quietly beside Mo Ju, no difference .

I don't see anything special.

The two looked at each other and Ye Sanshao turned off the computer. He asked Arthur, "What do you gamble after three days?"

"I haven't decided yet, that... didn't you say you will see you at the table three days later? I thought you would know what to gamble." Arthur said tremblingly.

He didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Jason. He even spoke cautiously even in such doubts, fearing that he would offend him.

Jason snorted heavily, "It's all your kid's bad things, otherwise you can drag him for at least four or five days, mix the ball!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I mixed the ball, I mixed the ball..." Arthur didn't dare to disagree, he could only agree, and even more disgusted Jason, Ye Sanshao pondered. See you at the table three days later.

What to gamble?

He had just arrived in Bogotá and came to meet Jason in a hurry. He happened to meet his subordinate and reported to Arthur to see Mojue. Ye Wei also accompanied him. One way.

"Three young men, it's not a problem to find the best gambling player in the world in three days."

Ye Chen thought for a moment, and at this time, there was a knock on the door, and a man appeared and said, "Three young people, you'd better go through the monitoring room to see."

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