Mo Ye finally could only watch Eleven leave his line of sight, wondering if the blood was rushing too fast, or the injury was too heavy, Mo Ye couldn't support it, and he had fallen into a semi-coma while watching Eleven's yacht.

He grabbed Mo Ju's hand and used the greatest effort at this time, "Catch, send someone to chase, she can't escape."

"I know." Mo Ju responded, Mo Ye seemed relieved, and passed out. The last thought in his mind was that when he woke up, the woman was still on the island.

Mo Ju called Dingke and others to take Mo Bo and Meng Lianying to the hospital. Fortunately, the large hospital on the island was not far away. Claire saw that both of them were seriously injured.

Mo Ye received a few shots, not serious, but his internal injuries were more terrifying. Meng Lianying was shot in the abdomen. Her situation was more dangerous. Claire rescued Meng Lianying first.

Dink asked Mo Ju, "Second son, do you want to chase?"

He didn’t want to chase. In order to save the boss’s life, he shot at Eleven. He had regretted that there were so many boats on the island that were faster than that yacht. Eleven was seriously injured and wanted to catch up. She is easy.

Although the sea is vast and there is nothing to track the target, but here are hundreds of miles of the site of the Brothers of Mo, even if the injunction 11 is issued from the two islands next door.

When Ding asked this, Ye Wei was leaning against the door, looking at Mo Jiu coldly.

Mo Ju tightened his eyebrows and slowly said: "Don't chase after him, let him go, you send someone to the mountain to treat the brethren next."

"Brothers on the mountain, I have sent people to come next, and they are all picking up bullets in the hospital. The second son, the eleventh thing, I don't want to chase it anymore, but the boss of Mexico..."

"When I woke up, I told him that I couldn't blame you."

"Good!" Ding Ke was relieved, not because he was afraid of Mo boss's blame, but under such circumstances, who dared to risk his life, Mo Ye was so humiliated for the first time today, seeing the need for antidote Configured, eleven escaped.

Moreover, no one can guess Mo Ye’s thoughts, so it’s better for Mo Jiu to resist, at least Mo Ye will not treat Mo Jiu.

Ye Wei snorted coolly, Dink remembered the woman's fierceness, his heart paused, Ye Wei raised his eyebrows, "Dink, don't you need a bone?"

When she mentioned this, Dink felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and things happened too much. He almost forgot that he is now an arm wasted, hurriedly greeted Mo Ju, did not dare to look at Ye Wei, and went Seek a doctor.

Ye Wei raised her lips and looked at his back in a hurry. She turned around, Mo Ju was sitting on the side with a sullen face, twisting the word Chuan between her eyebrows, he was worried about Mo Ye's injury.

For the rest, he was temporarily unintentional.

Ye Wei leaned against the wall, Mo Ju didn’t speak, she didn’t speak, she thought a lot about how to ask him, this situation evolved into this situation, she vaguely knew that Mo Ye was closed for 11 and tortured 11, but how about it, She is still not very clear.

She wanted to ask Mo Ju, but he looked tired, and she muttered again.

a long time……

Ye Wei cleared his throat, "...Your brother will be fine, do you want to go back and have something to eat?"

As soon as the words came out, Ye Wei wanted to bite off the tip of her tongue, yuck, yuck, yell, he wanted to ask him a lot, how to get out of words, he couldn't die for days and nights.

Mo Ju suddenly looked up at Ye Wei, and his eyes seemed to see a dinosaur, which was very surprised and stunned. Ye Wei was a little angry and angry. She insisted on being the most ordinary greeting. What does it mean to look at her like that?

Ye Wei was annoyed, but didn't show it, just looked at Mo Ju with calm eyes.

"No, I'm not hungry." For a while, Mo Ju said nothing, looked at the operating room lights, and hung his head again, waiting quietly.

Ye Wei would take the initiative to care about him, really... unexpectedly, he rarely saw such traits as... virtuous and considerate in this woman, of course, this is not to blame her, only to blame Ye Wei for being too sturdy . I was a little deep in the mood, and I heard Ye Wei's words relaxed. The annoying smell of the hospital is not so pungent.

