A bang, a loud noise, the dark door of the study was opened by Eleven, and Claire and others were even panicked. They did not expect that Eleven would move so fast, but it was a thunderbolt. , They just ran from the ground to the ground, and fell down a lot of organs, they thought that the capable person fought for a few minutes to escape from here, did not expect...

They had just come up and had just taken a breath. Someone wanted to ask Claire what happened to Eleven and heard this loud noise.

The unanimous response from everyone is that the legs are soft.

Really soft legs.

Because it is terrible!

This unbelievable attitude, as well as the shocking loud noise, made them forget the reaction for a moment, even the escape, and nearly twenty people were shocked and crowded like a statue in the study.

A big hole was broken in the wall, and the women's embarrassed figure was vaguely reflected in their swollen eyelids, and the raised sand and dust was their trembling figure, soaked in cold water.

Can't feel anything.

The dust faded and she walked in for eleven. Her long hair had not been groomed for many days, it was messy, it looked dirty, there was sweat and oil, and with a little blood clotting, her hair was sour and smelly. The smell, coupled with the dust that had just risen, her hair seemed to be covered with a light layer of dust on her face, which looked even more embarrassed.

The clothes were broken in several places. These days, only when she was in a coma, Claire would send someone to give her a nutrient solution to keep her alive. The clothes on her body were too bloody, and he also broke several places. She put on a big white coat, and now the clothes are also stained with a lot of blood, dirty, and in a state of embarrassment, but showing a pair of small feet like a lotus like a jade, she came on the broken glass, and her feet broke in several places But he didn't show it, and his whole body looked like there were no scars on these unique little feet.

Random hair, white clothes, bloodthirsty eyes, beautiful feet... This scene is extremely weird.

The murderous in her eyes was so irrational that Claire closed her eyes...

The end of these people is here.

The thought had just flashed in my heart, and the figure of Eleven came over like a ghost, grabbing a man with one hand, throwing it back with his back, his head pointed at the wall, and the other hand grabbed the throat of another man. screw.



With a scream and a mumble, the man's head hit the wall, his brain was splashing, there was plasma and brain on the wall, and the body landed on the ground. After screaming, it was silent.

The other person was severed to the ground with his throat broken by Eleven.

Her **** eyes, covered with bloodthirsty slaughter, is a **** **** of war at the moment, and she kills when she sees her. Her movements are as fast as lightning, and she has completely changed.

Eleven's lips, with a cold smile, one screamed to open the door to escape, the needle in Eleven's hand shot like a sudden, shot through the throat from his back neck...

Another person died.

Claire was shocked.

"I said, don't forget to escape, otherwise... one will not stay!" The eleven tone is low and hoarse. This kind of hoarse is not a common cold like hoarse, but a tired hoarse after the vicissitudes of life, but With endless murderousness.

One does not stay!

These words, which she bite particularly heavily, fell into their hearts word by word, like a huge boulder.

Claire is wondering if she has lost her mind? To what extent her body has mutated, he does not know, because there is no very clear data for him to analyze.

This woman is now a combat machine. Everyone can see that her physique is a little special. She has been soaked in venom since she was a child. Her physique is different from that of ordinary people. This has changed a bit. Now after their trial these days, the virus was added again, and her body was transformed again.

The people of the first terrorist organization should have seen her special physique long ago, so she would not continue to feed her with venom, but let her quit, because they are very clear. If they continue, no one knows. What happens to her body, I do not know what the consequences will be.

They cherished her, so they terminated.

Let her quit the drug and only keep the physique of not being invaded, so at least she is still a normal person, but what about them?

They have no pity for her, they just want to use her to refine their antidote, and at the same time make themselves satisfied and proud, they do not have a deep understanding of her physique, and lack of experience, so she eventually mutated.

In just ten minutes, Claire saw that the strength of eleven and the stiffness of the body could no longer be described by humans, and the speed could not be described by humans.

These are external changes, but internal?

Does she still retain human reason? Or is it just an active human killer tool?

"Eleven, let them go. The person in charge here is me. You want to vent your anger and just kill me." Claire said before him, Shen Sheng said, he tried to delay the time, he tried someone to escape from here, notice The Mo family hurried away.

He regretted that he should not call Mo Ye.

"Huh, who will return me a normal body?" Eleven bloodthirsty eyes, with absolute coldness, "I will not stay!"

Her voice just fell and her body came up like a ghost...

None of these experts have the ability to protect themselves, and no one has a gun, only...

Facing death.

Eleven without mutation, it is easy to kill them without any effort, let alone today's eleven. When the boss arrives, all the experts have died.

All deaths were terrifying, because things happened too fast, Claire and others did not ring the alarm bell when they ran up, the villa has been safe, no incidents have occurred for several years, and the bodyguards outside have not had time to rush to save people .

When the boss came up, they knew that something was wrong.

When the boss arrived, he was pinching Claire's throat with his eleventh hand and was about to break his throat. He glanced at the boss, and he broke the only survivor with his eleventh hand. The bloodthirsty eyes passed a cruel.

Mo Ye's face was extremely bad. Claire spoke hurriedly on the phone, and had no time to make it clear. He didn't know what was happening, and she didn't know why she escaped and started killing.

"Mo Ye, it's your turn."


Stay tuned for the next chapter

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