100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One

Vol 4 Chapter 533: True and False 1

Mo Ju ordered Dingke to hide in every dead corner of the meeting place to ensure the safety of the meeting place. If anything happened, he could safely retreat. Dingke sent a team of people to monitor at a high point in the distance to prevent them from acting unexpectedly and mobilizing the government. army.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Mo Ju took Ye Wei to an appointment and came to this secret private hall, which was opened by a sister's sister. Every time Mo Ye met with officials, most of them were chosen here.

On the fourth floor of the hall is the conference hall. When Mo Ju and Ye Wei arrived, thirteen Italian officials were already there. Everyone was seated in their seats. There were two bodyguards standing behind each other. Full of alertness.

Mo Jue snorted in his heart, that being fully armed is the basis of distrust. These officials and Louis have a very close relationship, and the interests of both parties are clearly divided. They account for most of them. Naturally, they like Godfathers like Louis. When Louis stepped down and Mo Ye took the position, the situation was obviously reversed. They were afraid of Mo Ye.

However, he had to rely on his strength, and at the same time he was afraid of pushing him too tight. He did not do anything, he did them, and there were already tragedies ahead. Every time they met, they were frightened, and they would bring protection.

In addition to the bodyguards brought by a man, a group of mercenaries with good hands were scattered around the hall to protect their safety. Compared to Mo Ju's light clothes, he only took a woman with him, which was really ironic.

At least on the surface of Mo Ju, he did not do so alertly, showing his distrust.

He wore a false pupil and suddenly became Mo Ye’s Mo Ye. The only difference between the two brothers was the pair of eyes. The eyes were the same. Many people could not tell who was Mo Ye and who was Mo Ju, unless it was Ye Wei. , People like Dink who know them well.

"Mr. Mo, please sit down!" said one of the officials. Before coming, Dink had given him all the information of the officials. These dozen people all came from a political party. It was the only political party supported by the Mafia and the backbone of the political party. .

Mo Ju sat down and Ye Wei stood beside him. The officer opposite him was a man of more than 50 people. He was born very tall and looked very majestic. He glanced at Ye Wei and asked, "Why don't you see Mr. Ding, Mr. Mo changed hands this time, and girls rarely attended such occasions."

The implication is that I don't trust women much, and I even look down on the meaning of women.

Ye Wei smiled at him with a variety of amorous smiles, his ink eyes were dull, and everyone felt his displeasure. The whole space seemed to be filled with a strange and dangerous atmosphere.

The man was stunned and thought Mo Ju would be angry. Who would have expected him to say coldly, "Mr. Beth seems to miss my deputy very much."

Mr. Beth understood what he meant and asked no more.

"Everyone is anxious to see me, what's the matter?" Mo Ju asked coldly.

Mr. Beth is the representative of these officials. He is responsible for contacting Mo Ye, but in fact, there are people above him, but his status is not allowed to come out, only Beth can come forward.

He is the Deputy Minister of Defense of Italy.

Bess quickly told the recent battle between the Mafia and the First Terrorist Organization, and also analyzed the international environment facing the Italian government recently. The international influence caused by the Mafia has already seen anger. He said, "Mr. Mo, you promised us what you did, but you didn't do it. Instead, you endangered the interests of our country. You must explain this matter."

"The dispute between the Mafia and the First Terrorist Organization is not a matter of one day or two. What explanations do you have to listen to now, can't you laugh?" Mo Ju sneered. How did they forget to explain when they benefited from the turmoil.

Humph! Fall into the rock.

"Dispute, is this a simple dispute? The Mafia headquarters has caused others to blow up, can you speak so lightly?" A parliamentarian was angry, dissatisfied with Mo Ju's arrogant attitude, and flushed with rage.

"That's right, you are a mafia godfather who can't even hold the headquarters and laughs."

Ye Wei wanted to laugh...

Mo Ju shot on the table with one hand, "Shut up!"

In the meeting room, there was a sudden silence. The majestic and angry voice of the man sounded terrifying, and Mo Jiu's eyes were like a knife. "I said, are you wrong? The Mafia headquarters was blown up, it was Louis. Caused by the times, how do you count on me?"

Mr. Beth smiled a little, and said softly, "Mr. Mo, although it happened when Louis was the godfather, but at that time, Louis was already your puppet. You dare say that you have no responsibility. If you have the ability, the Mafia Will not be destroyed by anyone."

He spoke very lightly but sharply.