Ye Mei didn’t expect her ordinary greeting to make Mo Jiu feel depressed. She learned to be smart this time and stopped talking. The first two people in the operating room weren’t the people she cared about. She didn’t care, but Mo Ju was here. She reluctantly tried to accompany him.

She hasn't seen Mo Ju like this...Lonesome look.

Although she doesn't like Mo Ye, she still hopes that his legs will not be scrapped. For this reason, Mo Ju will be sad.

Standing with a sour leg, Ye Wei simply didn't hold back, and sat next to Mo Ju, Mo Ju looked at her, frowned, "You go back first."

"You control me." Ye Wei snorted and insisted on sitting aside. Mo Ju knew that he could not move her, so he simply didn't say anything, and suddenly remembered something, "Why did you go up the mountain?"

Ye Wei thought about the wording long ago, "When I came back, I saw the boss of Mo and his party rushing up the mountain. You also followed along. I was afraid of any danger and I had to follow up. Who knows I will see that scene."

Mo Ju was not completely convinced of her words, but could not find any loopholes.

It was Ye Wei’s turn to ask him, “What’s going on with Eleven? Why did it become like that?”

Mo Ju did not conceal her, and after telling the story again, Ye Wei's face changed greatly, and she stood up angrily, pointing angrily at the door of the operating room, and the decibels were high. ?"

How many shots did he shoot? As long as I knew it, I let Eleven open a few holes in him, and shut him down for a try for ten days. It was too much, Ye Wei was flushed with anger.

Lost all conscience?

Weiwei, because the woman is eleven, you will be filled with righteous indignation. If you are a passer-by, I am afraid that your brows will not wrinkle. Goodness and righteousness vary from person to person.

Besides, none of the four of them are good men and women, and no one is qualified to blame anyone.

Ye Wei was going crazy, her internal organs seemed to be burning, and she couldn't imagine what kind of guilt she had suffered, but she knew from her embarrassed appearance that she must be in pain.

Ye Wei felt like she was squeezing a boulder into her heart, so that she was breathless.

"At the beginning of this matter, did you also participate?"

"I learned later."

"You didn't stop it!"

"Wei Wei..." Mo Ju shouted heavily, "If one day, you have no medicine, she can be used as a medicine, maybe, I will do the same thing as brother."

Ye Wei was suddenly speechless.

Everyone sees things from a different angle. From different angles, they will have different ideas. She really blames Mo Ju.

Ye Wei sat down with a sigh of relief, "She and I must be very close, isn't it? Mo Ju, don't you lie to me, can you?"

"..." Mo Ju didn't respond to her, Ye Wei was angered. In this case, she couldn't attack, she could only press it down, she could only tell herself that she would come to Japan to grow up...she understood Mo Ju's thoughts a little, but she didn't. understanding.

"Forget it, I don't ask, Mo Ju, I just ask you not to lie to me too miserably, I don't believe my memory can't be recovered in my life." Ye Wei leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes heavily.

Suddenly felt that the waist was being pulled hard by someone, and Ye Wei subconsciously wanted to swing away. The next second, the man was already held in the arms by the man, Mo Ju was sitting on the chair, holding Ye Wei on the lap, pressing her head , Clutching her lips and kissing fiercely.

Ye Wei didn't respond, and he could only let him kiss. The man swept his tongue dexterously across the gums, sucking the tip of her tongue, seeming to be resentful, and biting gently, Ye Wei raised his hand and beat him.

Mo Ju still didn't let go, just kissed, and his breath was deep and deep.

This posture is really not good-looking. He is sitting on the hospital bench, she is sitting on his lap, the whole person is like a vine around him, and it looks like a very unharmonious picture.

The two beautiful nurses saw the handsome men and women from afar, shook their heads, passed their blushing faces, and dared not stay. Ye Wei glanced at the girl's shameful face. She thought she was no better.