Ye Wei sighed, worthy of being a figure in the political arena, Mo Qiu's beauty is not a rival of others, not a level, it is Mo Ye, and maybe a taunt or two.

Mo Ju was very annoyed. If he hadn't agreed to Ye Wei's petty shit, he would make a conspiracy. He pulled out his gun and killed them all.

"Mr. Mo, I don't think you should make any more excuses." One of the committee members said with a cold smile, "The Louis era and the first terrorist organization are in friction, but both sides check and balance each other, even if the first terrorist organization accounts for There are also taboos in the upper hand, not daring to be too rampant, nor damaging the interests of the Mafia and our country, and you..."

"Huh, since you took the position, the Mafia has been in chaos, the headquarters has been destroyed, all sites have been robbed, and it has to be reduced to drug trafficking and smuggling of cultural relics. Don’t think we don’t think we don’t think about the last time that the famous paintings stolen from Britain were sold at high prices. know."

Mo Ju's face is getting colder and colder. Is this the person Mo Ye usually deals with? It is much more difficult than him, to endure, not to be angry, he is unhappy, just kill the person, but Mo Ye can't.

He would listen quietly to what they said.

"Mr. Mo, we heard that this time the increased friction between the First Terrorist Organization and the Mafia was due to the relationship between women. For your own selfish desires, regardless of the overall situation, I wonder if the rumor is true?" A middle-aged official asked with a sneer. .

Mo Ju's eyes were dark, and he smiled coldly, "Rumor? I don't know where you heard the rumor?"

This matter is extremely secret, and it is impossible for them to know that Chuli Jason would never do such a thing. Who told them.

"How we hear the rumors is not important, the important thing is whether there is such a thing. Mr. Mo, the Mafia influence is very far-reaching. If you ruin the foundation for a woman, I don’t think you are qualified as the mafia godfather. "Mr. Bass said, with a cold look at Ye Wei behind him, a cold smile.

Mo Ju was angry this time, and Ye Wei put his hand on his shoulder in time, and Mo Ju's anger slowly extinguished again.

Damn old man!

Ye Wei's eyes flicked through the cold, she likes to watch Mo Ju eat deflated, that can only be her trouble for him, others, hum, eat the ambitious leopard dare to bully her, right?

She remembered!

At least let you lie down for a month.

Mo Ju convulsed his anger, his lips twitched softly, revealing cold sarcasm, "Since everybody needs an explanation, and each has counted my evidence, then, what explanation do you want?"

"Mr. Mo, what is your attitude?"

"Mr. Mo, obviously you did not do what you promised us, do you dare to ask us?"

"Mr. Mo, please immediately quell the dispute between the Mafia and the First Terrorist Organization and restore the calm of the past, otherwise don't blame us for turning our heads on people."



Officials here, you say me, your eyes are like electricity, your words are like knives, all swept towards Mo Ju, aggressive, eloquent, very noisy, Ye Wei stood behind Mo Ju and felt Mo Mo His breath is getting colder and colder, he hasn't attacked, but he has formed a violent atmosphere.

Mo Ju smiled coldly, "Listening to what you mean, is it for me to quell the war between the Mafia and the first terrorist organization?"

Beth thought he was soft, and said in a deep voice: "Not only that, but you also have to compensate us for the loss, Mr. Mo, I think, is this not excessive?"

Ye Wei thinks that the Power Party has been pulling votes recently. It seems that there are differences within the House of Representatives. Both parties must fight for the position of dean and need a lot of money to vote.

In fact, human nature is selfish, which is most evident in politics.

Let's say that the Power Party and the Left Party have voted. In fact, not many people really got their party. If they want to win votes, they have to rely on money. With money, they don't betray.

This materialistic world only recognizes power and money.

When a political party becomes stronger, the benefits to him are far less than that of getting together at once.

So the election is coming, they are in urgent need of funds. It turned out that she had originally expected it, and it was for money. It seems that it is right to let Dink monitor not far away today.

They are afraid to use force.

Mo Ju's eyes narrowed, and he seemed to smile, "How much do you want for compensation?"

Mr. Beth and the others looked at each other. He said in a deep voice, "5 billion dollars."

Ye Wei sneered in her heart, $5 billion. By the way, you are so **** ruthless, and you can really make a lion's mouth open, and she is not afraid to blink her tongue.

Who would have expected Mo Ju to sneer, "Well, it's not just $5 billion, I promise you!"

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