He finally waited for Mo Ju to meet his feet before he slowly let go of Ye Wei. His burning lips still rubbed Ye Wei's red lips, and said in a dumb voice: "Wei Wei, don't leave me, otherwise..."

The low voice was so indistinct that I couldn't hear it, I heard a dead word vaguely, but it wasn't very real. Ye Wei's expression was uncertain. Mo Ju's feelings were too intense. Ye Wei prefers a long stream of water.

Like smoke, the harder it burns, the faster it will turn to ashes.

After the fire, the room was cold and she didn't like it.

She is a person who does not like stability, like an unruly wind, she is not sure herself, how long she can stay with a person, so Ye Wei she did not answer.

As in previous times, she did not answer, Mo Ju did not force her, just put her in her arms, caring carefully, nostalgic for her breath.

Ye Wei asked Mo Ju, "Mo Ju, did Mo Ye know you before Eleven?"

"Don't mention their affairs, it has nothing to do with us." Mo Ju's voice was a little heavy. He didn't like Ye Wei to hang Eleven every day. Whether he was her husband or Eleven was her husband.


Mo Ju’s childish psychology, Ye Wei couldn’t guess, she just asked for the truth, and asked a few times, Mo Ju was a little bored, shook her head, and said yes, if Eleven and his brother knew, they wouldn’t have spent so much in the beginning. Close to them.

Ye Wei pursed her lips and stopped asking.

A few hours later, the lights in the operating room went out, the nurse pushed Meng Lianying and Mo Ye out, Claire and several doctors followed, Claire was talking to several doctors, and he looked serious. Both young and old nodded their heads, respecting him.

Mo Ju came forward, the anesthesia had not passed, and Mo Ye was not awake. A doctor said that he would be able to wake up tomorrow. There is no danger to his life, and his legs can be saved, so he should not worry.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Mo Ye, who was pale, lying on the hospital bed. He was a little unused. In memory, his brother had never had such a side. He was always so tall and invincible.

Ye Wei didn't care, and didn't even see Mo Ye and Meng Lianying. Sit aside and wait for Mo Ju to visit and return to the villa together.

Several doctors surrounding Dr. Claire went three times, Meng Lianying was pushed into the intensive care unit, Mo Ye was arranged to the VIP ward, Mo Ju asked him about the specific situation.

Claire said, "The eldest son is fine. Miss Lian Ling almost got hit with a shot in the abdomen. She lost too much blood, and the endotoxin attack in her body caused several complications. The situation is a bit dangerous. Take it to the intensive care unit to see if she can survive tonight, and the problem will be less serious."

Mo Jue nodded and Claire sighed. He didn't know what to say to Mo Ju for a while. He hadn't used a knife on these two brothers for many years. He thought he didn't need it all his life.

This time it was so serious that Mo Jue did not avoid Ye Wei, and asked about the situation of Eleven, Claire told the truth and said: "She is not a person in the sense now, the virus in her body is too unstable, She can be so devastating today, who knows how these viruses will affect her, maybe the virus will mutate in a bad direction, completely destroy her body, even her appearance must be forced to change, these , I never expected it."

"Will it be so serious?"

Claire smiled, "It's much more serious than this. I'm talking about the most basic situation. The second son, viruses and genes have been studied. As far as I know, there is a biological and chemical weapons research center in the United States that has been using human genes and Viruses come to graduate students, and it is said that there are still some results. Most people don't know which direction the virus mutates. I have heard from my friends that they almost mutate in bad places. They have also studied the God of War, but they have no idea. No emotion, just a robot that obeyed orders, so..." He looked at Ye Wei, "You must be mentally prepared."

Ye Wei's heart was cool, he didn't say anything, and Mo Ju's expression was dignified. He said in a deep voice: "Claire, these things don't need to be too clear to my brother, do you understand what I mean?"

Claire thought about it and nodded.

Ye Wei sneered, "You are a filial brother."

Mo Ju didn't refute her. Claire glanced at them and found a reason to leave. The Mo brothers all had a relationship with the people of the first terrorist organization.

He sighed again, this time, to see the creation of eleven.

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